"Listen to my explanation! I didn't! You must have misunderstood! Fog! Ah!"

The frying pan had already hit the back of Ye Shenyue's head, and a small fountain opened in the back of his head.

"Ah, you're back, how is the date?"

Nishio Jin looked at Ye Shenyue's miserable state with a paralyzed face.

Obviously, he was betrayed by Nishio Nishiki.

Chapter 0016 Only by obtaining the power of the ghouls can we defeat Li Shi!

Nishio Nishiki took a can of coffee from Yashinyuki's refrigerator with a paralyzed face. Apart from human flesh, coffee is the best food substitute for ghouls.

Ye Shenyue snatched the coffee from Nishiweijin's hand and slammed it on the coffee table with a fierce look on her face, as if saying, "Who gave you the right to drink my coffee!"

Nishio Nishiki was not annoyed, and took the remote control on the coffee table and turned on the TV.

Ye Shenyue sat next to Nishio Jin in anger, and patted him on the shoulder very calmly, "Go to the cafe in the safe area for work today? Why don't you say hello to me since you're at work? It's not polite."

Nishio Jin glanced at Ye Shenyue, "Well, I'm sorry to disturb you and Shendai Lishi's love affair."

These words touched Ye Shenyue's sore spot. He took a deep breath and prepared to explain it clearly to Wu and Jin Yuanyuan.

"Yes, I went on a date with her today? But I didn't go on a date with the purpose of going on a date. As you all know, I was bitten by Shendai Lishi before, and I managed to escape from her clutches. , of course she won't be reconciled. And it's not intentional to meet Li Shi, it's also an accident. I didn't know why she appeared in the cafe in the safe area at first, I was just going to investigate something. When she arrived at the goddess, and she seems to have forgotten what she did to me, why don't I take the opportunity to take revenge on her? The so-called dating is just a means of revenge on her."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "Don't think of me as a superficial person."

Nishio Jin was stunned, Ye Shenyue has become more and more thoughtful recently.

Ye Shenyue glanced out the window, took the towel handed over by Xiweiwu, wiped the back of her head, and went into the room without coming out again.Sitting in front of the desk, I recalled the words of Shendai Lishi in the daytime, "I look forward to our next meeting, Ye Shenyuejun."

Next time, Shendai Li Shi won't be so stupid.Next time, what means will she use to get revenge on herself?My current strength is too weak, and trying to solve a god called "gluttonous eater" is no doubt hitting the stone with an egg, what should I do...

In the living room, the Nishio siblings were also thinking about something.

"Sister, don't you think Ye Shenyue has changed so much? Was I wrong to define him at the beginning, he was originally such a mature and thoughtful person, or..."

Nishio Nishiki looked at Nishio Mist.

Nishio Mist didn't speak, just kept kneading her clothes. The folds on the corners of the clothes became more and more, which represented more and more things that Nishio Mist thought about.

"Forget it, I'll go talk to him."

Nishiojin comforted Nishiobu and then knocked on the door of Yashenyue.

"Ye Shenyue, I want to talk to you, can I come in?"

"Please come in."

He closed the diary in a hurry. Since he was bitten by the goddess Rishi, he developed the habit of keeping a diary and recorded everything that happened every day so as not to forget important places.

"If you can't fight for the benefit of the world, I advise you to give up."

Is this a straight-forward expression?As soon as Nishiojin's straightforward words were released, Ye Shenyue was not touched at all.Want to fight with Li Shi is their own business has nothing to do with others.

Seeing that Ye Shenyue didn't respond at all, Nishiojin got angry and rushed to Ye Shenyue's desk in an instant, "Didn't you hear? I told you to give up!"

Ye Shenyue's blue eyes stared straight at Xiweijin, her eyes full of disdain.This subtle sense of oppression poured straight into Nishio Nishiki's brain, and he couldn't help but take three steps back.

"so what?"

Ye Shenyue supported her head with one hand and looked at the computer lazily.

"You can't even fight against me. Do you still want to fight Li Shi? Even with ten you, you can't win Li Shi."

Nishio Nishiki said it very bluntly again.

But what he said was right. With his current self, what else could he do except open a coffee shop?Run away from ghouls?That's not his style.He has always confronted people face-to-face, but now he has fallen to this point...

"So I thought, I want to gain the power of ghouls, I don't want to run away from encountering ghouls, I don't want more innocent humans to die at the hands of brutal ghouls..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes seemed to be shining brightly, and his expression didn't look like he was joking at all.

"Hahaha, Ye Shenyue, have you forgotten that you are a human? Isn't it bad to be a human? You have to join the circle of ghouls. The struggle between ghouls is much more cruel than the struggle between humans, you Are you sure you want our power? I think you're crazy."

Nishio Nishiki looked at nothing in disbelief.But why, inexplicably, he always felt that Ye Shenyue was not joking.

"I'm very annoyed why I didn't get swollen after being bitten by Li Shi. I think I should be very happy if I did."

Ye Shenyue smiled bitterly.

"You must be crazy!"

Nishio Nishiki slammed the door hard, and Ye Shenyue continued to stare at the computer.

Nishio Mist was taken aback by the sound of Nishiojin's making, and Nishiojin was approaching with a hint of sullenness and fear on his face. Did Ye Shenyue say something to him?Why does my brother have such an expression?

"Ye Shenyue is crazy! He is absolutely crazy!"

Nishio Jin grabbed Nishio Miri's arm, "You man is crazy! Guess what he said to me? He actually said that he wanted to defeat Li Shi, he wanted to gain the power of the ghouls and then go to defeat Li Shi! Isn't it crazy? I was saying before that I underestimated him too much, and now I can be sure that I simply overestimated him!"

"is it?"

Xiweiwu was thoughtful.

"He actually said that it's a pity that he was bitten by the gods and didn't turn into a ghoul, I'm relying on him to be crazy! What a lucky thing to not be ghouled, he still regrets it! Sister, you picked this man One hundred percent has a problem in his heart, or it's just a psychopath at all! I advise you to break up with him."

"He's not crazy, he just wants to use the power of the ghouls to destroy some of the ghouls. Since there are more of us in the human world, the balance of human beings has been broken. Humans are eaten by our ghouls like food, There is no room for resistance at all. Although human beings have also created CCG organizations later, they are of no use. Their existence is simply a decoration in our eyes. Humans have not tried to rebel against us once or twice, but it has not happened so far. It's just one person. Maybe, Yue will become that person. If there is such a day, I don't know if he will kill me..."

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