So even to get food, she uses her appearance to get it. After all, literary girls are very popular, and many people will invite you to walk at night.

As for kisses.

Before she noticed it, Ye Shenyue succeeded.

When she woke up, she realized that she had been kissed.

The initiative of kissing is completely controlled by Ye Shenyue, and she can only follow his rhythm.Is it really okay to just be so blatant in a cafe?Ye Shenyue is so open?

"Yue...month...can we...can we stop for a while...I'm about to... suffocate..."

Goddess Rishi's face almost turned pale.

"Li Shi, this is the most basic stage between lovers, you have to get used to my love style..."

Chapter 0015 I finally saw the downfall of the gods

The customers in the coffee shop gave the two of them "eyes", obviously they did not expect to see such an intense kissing scene in the coffee shop.The man completely pressed the woman under him, what the hell?There are so many more kissing positions?Just as everyone was watching the two of them perform like a movie, the woman spoke up, ah, she meant to express that the man was so powerful that she was about to suffocate.

Kamidai Rishi didn't know if he was blushing because of suffocation or because he was too shy.

"Yue, can we do this? Won't we be ridiculed by others?"

The goddess was worried.

"What are you afraid of, we are just doing things between normal couples, what can they say? Or, don't you like me treating you like this?"

Ye Shenyue let go of Shendai Li Shi, "Since I don't like it, I won't do it in the future."

What does this condescending attitude mean, he Ye Shenyue actually dared to yell at him?Li Shi took a deep breath, not wanting to say anything for the time being.

It seems to have had some effect.Ye Shenyue was already a little excited.

The crowd watching the lively was dispersed, because the two of them had stopped.Eat when you should eat, drink tea when you should drink tea, as if nothing happened.

"Continue to eat, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Ye Shenyue naturally cut a piece of steak and put it to Li Shi's mouth, "Medium rare, you like it."

He definitely did it on purpose, Li Shi only said that he did not strongly reject human food, but did not say that he did not reject it at all.

At this time, the crowd began to stare at the two of them again. The bloody steak that was put on their lips, should Li Shi eat or not eat it?

If she doesn't eat it, she seems to be very contrived. If she eats it, she feels nauseated and nauseous.What the hell is Ye Shenyue doing? She was so gentle and caring a second ago and turned into such a black belly and tormenting people in a blink of an eye?After a few seconds of thinking, she still chose to swallow it.It's like chewing a piece of beef tendon that can never be chewed, smelly and disgusting.The nausea surging from the abdomen instantly surged as the steak fell down the esophagus. It had been a long time since I had experienced such a nausea.

"Ye Shenyue, I was really deceived by you!"

Shendai Li Shi can't wait to grab Ye Shenyue's neck, but unfortunately now her body is in a state of trouble, she has no strength!

"Ah, no, what I said is true, Li Shi, didn't you say that you no longer reject human food?"

Ye Shenyue also pretended to be pitiful.


Li Shi was exhausted and stopped talking.

Ye Shenyue looked out the window, watching people coming and going on the street, she always felt that something was missing.Looking back at the bar, the people here are very friendly, and the clerk seems to be able to tease casually.This point, Ye Shenyue is very disgusted.He never allows his employees to be molested. If he finds that a customer dares to molest his employees, then that customer will definitely be kicked out by him.She didn't want to pay attention to Li Shi, so she stopped by the way. Li Shi sat alone in the chair like a grudge, she had never suffered such humiliation.

"Ye Shenyue, I'll ask you one last time, the previous confession was all a lie!"

Goddess Li Shi really couldn't take it anymore.Since she discovered that Ye Shenyue had deceived herself, the gentleness and kindness she used to disguise no longer exists!All that's left now is the ghoul's instinctive reaction - rage!

"So what?"

Holding his head in his hands, "I lied to you, I lied to you. What can you do here? Do you still want to eat me in front of so many people? This is a safe zone, not under your rule. Area! Miss Koujiro."

The last four words lengthened the tone, indicating that Ye Shenyue was not afraid of Li Shi at all.

"You, you are really exciting, Mr. Yegami, I was almost deceived by you."

Goddelius is still making a final justification for his stupidity.

"No, it's not almost, it's just that. Miss Li Shi's memory is really bad. Even if Li Shi wants to downplay the thing that bit me before, I won't forget it, but I will never forget it. Miss Shi is a lifelong bond for me. I can't forget it, and I can't escape. Maybe, this is also our fate, right, Miss Li Shi? What can you do to me now? ?"

His eloquence is so good that he can't resist, and if he goes on like this, it will only consume her physical strength in vain.Today, it seems that there is no way to solve Ye Shenyue. He is not the person in charge of the safe area, and he has nothing to do with the person in charge of the safe area. Blindly launching a fight will only put him in a difficult situation.

"I still underestimate you."

Her biggest mistake was that she shouldn't choose to do her own private work in someone else's area.If it was in her own area, she wouldn't be so embarrassed. "How do you know what I dare not do to you, maybe you can try?"

"Don't forget, this is a safe zone. Goddess Rishi, you have such a day too."

The corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth rose, and he could feel the frustration in Li Shi's heart just by looking at his expression.Why this taste is so beautiful and wonderful is simply unforgettable.

"Hmph, you're lucky."

Li Shi still smiled, "567 I look forward to our next meeting, Yeshenyuejun."

She left indifferently, without taking away a piece of life.

Nishio Jin said that there are very powerful people in the safe area, and no ghoul can provoke any fighting in his area, let alone prey.The reason why the safe area is called the safe area is probably for this reason - there is no dispute in the safe area.How can we achieve control to the point where there is no conflict?It should not be so simple to think that the powerful person behind it.Probably already powerful enough to resemble a god?It's ridiculous, how could there be a god among the ghouls...

The exciting and thrilling day has finally passed, and it is not easy for him, Ye Shenyue, to dare to face off against the gods and to win, so it is better to go back and show off with the fog.

When I got home, "Ye Shenyue! You actually went on a date with a girl behind my back! See if I don't take care of you!"

Where has the gentle fog on weekdays gone?bento?I rely on?

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