It's just the cold eyes of the girl named Kirishima Dongxiang that he just saw with the expression of shy away?

That is definitely not the expression that a shy girl would have, as if... as if she was being forced to perform a disgusting scene, she refused.

It's just that the eyes floated too fast, making people feel that it seemed to be an illusion.

"Hey, Ying, can you be more restrained in the future, so Miss Dong Xiang will give us something."

Kimi sighed.

"Well, I'll pay attention later."

Yongjin paused, "In other words, the manager's craftsmanship in this cafe has not changed. It has always been so good. Every time the coffee brewed will have a special taste that I can't feel in other coffee shops."

Ye Shenyue stared at the coffee in Yongjin Yingliang's hand. The coffee was still steaming, and wisps of smoke continued to leak out of the cup. During the process of rising, it circled and circled upwards, and then shattered.Staring at him lost his mind, as if intoxicated by that wonderful feeling.

"Hi, little guests. Today's offer is that everything with a 'month' in the name can enjoy a free glass of English latte, I'll leave it here, please take your time."

That voice was so magnetic, and when Ye Shenyue suddenly came back to her senses, the man had disappeared.Coffee at Table Mountain means someone has been there.

"The manager's coffee."

Yongjin said to Ye Shenyue.

"Where is the store manager?"

"Usually at the bar, making coffee for customers."

Ye Shenyue rushed to the bar as if she had lost her mind. She was a kind and amiable old man who always faced Ye Shenyue with a calm smile.

"Hello guest, do you need anything?"

Chapter 0018 Disappeared memories are always scary

It seems that he is the manager of Fangcun, the ghoul who opened a cafe with the purpose of helping the weak ghouls, and his strength should not be underestimated.There are ghouls and humans mixed in this cafe, and for a while, I really can't tell who is ghoul and who is human.Fangcun Gongshan has won the welcome of all the ghouls in the safe area with his unique and kind personality, which has given him a great deal of autonomy in this area, and any ghoul will give him three points.

Fangcun looked at the young man in front of him and did not speak, so he had to continue to look at him kindly.The human in front of him exudes a unique fragrance, which is very unfavorable to him.Because there are many ghouls in the cafe he runs, it is usually difficult to control the bloodthirsty nature. The more this young man stays here, the more danger he will have.And he... looks weird...

"Young man, you..."

Fangcun store manager hesitated.

Ye Shenyue seemed to know what he was going to say, so she took his message, "I know you are a ghoul, and this store serves ghouls. I am a human, and I am a human who can attract the attention of ghouls. "

Fangcun was stunned by the words of the young man in front of him, he silently turned around to take the order to make coffee, and turned his back to Yeshenyue, thinking that this young man was a bad visitor?

Ye Shenyue felt that her words were too direct, so she could only leave silently, and temporarily couldn't ask the shop manager Fangcun about ghouls.Most of the "people" in this cafe eat silently without speaking, and even when they speak, they are extremely low-pitched whispers.The people at each table looked wary, as if they were ready to die if they spoke loudly.

"Hey, Jinmu, I'm going home first, and I have to play a teamfight tonight. Bye."

Ying just left Jinmu and walked away.Kaneki didn't say anything, just quietly read the book of Takatsuki Izumi. It seems that Kaneki is really a die-hard fan of Takatsuki Izumi.

"Hey, Kaneki. Have you ever seen Takatsuki Izumi himself? Seeing that you are so obsessed with his books, wouldn't you be curious about the author's appearance?"

Ye Shenyue asked curiously.

"Well... of course I will be curious, but I think that guessing the author's appearance is blasphemy to the author's work, so I don't continue to be curious."

Kaneki was a little shy.

Ah, so drunk.In the world of looking at the face, does it mean that if the author's face is not good-looking, he will not even want to read his book?So what Jinmu said really makes sense, and guessing the author's appearance is a blasphemy to the author's work.It's getting dark, but it's still very early. It's probably raining. I don't have an umbrella with me, so I have to go back before it rains.

"Then Jinmu, I'll go first. It's going to rain. I didn't bring an umbrella. I have to go back before it rains."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly walked out after saying goodbye to Jin Mu.

"Ah—it hurts."

With a sudden groan, Ye Shenyue bumped into someone.

"Ah, sorry, are you alright?"

Ye Shenyue took a closer look and found a child kneeling in her arms.

"Ah, Shishi, how is it, are you okay, Shishi?"

Diguchi Ryoko felt distressed when she saw her daughter being knocked down.He threw aside the umbrella he was holding, and hurried over to check if his daughter had an accident.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into your daughter, I'm so sorry."

Ye Shenyue felt extremely guilty in her heart, "Otherwise, I'll take her to the hospital!"

For some reason, when Ye Shenyue saw this child start, he felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and he really wanted to take good care of her, take care of her, and protect her...

"My little girl, are you alright?"

Ryoko Diguchi took over his daughter from Ye Shenyue's arms.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Dikouchu patted his clothes, "Don't worry, Mom, I'm fine."

When Ye Shenyue saw the little girl's mother, he was not good again. The feeling of wanting to protect her daughter, love her daughter, and take care of her daughter actually transferred to her...their mother and daughter had feelings for Ye Shenyue. It seems to have an inexplicable attraction. Have I seen this mother and daughter before, otherwise why would I think this mother and daughter are so familiar?

"I'm so sorry, may I ask... have I seen you before..."

Ye Shenyue knew that she was a bit presumptuous, but he was such a character, and if he had any questions, he would ask them immediately.


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