"Well, Hina takes it very seriously, and asks me if there is anything I can't do. I can't answer some questions myself, I'm really ashamed."

Ye Shenyue scratched her head, "Hina is really a good and serious child, she must be very good."

Ye Shenyue didn't know what she was talking about. This awkward atmosphere was like the first time a father who hasn't been home for a long time met his daughter and his wife. The feeling of guilt and embarrassment spread in his heart. .

Ah, although it does mean the above.But none of the three of them knew that Yashinyuki was actually Ryoko Fieguchi's disappearing husband, and Hashimi Fieguchi's disappearing father...

At the bar, Kirishima Dongxiang whispered back to Fangmura's task.

"Manager, that Yashenyue is the manager of a cafe in another district. His girlfriend is Nishiobu, and she is the sister of our cafe clerk, Nishiojin."

Kirishima Dong Xiang said in a low voice.

"So, Ye Shenyue must know that his girlfriend is a ghoul, and he already knows a lot about ghouls."

Fangmura asked back.

"Yes, it should be."

Kirishima Dong Xiang's eyes drifted to Yagami Yue and Fieguchi Ryoko, "This human being is very dangerous."

"Dangerous? Ah, it is indeed a cover up. He has an irresistible factor in his blood, and he is very brave to come to my cafe blatantly. And he knows that I am a ghoul, he should say, he knows our shop. All the clerks in the store are ghouls. It's just that it's not clear what his real purpose in coming to this cafe is, Dong Xiang, let's keep checking."

Fangcun's long and narrow eyes looked into the distance there.

"If you are just a simple human, then this picture is actually quite harmonious. Ye Shenyue."

Chapter 0021 Dikou Mother and Daughter Arrested

Yagami's abnormal behavior makes all the clerks in the coffee shop slack off. Although Yagami knows that business has deteriorated recently, she does not strengthen management. He thinks that he has more important things to do than managing the coffee shop, but Nishiogi endures it. Not anymore.Seeing him running around every day to study ghouls really feels a little helpless, even if Yagami is his boyfriend Nishiogiri, he has to calmly think about it - what exactly does he want to do, what is his purpose!

Nishiweiwu quietly walked into Ye Shenyue's office. The desk was full of information about ghouls. Some of the information on this page was online, and some was summed up by himself.Looking at these things, Xiweiwu felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart, and wished he had torn it all away!When she picked up the pile of documents and was about to tear it up, Ye Shenyue suddenly pushed the door and came in!

"What are you doing?"

Ye Shenyue took a cup of coffee with a relaxed expression, obviously not seeing Xiweiwu's movements.

"Nothing, just want to see what you're doing."

Nishiogiri carefully hid the data printed by Yagami behind her back.

"Oh? Is that so? Put down the information in your hand before going out."

He wasn't a fool, of course he could see the tension on Nishiweiwu's face. A nervous person's face would have small folds at the corners of his eyes, the muscles on his cheekbones would involuntarily tighten, and of course, the corners of his mouth would twitch involuntarily.This is not noticed by me, only those who are careful will see it.

Taking a deep breath, Xiweiwu had to put down the information, and before leaving, he said to Ye Shenyue, "Don't get too deep, don't let me worry about you."

Ye Shenyue is always defeated by Nishiweiwu's warm words. He has to admit that among so many women he has been with, Nishiweiwu is the most gentle and considerate, and he almost never asks what he is doing.Nishiogi is the kind of woman who will eventually rot in her stomach even if she has many problems. Gentleness is her usual style.Gradually, maintaining gentleness became a habit of Nishio mist.

"Well, have you been neglecting her recently? The business in the store has not been taken care of, so let's put aside ghoul research for a while and take care of the cafe."

After putting away the printed materials, Ye Shenyue walked out of the office.

"Ah, I don't know if you've heard, but CCG seems to have caught a female ghoul this morning. That female ghoul is really good enough to be caught with a child without doing anything."

Ye Shenyue heard the news as soon as she walked into the cafe.

A female ghoul...and a child...why did I instinctively think of the mother and son of the flute mouth!Ye Shenyue ran like a madman to the person who talked about the news before.

"When and where did you get caught! Why did you get caught!"

His abnormal situation attracted the attention of all the diners, and everyone looked at him in unison, and their eyes became inexplicably dull.

"Ah, I'm just curious. Naturally, the more ghouls are caught, the better, no matter the reason."

Ye Shenyue smiled awkwardly.

If it is them, then they...they are kind ghouls!Why should you be arrested!

"Ah, it is said that it was detected by some kind of equipment. It was found that it was a ghoul, so I was arrested. I am not very clear about the specific situation."

CCG's Rc cell detector!It actually detects ghouls!Are they really them?Are they really them?If it is true, then he has no power to rescue them!I originally planned to put the heavy research plan on hold for the time being, but how could I put it down like this!In the final analysis, it is because of lack of strength, Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue, how can you be such a waste!Couldn't you have found a way to restore your strength sooner!

He wanted to kill himself.

"Fu, help me look at the store, I'll be back soon after I go out!"

The place he is going is naturally a safe area, calm down and go there to see the situation first.When he hurriedly rushed to the cafe in the safe area to ask about the mother and daughter of the Fangcun store's flute mouth, Fangcun said that when they went out in the morning and hadn't returned, Ye Shenyue had a bad premonition.The female ghouls that the customers talked to in the morning should be the mother and daughter of the flute mouth.

"Mr. Fangcun! I suspect that the mother and daughter Dikou were taken away by the CCG! They are in very dangerous condition!"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but ask Fangcun Gongshan for help.

Fangcun Gongshan looked up and down again at Ye Shenyue in front of him. He was not afraid of ghouls at all, and he also regarded ghouls as friends. Is this what he meant?Fangcun Gongshan is getting more and more elusive about Ye Shenyue's mind.

Perhaps seeing the doubts in Fangcun's eyes, Ye Shenyue had to declare, "I don't hold any hostility towards ghouls. I believe that human beings are equal. The bad should be punished, and the good should be rescued. Mr. Fangcun, you Do you not trust me?"

Trust can't be talked about, but this... these words are also true... It's not that Yoshimura Kozen has never met such a person, and what he says is completely inconsistent with what he actually does.Even if you keep saying that ghouls are treated equally, I believe there are good and bad ghouls, but in the face of CCG pressure, they will definitely sell ghouls instead of protecting them.Therefore, Fangcun would not believe in Ye Shenyue so easily, and since he hadn't figured out his true identity, he could only wait and see.

"Since Mr. Fangcun didn't intend to rescue her mother and daughter, I'll go by myself. Although I didn't intend to help you, I just wanted to inform you. After all, the mother and daughter are yours. "

There was a hint of coldness in Ye Shenyue's words, although they might not believe her own words.But at least you get nervous when you hear the names of Dikou's mother and daughter?But it didn't.Maybe they didn't respond because they didn't trust themselves, or maybe they didn't care about the life and death of Dikou's mother and daughter.

"Dare to ask Mr. Ye 3.0 God, why do you care so much about Dikou's mother and daughter, after all..."

Fangcun didn't finish his words, but the meaning was there. You are a human and she is a ghoul, why do you care so much about her and have bad intentions.

"After all, I'm a human and she's a ghoul, and our species is different, so I don't need to care about her so much, right?"

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