Ye Shenyue couldn't help asking when she looked at her in a daze.

Ryoko shook his head, "It's okay."

"By the way, I'm really sorry for knocking down your daughter yesterday. Fortunately, I'm relieved that she's fine. After you guys go back, how is she doing? Does she have a cold?"

Ryoko still shook his head, "She's fine, thank you for caring so much about her."

Ye Shenyue smiled awkwardly, scratched her head and said, "Ah, probably because I think she looks cute."

Although this man looks very similar to him and his tone is very similar, Ryoko even has the illusion that he is back.But the smell emanating from him is telling her that he is not the same person as him, because the man standing in front of her is a human, and Ryoko's husband is a ghoul. Based on this alone, she should give up .

"Excuse me... may I ask your name?"

Ryoko said.

"Of course, my name is Ye Shenyue. How about you?"

"My name is Ryoko Dikou, and my daughter's name is Hina Dikou."

"Ah, they're all nice names. I hope you can come to my cafe next time, and I'll treat you and your daughter to a cake."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Yagami."

ps: everyone, happy new year's eve!

Chapter 0020 I was actually laughed at by a child?What a joke!

Fieguchi Ryoko is different from ordinary ghouls, and she is even a little abnormal compared to other ghouls.She doesn't like cannibalism, although her ability is strong enough to throw Nishio Nishiki away a few blocks, but because she doesn't use the power of ghouls, she has always been a weak figure in the ghoul world.Before she met her husband, she had been eating corpses for a living. At that time, her husband was attracted by her appearance - a ghoul, but kinder than humans.After Ryoko Diguchi married her husband, she didn't even have to look for the body herself, her husband brought food back every day.It's just that her husband disappeared later, and she still had a child, and life became sad again.Fortunately, Fangcun Gongshan, thinking of his old love, took the mother and daughter of Dikou to the cafe in the safe area to live, and the mother and daughter of Dikou only had a place to live.

"Ryoko, are you not feeling well? You seem haggard these days?"

The manager of Fangcun slowly walked into Dikou's room with the prepared hot milk.

"Hey, Mr. Fangmura, a few days ago, I saw a person who looked exactly like him."

Diguchi Ryoko was a little excited.


Fangcun Gongshan is sad, could it be him?Night God Moon?But that's right, I was really taken aback when I saw him for the first time. There are still two people who look so similar in this world. If it wasn't for the fact that Dikou's husband was no longer there, maybe I would Mistake Ye Shenyue.

"Well, it's probably the person I've seen, it's really similar, I'm almost mistaken."

Fangcun paused, probably because he knew why Dikou was unhappy. The husband he loved had disappeared for fifteen years, and suddenly seeing a man so similar to her husband was inevitable. "Ryoko, rectify your heart. You can't be disrupted by a stranger. You still have Hina to raise, and you have to be responsible for Hina."

A paragraph of Yoshimura's words gradually calmed down Ryoko Fueguchi, but how can this kind of feelings be said to be calm?

"The customer who looks very similar to your husband has been coming to the cafe recently. If you really want to remember your husband through him, you can come down and help serve the dishes."

Fangcun knew that it was difficult to break off this kind of emotion, so he could only slowly enlighten Ryoko Dikou.


Dikou Ryoko responded.

In the cafe in the safe area, there is a little girl in Ye Shenyue's seat.

"Mr. Yagami, do you know what this word means?"

Dikou Hina asked Ye Shenyue, pointing to the word "tsuki" in Takatsuki-quan.

"Oh? It's pronounced 'tsuki', and it's pronounced the same as 'tortoise' for tortoise."

Unconsciously, I have become familiar with Dikou Hina. What is this subtle feeling?I can't describe it in words, do you like children too much?

"Mr. Yagami, do you know what this sentence means? What does it mean 'he died in the dark red night, and the other side is his reflection...'" "Ah... Hinami, don't you think you are looking at Takatsuki now? Is Quan's book too early? Many meanings are incomprehensible at your age. Even if I explain everything to you clearly, you still can't understand it well. Only after you have experienced some of the sadness in this sentence It will slowly show up. Isn't a child your age supposed to like fairy tales or something?"

Ye Shenyue touched Dikou Hina's head and explained slowly.

Oh, in fact, he himself can't understand the book of Taka Tsuki-Izumi, he has not read it all by himself, and he has not even read it fast enough...

"Mr. Yagami, isn't it true that you can't understand it yourself? You shouldn't be making excuses for your ignorance, right?"

Hinami stared at Ye Shenyue with innocent big eyes.

Ah, this kind of inexplicable heat rushed straight from the vest to the forehead, meandering over the ears and cheeks, and the bloody inquiry of Xiao Hina really made Ye Shenyue die of embarrassment.

"Cough, cough, of course, it's because my brother thinks that Chu Shi is too young and doesn't understand the big truth of his brother, so he doesn't explain it to Chu Shi. It's not that he can't understand anything. My brother is so old, naturally He has experienced more than Hina!"

He blushed and said these words.

"Hahaha, big brother, why are you blushing? Could it be..."

Hina couldn't help but snicker.

"Nothing! The air conditioner is running too high!"

I really want to dig a hole and just go in there!

"Hina, what are you doing? Are you bullying Mr. Yagami?"

Ryoko Diguchi walked down, "Mr. Yagami, this is the coffee that Mr. Fangcun invited you to drink."

Dikou put down the coffee and sat beside Hina, "Hina, are you reading a book?"

"Of course Hina has it! If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Yagami, Hina has taken it seriously!"

Hina put a bookmark in the page and looked at Yagami with joy.

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