Kamidai Rishi patted Yagami on the shoulder.

"Ah, really? Miss Li Shi was really thoughtful."

Ye Shenyue squeezed out of the team.

"Let's go, anyway, Takatsuki Spring hasn't come yet. Have you eaten breakfast? Probably not, so we'd better find a cafe and sit down first."

Shendai Rishi thought for a while, but still felt that it was more important to fill his stomach first.


Ye Shenyue just followed Shendai Li Shi, she took a step, and he followed.

After entering the cafe, Rishi Kandai sat next to Yagami Yue, and said softly, "Mr. Yagami knows that I like Takatsuki Izumi very much, so you set the date here at this place?"

Although she knew the little Jiujiu in Ye Shenyue's heart, she just didn't want to break it.


Ye Shenyue also followed her words and said slowly, since she wanted to go down the steps for herself, why didn't she continue?

"Okay, I thought it was because there are so many people here. Yeshen Yuesheng likes a lot of people, right? There are so many people and I like it too."

Li Shi took a sip of coffee, "Well, I really enjoyed it."

What a god, Dai Li Shi, has he seen through his own movements long ago?Yes, he just wants to choose a place with a lot of people. If there are fewer people, isn't it just what she wants?To drag myself down an alley, then eat and wipe... This feeling is wonderful for her but extremely disgusting for herself...

"What is Mr. Yagami thinking? Are you thinking about when I should eat it?"

Is it really not against harmony to say these words with a delicate face like a doll?Li Shi is a high-level ghoul.

"Do not."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "If you want to eat me, you have already eaten it, why wait until now?"

"Well, that's right."

Kanda Rishi nodded, "It's true that I'm very interested in you, but I don't want to eat you all at once, so don't be afraid. Once I like something, I will slowly consume it until he There is no resistance. Mr. Yagami, one day, I will slowly, slowly, starting from your fragrant blood, slowly consume you..."

God's words are like chronic poison, bit by bit seeping into Ye Shenyue's blood, little by little, over time, he will gradually weaken, gradually lose his resistance to her, and slowly become a plaything in her hands, Be her meal on the plate...

This riding on a horse is even scarier than eating him directly!This is simply being kept in captivity by the gods!Do you want to be fattened by her little by little?Want to become her property little by little?It's scary to think about.

"Oh, it's already ten o'clock, are we going to be late?"

Shendai Rishi looked at his watch, "Let's go, the signing is important."

Ye Shenyue glanced at the people outside the cafe, and she was still at a loss, but most of them hadn't bought the new book yet, so according to the order of signatures, they were still in the front.

"Ah, Takatsuki Izumi was late, so I was waiting here at seven o'clock..."

There are a small number of complaints.

"But she is Takatsuki Izumi. Writers get tired easily, right? It's nothing to be late."

someone explained.

"I'm a full hour late, I'm really tired!"

There are still people complaining.

Ye Shenyue and Shendai Li Shi lined up without saying a word, and soon it was their turn.

Takatsuki Izumi was sitting on a chair, the long table in front of her was full of new books, and her entire face was covered by a mask and sunglasses, making it impossible for 563 people to see what she looked like.It's just that the purple chiffon dress makes her extra petite.Ye Shenyue seemed to be able to see the protruding blue veins on the back of her hand exposed, and a piece of gauze was still attached to her left hand, indicating that she had just finished hanging the drip!Are you sick?So you're late?Taka Tsukizumi's whole appearance is so weak that people can't help but want to hold her in his arms and love her.

Gao Tsukiquan coughed twice, as if she felt a different breath. Her pale and sharp-bone hands stopped, and she raised her head. It was an intellectual woman with glasses.She became interested in the woman in front of her, and whispered, "Have you read my "Black Goat's Egg"? I think you are very similar to the heroine in my work."

Shendai Rishi also seemed to have noticed something, and she replied, "Well, after reading the entire "Black Goat's Egg", I also found it, but I prefer your way of describing the story, which is delicate and intense."


Takatsuki Izumi smiled, "Then I hope you can have greater expectations for the new book."

Signed his name on Li Shi's book - Taka Tsuki Izumi, and did not forget to add, "You are really the best heroine in my book."

ps: Thank you Son of Sephiroth for his monthly pass and reward, let’s make friends with local tyrants!

Chapter 0027 The breath of high Tsuki spring

Takatsuki Izumi seems to be very interested in Rishi Kandai, otherwise he would not have waited for Rishi Kandai to turn around and leave and added, "I hope to see you at my next book launch, we seem to be talking very much. come."

Ye Shenyue saw Shendai Li Shi's suddenly solemn expression and thought to herself, is there something wrong?No matter, even if there is a problem, he can't solve it by himself. He handed him his book to Gao Tsuki Quan, and Gao Tsuki Quan also raised his head and glanced at him.

The smell of mystery, Ye Shenyue exudes.But it's very strange, he clearly smells of human beings, but why does he always want to deny that the man in front of him is a person?Is it because you are so tired of writing that you have problems with your sense of smell?

"Take good medicine, take good care of yourself, and don't disregard your body in order to publish a book. Your body is the most important thing. As your book fans, each of us hopes that your body is in the best condition, so that you can write a good book and let We continue to love you."

Ye Shenyue didn't know what she was talking about, but just thought it was easy to say this?When I saw Takatsuki Izumi, it came out naturally...


What was the man in front of him talking about, why did he start to concern himself with his body inexplicably... Takatsuki Izumi suddenly stopped the pen in his hand, only to realize that the gauze that he was injured and stuck on was an excuse to disguise himself for being late. Thinking that someone really believed it, this man is really naive.


She raised her head to give him a smile, but found that it was futile to do anything with her sunglasses and a mask, so forget it, she lowered her head again.

There is something interesting about this man.

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