"There won't be such a day! I'll kill him now!"

After listening to Nishio Mist's words, Nishio Jin prepared to go to Yagami.

"Did I make a good joke? My brother..."

Nishio Mist told Nishio Nishiki a bad joke...

It's just, is it really just a joke?

Chapter 0017 The man in the safe area cafe

Although he is temporarily weak, so what, God will always pity those who are prepared, and Ye Shenyue is also quietly waiting for the opportunity.In order to restore herself to her previous state, Ye Shenyue had to temporarily put down her work and often went to the cafe in the safe area to check the situation.Fortunately, Wu has been staying by his side to support him silently, otherwise he might temporarily terminate his plan under pressure.

He came to the cafe in the safe area again and gradually became a frequent visitor here.After all, it seems that I have been here for many days, but I have never officially visited the manager of Fangcun and some other characters.Well, is such a powerful person as the store manager Fangcun willing to meet him?What are you?Ye Shenyue was a little discouraged.It is said that half of the shop is human and half of the ghouls. It seems to be the case.Otherwise, how could he see both Li Shi and Jinmu at the same time.

"Hey, Mr. Yegami, I didn't expect to meet you here."

After seeing Ye Shenyue, Jin Muyan took the initiative to say hello to him, and walked over with a friend.

"Ying, this is the cafe manager I often mention to you--Mr. Yagami. He is very nice, and I hope you can become friends with him too."

The boy standing beside Jinmu looked more outgoing than Jinmu, and his short yellow hair was particularly eye-catching.

"My name is Yongjin Yingliang, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yegami, please give me more advice."

She extended a friendly hand to Yagami.

"Well, it's nice to meet you."

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand, and her instinctual intuition ran through her body like an electric current. This person should make a difference in the future.

In terms of appearance alone, Jinmu is much simpler than Yongjin. Jinmu is not as good at beautifying his clothes as Yongjin.In Yagami's memory, Kaneki always wears shirts and cardigans.In short, it is a very casual dress, and it will be submerged in a crowd in an instant, and it is not eye-catching at all.But not forever, just his yellow hair is already very eye-catching, and he seems to especially like the headphones hanging around his neck?Bright red bright red.

"By the way, Mr. Yagami, take the liberty to ask, shouldn't you stay in your own shop? Why did you come here?"

Kimi asked.

Should Ye Shenyue say that she has brought it to this cafe for a few days...

"I... er... I came to see a friend of mine who works in this coffee shop."

Had no choice but to move Nishiojin out.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yegami, if I remember correctly, you are also the manager of a cafe. Why do your friends come to work here?"

Yongjin Yingliang said casually.

Although Yongjin Yingliang said it unintentionally, it still made Yagami Yue feel uncomfortable.

Perhaps seeing the embarrassment on Ye Shenyue's face, Jin Muyan came out and took the initiative to relieve the siege, "Probably because my home is closer to this cafe. Mr. Ye Shen, my friend is so direct, don't worry about it."

Ye Shenyue was surprised that she was actually rescued by a child's words.

"Hi, Nishio-senpai!"

Yongjin Yingliang saw Nishio Jin couldn't help but ran over to say hello, "Nishio-senpai, you are actually working here."

"Stinky boy, what's so great about working here, don't talk nonsense, you know?"

After he finished speaking, he hit Yong Jin on the head.

"Yes! Senior is the best! He knows how to work and study! Of course I won't tell others! By the way, Senior Nishio, I will introduce a friend to you."

Yongjin brought Nishio Nishiki to Kaneki, "This is the friend I introduced to you, Kaneki Ken. We grew up together."

Nishio Jin glanced at Ye Shenyue, who was sitting across from them, glanced at him with interest, and then looked at Jinmu and said, ah, "I know."

"Well? How do you know? Jinmu usually doesn't come out for activities."

"Ah, who doesn't know you with such good grades in school. Well, stinky boys, have a good coffee, the senior will go to work first."


Kaneki and Yongjin spoke in unison.

Ye Shenyue unconsciously began to look at the people around him. He really wanted to get to know the people here, but unfortunately no one recommended him.

"Hey, Miss Dong Xiang, here!"

Yongjin waved to a girl with short hair.

He has short, clean, dark blue hair, and the bangs on the right cover the entire right eye.The eyes are big and very expressive.He is about [-] meters tall, wearing a cafe uniform and a pair of short boots, he walks very sluggishly. In short, he looks like a student, probably some kind of work-study program.

"Mr. Forever your coffee."

Kirishima Toka put down the coffee and was ready to leave.

"Miss Dong Xiang, do you have a boyfriend!"

This Yongjin Yingliang still has no friends. He can actually ask about this Nima in a big audience, and he is so loud.A normal girl will run away shyly, okay? Do you still expect others to answer you?

As expected, Kirishima Dongxiang ran away quickly with the dining plate covering her face.


Ye Shenyue was almost drunk, and almost spit out a sip of water, "Yong Jin, you are really... really amazing..."

He could only come up with the three words "amazing" as an evaluation.

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