Xiweiwu came out with water and asked the conversation between the two of them with a smile.

"Ah, Miss Li Shi thinks the coffee I brewed is too bitter, so let me put more sugar next time."

Ye Shenyue casually lied.

"Well, that's true. It's getting late, so I'll go home first."

Leigh is ready to leave.

"Is Miss Li Shi's leg all right? Don't you need to rest for a while?"

Fog was a little worried.

"It's okay, I can do it myself."

Goddelise smiled and left.

After Shendai Li Shi left, Ye Shenyue calmed down.


Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief, "Fu, don't you know that woman is actually a ghoul?"

He didn't point out the fact that it was the goddess of life.

"Of course I know, the smell of ghouls is different from that of humans. It's the most basic thing to distinguish between ghouls and humans, right?"

Misty rolled his eyes at Ye Shenyue half-jokingly, "You don't think I'm so weak, do you?"

"No, of course not. So you can tell she's a ghoul? Can't guess anything else?"

There is something in Ye Shenyue's words.

"Yue, what are you trying to say to me? Although she is a ghoul, she is not cruel at all. That's why I brought her back after seeing that she had a sprained foot. Right after you went out, I also went downstairs and collapsed. rubbish."

Xiweiwu was a little aggrieved, "Or, are you blaming me for letting strangers in casually?"

"Hey, don't cry. I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say, do you know who the female ghoul that just left..."

Ye Shenyue is somewhat mysterious.

"Who is it? Could it be the one that bit you?"

Xiweiwu pretended to wipe away tears.

"Bingo! It's her, Goddess Rishi."

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, "So the next time you meet her, don't be so close to her, she's very dangerous."


Nishiomizu nodded.

Because of the gods, the end of Yashenyue's sleepless night is to wake up the next day and find that she has become a national treasure.Xiweiwu has already gone to work, and left a loving breakfast for Ye Shenyue, ah, she is always so caring, Ye Shenyue is really more and more inseparable from her.Just the thought of going on a date with Shendai Li Shi, his head became two big, and he wanted to punch himself to death.Since Shendai Lishi wants to eat himself so much, it is reasonable to say that he should be the active party. When did he become so passive?If you threaten to threaten yourself, it's too unmanly!Ye Shenyue brushed her teeth, she had a headache no matter what she thought.

Where is the date set?If you think about it, there is no good place to go.What about date time?Of course it's daytime, and it's not easy for her to start during the day.Forget it, think about 2.3 when you go to work in the store.

She hurriedly returned to the store. She originally thought that Mixiang would only take one day off. Who knew that she had temporarily asked for leave this morning, so Ye Shenyue had to hurriedly finish her orders and enter the store.

"Ying, did you know? Takatsuki Izumi has a new book launch this Sunday at the Defu Building!"

Kaneki looked excited, "I can finally meet Takatsuki Izumi himself! I'm so excited!"

"Ah, ah, I know you're very excited, and it's written on your face, why can't I see it, do you think I'm a fool?"

Yongjin Yingliang saw that his girlfriend was so crazy about a writer, hey, that's it, it's a waste not to spend such a good time on a girl!

"Takatsuki Izumi...new book launch..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly thought, "Okay! Just go to that place!"

Chapter 0026 First encounter with Gao Tsuki Spring

"Miss Lee World, see you at the hotel, Takatsuki Izumi Takatsuki's book launch on Sunday morning."

After texting, I went back to work.Ah, I haven't had a good date with Mist, but before I know it, I'm going to go on a date with Rishi Kandai again... What's wrong with me?Why do you have to stare at yourself?The text message that Shendai Lishi replied was very cute, "Okay, I know, Lord Yeshenyue."

What comes to mind is the pure appearance of Shendai Li Shi, ah, Ye Shenyue, do you want to fall into her gentle village again?

As the days flickered, it was Sunday, and at eight o'clock Ye Shenyue got up to "clean up" herself.Regarding his busyness, Nishio Mist has no idea. Her concept of love is "stocking", that is, giving absolute freedom to the person she likes. Because she believes in Yagami's personality, she is not worried at all.

But she still asked before he left, "Where to?"

"Defu Building, Taka Tsuki-Izumi's new book launch, ask her to sign."

Ye Shenyue is very frank.

"Are you alone? Come back early."

Nishizumi asked.


It doesn't matter if he only answers one word, he won't care about these details anyway.

When we arrived at the Defu Building, Gao Tsuki-Izumi's book fans had already crowded the Defu Building, and it would be a dream to wait for someone at this time!As usual, when you come to the author to sign her, you must buy a new book of hers. Anyway, before the goddess of life comes, he will line up to buy the book.But there are too many people!You have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to buy the book!It is estimated that I bought the book Takatsuki Izumi long ago!Damn it, why didn't you decide on an earlier time!I can't blame myself, the key is that there are too many book fans in Taka Tsukizumi, and the entire Defu Building is already overcrowded!

"Ah, Mr. Yegami, I know that you will definitely show up at the Defu Building at nine o'clock on time, and I also expected this to happen, so I have already bought the book, now, you have one and I have one, you You don’t have to wait in line so hard.”

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