Ye Shenyue simply said what was in her heart, "To be honest, as a person, I shouldn't get too close to the ghouls, but I can't help it. My girlfriend is a ghoul, it can be said that she will I took me into the world of ghouls. I learned a lot about ghouls one after another, and I also know that ghouls are actually good and bad, and not every ghoul is evil and brutal..."

Fangcun was curious about the emotional Ye Shenyue in front of him, and he really wanted to hear what he wanted to do...

Chapter 0022 Can't people be friends with ghouls?

Ye Shenyue glanced at Fangcun and continued: "For example, Li Shi I met before, she has a pure appearance and I was indeed attracted to her, and the final result was that I was bitten by her. But the flute mother I met. Women are not like this. They are very kind. I also know that they live here with Mr. Fangcun because they do not prey on humans. I know they are kinder than humans and treat me as friends. Why don’t I save them when they are in trouble? "

Ye Shenyue said it very honestly, she really said everything she said from the bottom of her heart.

"Friend? It's the first time I've met someone who wants to be friends with ghouls since I opened this cafe."

Fangcun could hear that Ye Shenyue was not lying to him.In fact, when he heard the news that Dikou's mother and daughter were caught by CCG, he was shocked and wanted to save them immediately.But blindly taking the liberty to rescue them can only make their abuse worse.Moreover, it is not clear whether the news is true or not, and it is very dangerous to take the risk.

"Whether Mr. Fangcun believes it or not, Ye Shenyue won't lie anyway."

He dropped those words and left the cafe. 07 He is doubting whether Fangcun Gongshan is as friendly and enthusiastic as he imagined.

"Jin, your sister's boyfriend is really thoughtful."

Fangcun Gongshan turned his head and glanced at Nishio Nishiki who was washing dishes.

"Ah, yes. It turns out that his heart is like this, hehe, neither my sister nor I have interrogated his heart. The store manager, as expected, you still need to go out. It's just the matter of the mother and daughter of the flute mouth. What should I do? If Ye Shenyue said he was going to save them, he would definitely go according to his character. Can a human being save their mother and daughter?"

"He can say it, and naturally he can do it."

Fangcun Gongshan smiled with interest.

CCG Building, Yagami Moon is here for the second time.The first time was to be treated as a ghoul, and the second time was to save the mother and daughter of Dikou.

Ye Shenyue didn't think about why she cared so much about Dikou's mother and daughter, because she always thought they were very familiar?I always feel that there should be more than just strangers between them, right?I always felt that there was an invisible bond entangling the three of them.

"Ye Shenyue, stop thinking about it, and think about how to save them!"

The only thing he had left in this world was his flexible evasion ability.Ye Shenyue seems to be about to smile bitterly. Not only did she have to endure the pain of being hit by a hatchet, but her power was sealed up later. Ye Shenyue, aren't you a failure?

Gently patted the dust on his trouser legs, "I'm going, Ye Shenyue!"

Amazing jumping power is his advantage. It is not difficult to easily cross the wall of CCG. What is difficult is that where to find someone after entering is the key.He now regrets it a bit, and complains about why he didn't deploy first and then act. It would be too hasty to enter CCG so blindly.It's too late to go now, Ye Shenyue, do you want to go home first and make a plan?


A woman's voice came from the building in the distance, Ye Shenyue's heart shrank violently, how could he have the heart to leave after coming!

"Night Moon."

Nishio Jin has been following behind Ye Shenyue, "I didn't expect you to be so agile, I really underestimate you."


Ye Shenyue showed a surprised smile when she saw Nishiojin, "Why are you here!"

Nishio Jin smiled mysteriously, "Not only me, but also Dong Xiang."

"Hello, Mr. Night God."

Kirishima Dong Xiang, who was behind Nishio Nishiki, smiled at Yagami Yue.

"Because the manager of Fangcun guessed that you would definitely come, he sent us to support you. Even the manager of Fangcun said, we will come back naturally. Moreover, Dikou is our friend, so of course we have to save it. It's not entirely because of you. "

Nishio Jin said.

"Yes. Miss Ryoko is a very kind person. If she is caught, none of us will stand by and watch."

Kirishima Dong Xiang calmly said, "Mr. Yagami, thank you for treating us equally."

"According to the previous voice, I can be sure that it is Ryoko's voice, and judging from the sound, it should be from the west side of the building. Let's focus on the west side first."

Ye Shenyue looked at the CCG building in the distance, "I was interrogated by CCG people before. From my memory, I should be able to find the specific room where they were trapped. The structure of the building is very complicated, with a total of 20 floors. ."

"But doesn't that building seem to have at most fifteen or six storeys?"

West End Jin is sad.

"That's because they built a five-story Rc cell research center underground. I was taken there before, so I remember it very well. Every room was built exactly the same in appearance, I think it was probably prepared to prevent enemy invasion. One of them. Also, I have investigated the CCG building and announced to the public that they have only fifteen floors, not including the five underground floors. Each of the fifteen floors is divided into a building manager and manages its own floor. The floor lengths are all Quasi-special investigation officer level, so we are not easy to deal with. And they use different quinques, so I haven't thought of a way to save them yet."

Ye Shenyue looked very serious, and her brows were full of worry.

"If you are a ghoul, I believe that you will eventually become an SSS-level ghoul. Yagami, you can understand the CCG and ghouls so clearly in just a few days, I have to admire your IQ. Maybe you shouldn't go to 340 to open a coffee shop, but should go further."

Nishio Jin admired sincerely, "Hahaha, it's a pity that you are a human."

Finally, don't forget to be sarcastic.

"Mr. Yeshen is right, but Mr. Yeshen doesn't need to underestimate himself. As far as Jin and I are concerned, it's totally fine to rescue Miss Ryoko."

Dong Xiang was still very calm.

It turns out that Night God's worries are completely overwhelmed, and he has no other role than dragging his feet.He was left in the same place, and Nishiojin's original words were, "If we don't come out, just run away."

Ah, the humiliation came all at once.

I waited from nine o'clock in the evening to five in the morning, looking at the "Knife, Light and Sword Shadow" inside, I had no other emotions than complaining that I was not strong enough.With Hezi's tumbling up and down, the windows of the whole floor were broken, and everywhere Hezi went was always in a mess.If you can be so powerful, you probably don't need to stay here like a waste...

Kirishima Dongxiang came out holding Ryoko Fieguchi and Hina Fieguchi!

"Mr. Yagami, both Ryoko and Hinami were rescued by us. We will meet at the cafe in Anding District later!"

Dong Xiang also took Hina and left.

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