Fuguchi Ryoko walked into the back room of the cafe with Hina in her arms. It seems that the two of them should live here.

"Hey, do you really need to go to the hospital?"

Yagami asked loudly as she pushed open the revolving door of the cafe.

"It's ok."

Fueguchi Ryoko politely turned around and replied to him.

Her every move involves Ye Shenyue's heart, this feeling of being familiar but not knowing is really bad!He can guarantee that he must have seen this mother and daughter before, but he has no memory at all!God, it's okay if you let me have a hatchet!It's okay to fall into this world!But please don't deprive me of my memory!

The rain outside the house was a little heavy, and it seemed like it was raining in Ryoko Fueguchi's heart.The man just now... looks just like him.Hey, Ryoko, don't deceive yourself, that person has disappeared and is no longer there, and you are still thinking about what he did.The person just looked like him just now, can you stop intertwining a stranger with him?

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Are you thinking about your father again?"

Hinami ran over and hugged Ryoko, patted her on the back, "Mom, you must be wondering why that person looks like Dad? In fact, even Hinami was misunderstood at first glance. But Hinami can confirm that That man is not Dad, because he doesn't have the unique taste of Dad."

"Well, my little chick, my mother knows. Of course my mom won't mistake my dad, but I just pity our little chick, and I haven't even seen my dad's face."

Ryoko Dikou felt a little guilty for holding Hina. When Hina was born, the man had disappeared, disappeared inexplicably. Before he left, he clearly told her that he would come back, but after this, there was no more. audio. "Does Hina hate Dad? Hate him for abandoning us?"

"I don't hate it, if there was no father, where would Chushi come from? Didn't my mother say it? My father would fight against the enemy to protect us. Chushi believes that his father will come back one day, so he doesn't need to look at his father. pictures to remember Dad."

Hinami wisely nestled in Ryoko's arms.

"It's really reassuring that Hina is such a sensible mother. Mom and Hina firmly believe that Dad will come back, and Dad will definitely come back."

The rainbow after the rain seems to reflect something, but some people don't see it.

Chapter 0019 is blood, let them meet again inadvertently

It was another cloudy and rainy day. I left the coffee shop and went to the convenience store to buy some short-lived items.The people in the back kitchen are really too careless, and even the most important sugar cubes are thrown away as garbage.

Although it is commendable to clean up the kitchen waste every day, at least you have to see what it is before you throw it away, right?Throwing away hundreds of boxes of sugar cubes at once is really amazing.The box of sugar cubes is not small, and the volume occupied by hundreds of boxes of sugar cubes should not be underestimated. Even this will be thrown away as garbage, so Ye Shenyue really can’t guarantee that there are other important things in the store also thrown away. dropped...

It didn't rain when I left the store to the convenience store, so Yagami brought an umbrella just in case.I don't know if the convenience store has sugar cubes. If not, he has to go to a supermarket far away to buy it.Hey, it sucks to think about it.Fortunately, the convenience store had it, and Ye Shenyue bought all the sugar cubes back.It rained as soon as he walked out of the convenience store with a large box of things, and he had to fold back to open the umbrella.

"Mom, what should we do if we forgot to bring an umbrella?"

The voice was inexplicably familiar.Remove the box, it is the mother and daughter that I saw yesterday.

"Ah, you didn't bring an umbrella, did you? Then I'll lend you this one. Anyway, I can't hold an umbrella with something."

Ye Shenyue's expression was a little embarrassed, because she was always blocked by the box.


Ryoko Dikou hesitated, she didn't know whether to accept his umbrella, that person was the one who knocked down her daughter yesterday, someone who looked a lot like his husband...

Ye Shenyue saw their hesitation, put the box on the ground temporarily, and put the umbrella directly in Ryoko's hand, "Take it, it's alright, my coffee shop is very close to the convenience store, I ran back quickly, So you just accept it, in case the child gets caught in the rain, it will be bad for the child to catch a cold."

Ye Shenyue smiled, quickly picked up the box and rushed into the rain, and soon disappeared from the sight of Ryoko and Hinami.

"Mom, this uncle is so strange. If Dad was here, he would be so gentle, right?"

Hina raised her head and looked at her mother, wondering why her mother was crying.

Ryoko Diguchi recalled the same scene when she met him for the first time. She went out of the convenience store and found that it was raining but she didn't have an umbrella. At that time, he also carried a box and covered his entire upper body, crooked. My head said to myself, I can just run back, my house is very close anyway.Seeing that he refused to take his umbrella, he put the umbrella directly in his hand and ran away quickly.Why did this kind of scene happen again after he disappeared, "You... will you come back? Or, you have come back?"

"Mom, let's go."

Dikou Hina pulled her dazed mother.

Diguchi Ryoko wiped her tears, took Hashi's hand and strolled in the rain, she said, "Did you know Hashi? That's how my father and mother met back then. My mother was so stupid at that time. Dad is so stupid..."

Ye Shenyue's whole body is not wet!It's all thanks to the person who threw the sugar cube! "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

He was sneezing constantly, so he had to take a hot bath quickly.

In fact, it was not the first time that Ye Shenyue came to this world, but due to the switching of time and space, he lost many memories.For example, the relationship between him and Ryoko Diguchi.Whether it was bland or heroic, he forgot all about it anyway.

At that time, Yagami was a ghoul, and it was an SSS-class ghoul. SSS-level ghouls were the highest among the ghouls. At that time, besides him, there was another SSS-level ghoul, Fangcun Gongshan.In the last war with CCG, he fought side by side with Fangcun Gongshan, and killed the top leader of the CCG organization at that time. Fangcun Gongshan was cut off with two arms, and Yagami was transferred to another time and space and became another Man... All the memories he forgot included this paragraph, and that paragraph of the relationship that came to fruition.

Before he left, he didn't know that Ryoko Diguchi already had his child. Now that I think about it, if he knew that Ryoko had his child at that time, he probably wouldn't have disappeared so freely... So in fact, Ryoko Dikou is his wife, and Hina Dikou is indeed his child.

"Yue, I put my clothes here, you can put on the clerk's clothes temporarily."

Nishiogiri neatly folded the clerk's uniform and placed it in the bathroom.

"Okay, thank you."

Ye Shenyue replied while washing her hair.

"Hey, strange, didn't you bring an umbrella when you went out?"

Xiweiwu shook his head and went out.

Because he had an inexplicable affection for that man, Yoshiko Fueguchi prepared to return the umbrella after returning home, and he didn't know where he lived.I heard that his coffee shop is very close to the convenience store. There is probably only one coffee shop nearby.Forget it, let's go out.

"Chu Shi, mom goes out to return the umbrella, you can stay at home alone."

"it is good."

Fifteen years have passed, and Hina is fourteen years old.Ryoko, you should be responsible for yourself and also for Hinami.To prove that man is not your lover, okay?Just because they look alike, they look alike.

Yoshiko Diguchi found the coffee shop, and Ye Shenyue was standing in front of the bar, looking at his clothes, he should be the clerk here.Ryoko Diguchi found Yeshenyue, handed the umbrella to him, and after saying thank you, looked at Yeshenyue absentmindedly.

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

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