"Humph! I'll give it to you!"

The ghoul leaves angrily.

Flying in front of Ye Shenyue, his fangs continued to maintain his fangs, and he pressed Ye Shenyue step by step. It was only because the smell on his body was too special. It was true that every ghoul smelled it and couldn't stop.

"I finally know why Li Shi wants to eat you so much..."

Nishio Nishiki pressed Ye Shenyue against the wall, holding his neck tightly with one hand, gasping for breath, the mouth that had eaten the corpse was still oozing blood, "Do you know that humans will send out ghouls to the ghouls? The special 'food' taste is different for everyone, either fragrant or fishy. Just like you humans eat food, the more delicious things you smell, the more you want, Ye Shenyue, you are in this crowd. Playing the role of 'delicious'. If I didn't know you today, I would definitely swallow you without hesitation! Humph!"

Letting go of Ye Shenyue, she continued to go to the dark place and bit the unfinished human flesh, "It's all your fault, my food is not fresh anymore."


How should Ye Shenyue describe the scene in front of her, there were corpses and tissues scattered everywhere.What a brutal and bloody memory it was, it was disgusting to watch.

Chapter 0012 Nima can still meet CCG!

"Who is there!"

It was Guntaro Amon's voice. As the senior investigator of the CCG organization, Amon was in charge of eliminating ghouls in this area.

"I'm leaving first! Come back by yourself!"

Nishio Nishiki left Yagami and fled alone.

Why did she run away when she heard the sound, could it be... Ye Shenyue looked back calmly, and a man in CCG's iconic costume appeared! CCG, that organization that specializes in fighting ghouls, how lucky you are today, you can even be met by yourself.Then these people must be the national civil servants of CCG!

"Put down the weapon, stand still! Otherwise I will execute the direct strangulation order!"

Yamen's voice was too loud, causing Yagami Yue to raise her hands to indicate that she was a human being.

The strong light made him unable to open his eyes at all, so he could only close his eyes and wait for the investigator to come to him.Ye Shenyue knelt on the ground without saying a word, and Amen gradually realized that the "object" in front of him was a person rather than a ghoul, but a ghoul can transform, and looking like a person doesn't mean that he is a person.

"Damn, let the ghouls escape again! Turn off the bright light! There is a person ahead!"

Yamen was a little annoyed, because he wasn't sure whether Yagami was a human or not, so he could only say that first.Although Yamen is a high-level investigator, he has never been able to catch the ghouls. Whether his abilities have declined or the ghouls have become stronger is the question he has been thinking about.

"That... can I go?"

It was just the instinctive rejection of strangers, and Ye Shenyue wanted to turn around and leave.

"Wait, sir, can you cooperate with us to make a simple record."

Yamen wanted to take Yagami to the search bureau for confirmation.

"But I still have to go home to cook, and besides, I'm really not a ghoul."

There was a hint of disguised fear in Ye Shenyue's eyes, he didn't want to be taken back to some CCG search building to be interrogated.

"Don't worry, I trust you, just go back and make a simple record, it won't delay Mr.

Yamen tried his best to be friendly, but if he was sure that the other party was really a ghoul, he would not hesitate to take out his quinque and fuck the other party.

Feeling helpless, Ye Shenyue went to the corner and picked up her shopping bag and got into the CCG car.His original plan was just to watch a fight between ghouls, but he accidentally got himself involved in CCG's investigation. Is good.

CCG searched the building, all kinds of search officers, with serious expressions like walking dead.Ye Shenyue was taken to the small black room for questioning. Is this a simple record?Are you kidding me on a horse?If you want to say that my brother is a ghoul, just say it directly, what are you doing with so many turns!


"Night Moon."


Damn Ye Shenyue doesn't even know how old he is, he forgot to look at his ID card when he fell into this world!No, you have an ID card when you ride a horse!What a damn problem!Some nervous emotions were intertwined in her mind, and Ye Shenyue seemed to hesitate for a long time...


It was a number he casually said.


"Cafe manager."


"No. XX, XX Street, XX District."

"Okay, go back and verify that the information he said is completely true."

"Okay, sir."

What the hell, this kind of broken question still needs to be verified, what if I say it wrong?Did it become a ghoul?It's too easy to become a ghoul, I feel like I can become a ghoul in minutes.

"Sir, the information is true."

It turns out that his ability to fool around is still very strong, and the answers to his nonsense can be fooled. It would be too wasteful to say that he would not buy a lottery ticket tomorrow.

"Well, thank you Mr. Yagami for your cooperation. Then let's go to the last item."

Yagami was taken to a place similar to an X-ray room in a hospital for a final verification.What is this place, Rc cell content testing center, what the hell is this...

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Yagami. This is also one of the aspects of your cooperation with us. I hope you can forgive me. Because the ghouls that are now wandering in human society are too difficult to identify, so we invented this device. Just to finally verify if you are a ghoul."

Amen spoke earnestly.

"It's ok."

Although there are [-] unwilling people in his heart, he still has to cooperate. Who told him that he is just an ordinary person now, not the previous Ye Shenyue with great powers.

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