Ye Shenyue looked at Nishiojin without speaking.

"Let me see your injury! I don't believe you are still normal now."

After saying that, he pulled Ye Shenyue, grabbed him and took off his clothes.

"Nishiojin! You have to be measured in what you do!"

Ye Shenyue pushed Nishiojin away, "No matter what, I'm also your sister's boyfriend, can you stop doing things to others so casually. I'm gay!"

"Gay guy! Who's gay!"

Nishio Nishiki immediately froze.

Well, even Nishio Nishiki is a boy of normal sexual orientation, even though he is a gnawing species.

"Okay, you won't let me see, I'll call my sister. I'll tell you Ye Shenyue, if you are bitten by a ghoul and not treated with special methods, 0.5% will be ghoulized at [-]%, and you will be there. Don't regret it!"

After saying that, Nishio Jin, who was bombarded by the word gay just now, rushed out the door, noting that Ye Shenyue was helpless.

Ghoulization?What is ghoulization?Could it be that if a human is bitten by a ghoul, if they don't die, they might mutate into a ghoul?What's the difference between riding a horse and being bitten by a vampire and turning into a vampire!Are ghouls such a low-level creature?It's a subhuman after all...

"Yue, let me see your injury."

Xiweiwu walked in quietly, his face pale, with some weakness and worry.


Ye Shenyue couldn't stand the woman's sad eyes, so she could only take off her clothes obediently, "I don't have ghoul, I'm very lucky, is ghoul really [-]%? Anyway, you don't have to worry."

He gave Nishiomiu a hug, which meant that he was fine now.

Chapter 0011 Foraging

Ye Shenyue saw Nishio Nishiki accidentally, since that day Nishio Nishiki wanted to see his wound like crazy.He was short of some daily necessities at home, so he refused to go shopping alone at night with Nishiobu's company.Although Nishiogi was very worried, he still agreed with Yagami Yue's idea.

After simply shopping for daily necessities, abnormally, instead of taking the big road, he took the small road without street lights. Ye Shenyue seemed to be very worried on the surface, so she didn't notice that she was going the wrong way.

The soles of her feet felt like she had stepped on paste, and the sticky feeling made Ye Shenyue feel sick. When she stopped to clean her shoes with a paper, there seemed to be a terrible sound behind her.It's like a jackal that hasn't eaten for several days, with stinky saliva, and when it encounters delicious food, it tries to rush over to bite it.The surrounding atmosphere suggested that Ye Shenyue was being watched. As for whether it was a beast or another creature, he seemed to have already made up his mind.

Did you accidentally walk into the alley?No, he did it on purpose.As if it was specially designed to give rations to the ghouls that only appeared at night, Yashinyue squatted down and did nothing, just silently wiped the "paste" "paste" sticking to the shoes, which gave off a stench. , yes, blood.

"It's so fragrant. It's been a long time since I smelled such a fragrant human flesh."

The ghoul behind him slowly approached the food in front of him, "My little darling, don't move, just keep your original movements. Don't worry, my technique is very good, you won't hurt. It's like being bitten by a mosquito. I feel like you're going to sleep."

Like a doctor describing the condition of the prey before it dies, so it sounds like Yagami Yue died painfully?

But why did he have to die? He didn't come out to die.He just wanted to experience a different feeling from Li Shi. Is it true that as Nishio Jin said, each ghoul's Heko is different, and each ghoul's ability is also disparate... I feel the gasping behind him getting louder and louder. Getting closer, Ye Shenyue fastened her shoelaces, "Yo Xi, it's okay, Ye Shenyue, it's time for you to go."

Like a wild horse, Yagami's escape speed is really faster than that of a ghoul.

"Damn, is this a human? Why can he run so fast if he's not a human? No, he can't be a human, I can smell the scent on him. Hehe, this person is really interesting, I really get more and more I'm liking this food more and more."

The ghoul's teeth are too sharp to close, and the saliva overflows from the corner of the mouth. This is a sign of hunger. "I haven't encountered such a challenging food for a long time. It really arouses my desire to fight."

Running and running, Ye Shenyue unexpectedly saw Nishiojin.He just stood there stunned.

What the hell is that!Why is the ghoulized Nishio Nishiki so terrifying!His face was full of fierce fangs, like a beast, and the human-like glasses were still hanging on his face, which really "colored" his face a lot.

"Ye Shenyue! What are you doing here!"

Nishio Nishiki put down a male corpse and slowly walked towards Ye Shenyue. "I don't know if this area is very dangerous at night, do you still want to die?"


Ye Shenyue always said that she was here to die, "I think I was too focused on things and went the wrong way."

He could only explain it like this, although this lie was really too low-level.


Nishio Jin turned away from Yashenyue, skipped him, and directly fought with the ghouls who had been following Yashenyue.

"Xiweijin, we always don't make water from the well. I have already booked that person. Don't rob me."

"Heh, what does it mean to be reserved by you? All the prey that appear in my area belong to my Xiweijin. This is already stipulated, have you forgotten?"

Nishio Jin looked at the ghoul's eyes without fear.

"The prey in my area accidentally ran into your area, even if it's yours? We don't have this in our rules."

The ghoul blew his nose, "Or you can ask the prey to see if he is going to be eaten by me or by you."

Ye Shenyue stood calmly on one side and did not speak, she just watched the two ghouls quietly. The conversation between them seemed to be doing business, and I would not back down when you come and go.

The two ghouls who were at a stalemate chose the simplest and most violent way--fight, and whoever wins Yagami Yue is whoever wins.Ye Shenyue just laughed, it's not obvious that she is an idiot, it's totally fine to take this opportunity to escape by herself, but Ye Shenyue wants to see how the ghouls are fighting each other.

Hezi, who was stretched out from his back, broke through the boundaries of his clothes. Hezi's mastery of skills made Nishio Nishiki and another ghoul fly somewhere long ago.Yagami chases them like a child, obsessed with watching a free luxury 3D movie.

When the battle reached the white-hot stage, Ye Shenyue was really enjoying watching it, and she felt like she had to check a bucket of popcorn and a glass of Coke.

"Xiweijin, I've eaten a lot of human flesh recently, and my strength has increased so much, I'm almost no match for you."

The ghoul on the opposite side lingered a little.

"If you can't beat it, get out, be careful I'll kill you if I miss!"

Nishiojin's eyes were full of killing intent, and He's eyes seemed to be bleeding.

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