
It felt like taking an X-ray. Ye Shenyue was pushed onto the instrument and pulled down again after a minute.


The person in charge of the Rc cell content testing center nodded to Yamen, what kind of eyes Ye Shenyue was hiding under the super thick spectacles really couldn't see through.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Wild, please come and check us."

"It doesn't matter, at least I can confirm that I am a normal human rather than a ghoul."

Ye Shenyue straightened her clothes, "Can I go? I really want to go back and cook."

"Ah, it's already so late, let me send someone to take you back."

Yamen winked at his subordinates, and soon, Ye Shenyue was brought home.

"Ah—what the hell."

He threw things down and lay on the sofa, "Today is really thrilling, mist, you can't imagine what I saw and experienced today."

Xi Weiwu came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, still wiping her head, when she saw Ye Shenyue lying on the sofa like a corpse with her eyes closed, "I've already made the meal, you can go back to sleep when you're full."

"Well...I don't want to eat anymore, I'm so tired."

Ye Shenyue turned over and said, "I'm really lucky. I was taken away by CCG and checked, and the questions I asked made me almost drunk. I was also taken to some Rc cell content testing center for testing. The cells in my body, if it's so simple to prove that I'm not a ghoul, wouldn't it just take everyone in the world to take a picture? It's just stupid."

Ye Shenyue took a deep breath, "If it were that simple, then there would be no ghouls in the world. Of course, I am not a ghoul."

Looking at Ye Shenyue's saucy appearance, it seems that he already understands ghouls pretty well, but what does he, an ordinary person, need to know about ghouls?Is it just because he is a ghoul?Xi Weiwu couldn't figure out the purpose of Yashenyue, she felt that she didn't understand him more and more, and his growth rate was so amazing that she was afraid.

"Yue, are you really just an ordinary person?"

Chapter 0013 Encounter Li Shi again

Ye Shenyue fell into a deep sleep, Xiweiwu sat beside him blankly and looked at his sleeping face, full of thoughts.

The next day, Ye Shenyue took a good bath. Instead of going to the store, she was going to the cafe in the safe area.Now that you've even met CCG, it's natural to go to see the manager of Fangcun again, right?I wonder if he is a very amiable person as Nishio Nishiki said?

The Safe Zone Cafe is located in the 20th district, which is still some distance from my home. It takes 40 minutes to get there by bus along the way.The legendary safe area cafe, I really want to try it.

He thought he had already planned the arrangements for this day. First, he would visit the Fangcun store manager, and then take the opportunity to ask questions about the ghouls. If possible, he might be able to become friends with the Fangcun store manager.Only when he walked in and ordered a cup of coffee and sat in the corner of the cafe, he regretted it.The goddess is here too.

She looks a little thin, not as beautiful as she looked before, but she looks very simple and has the feeling of a little sister next door.Such a goddess Rishi makes it impossible to associate her with "gluttony".Ah, women, they are good at disguising.

Have you forgotten to disguise yourself, why do you feel like someone is watching you when you sit there?Ye Shenyue's eyes were always on the menu, and she just scanned the surroundings with her peripheral vision.Damn, God Dali Shi found him, and she was discovered by her.Maybe it wasn't because of his clothing, but the ghouls' sensitive noses also automatically searched for prey.Moreover, Li Shi emphasized to himself more than once how special the taste on his body was. "Damn, I really want to change my skin!"

"Ah, Mr. Yegami, it's a coincidence that you are here too."

Shendai Rishi seemed to have forgotten what he had done to Ye Shenyue before, and greeted Ye Shenyue like he was nothing.

Ye Shenyue's goosebumps are really going to fall out, but this goddess Li Shi has already bit her, has she forgotten?impossible.Or maybe she pretended to forget what happened just to do it on herself again.Well, definitely so.Wasn't the previous injury serious?It has recovered so quickly, why is the ghoul's self-healing ability so strong!

"Ah, yes, Miss Li Shi."

Ye Shenyue smiled lightly.

"Can I sit here? I also want to talk to you about Takatsuki Izumi."

Kamidai Rishi is looking for time to capture Yagami again.The cooked duck that came to her mouth before flew away, this time, she will definitely not let go.


Ye Shenyue picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee. As a person who has lived several lifetimes, he drinks coffee with elegance comparable to that of an aristocrat.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Yagami himself runs a coffee shop, right? Why did he suddenly run into this coffee shop? Could it be that he wants to steal some business skills? If that's the case, That's understandable, the business of this cafe has always been very good, even better than the one run by Mr. Yagami."

Li Shi said brightly.

Listening to this tone, Li Shi seems to come to this cafe often.There are indeed a lot of people in this cafe, basically every seat is full, even the open-air chairs are full of people.It's just that among so many people, what is the ratio of ghouls to humans?

"Miss Lee Shih seems to have been coming here for coffee, doesn't she?"

Ye Shenyue took Shendai Rishi's words and prepared to talk according to her intention.

"Well, the people here are very kind, and the things in the store are really good. All the old customers are here. Of course, the old customers are still bringing new customers over, so the number of people here will only increase. will decrease."

Li Shi took a sip of coffee and said slowly.

"Really? It would be great to attract so many customers just because of the kindness of people and the quality of things. How can I learn this abstraction? No wonder my coffee shop doesn't have this one. Cafes are getting stronger."

Ye Shenyue showed some regret on the surface.

"Mr. Yagami is actually doing a very good job. Mr. Yagami is still so young, and his business experience is naturally not as strong as that of the manager of this cafe. It has been several years since I knew this cafe."

Goddelius smiled.

Ye Shenyue looked at Shendai Li Shi subtly, thinking about when this woman would reveal her true purpose. His brain was running so fast that it was unpredictable.

"Hey, is this guest new here?"

A clerk suddenly came up.

Ye Shenyue raised her head and glanced at him, "Well, I was also introduced by a friend."

He said so.

"Then can I take the liberty to ask, which friend is it? If it is a regular customer in the store, we will have a record."

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