"Hey, Hina, you're actually here too!"

Ye Shenyue discovered Hina Dikou, but he was right after thinking about it. Hina is a fan of Takatsuki Izumi, so she will not be absent from the new book launch.

"Well, brother Yeshen has already signed his name? So soon?"

Hina asked in disbelief.

Ye Shenyue suddenly glanced at Shendai Lishi behind her, "Ah, yes, I came with my friends, so it's very fast."

Hinami glanced at Dai Lishi, "Okay, I wish Brother Yeshen a good time!"


I don't know how to reply to her.

Shendai Lishi and Ye Shenyue were about to walk out of the Defu Building when they saw a man with dazzling purple hair and a suit of the same color, wearing a red shirt and a black tie.Such a match is too eye-catching, so that people have to take a second look after seeing it.Shendai Li Shi's expression changed slightly, and the good mood that he had finally recovered from was destroyed by this person.She glanced at the purple-haired man disdainfully, but the purple-haired man walked towards her.

"Ah, long time no see, Miss Li Shi."

The purple-haired man's name is Yue Shanxi, an S-class ghoul in the 20th District, commonly known as "Gourmet". Does the nickname mean that he has a special hobby for "food"?

Yue Shanxi looked at the man beside Shendai Li Shi with interest, and smiled strangely, "Li Shi, are you ready for tonight's plan?"

Yue Shanxi thought that Ye Shenyue would definitely not survive tonight.

"Ah, I have already made a plan, don't bother you. Yue, let's go."

Shendai Rishi glanced at Yue Shanxi and took Ye Shenyue away.

What Yueshan Xi, what "foodie" is simply crazy.As a ghoul, you can eat people if you eat people, but you have to be graded, what grade?Delicious grade?Do you think you are human?Do you have taste buds to distinguish between sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty and fresh?I thought I had eaten a few people who looked cleaner and started to define it. It was simply hopeless.To say it nicely is called being particular, to say something ugly, isn't it pretending?

The above are some people's comments on Yue Shanxi. At that time, Shendai Lishi nodded quietly after hearing it.

After lunch, it was still early to see the sky, and Ye Shenyue took Shendai Lishi to the bookstore to enjoy the beautiful afternoon.Ye Shenyue tried her best to make Shendai Li Shi happy, so she wouldn't be so hungry after she was happy, so it wouldn't be so easy to eat herself.

Ye Shenyue watched Shendai Lishi sitting by the window and reading quietly. The afternoon sun shone on her body. This peaceful atmosphere was like a beautiful picture. "Actually, Li Shi is quite beautiful in this way."

Ye Shenyue's true words.

The two of them were so quietly brought into the evening, it was a little late, and Ye Shenyue was about to say goodbye to Li Shi, so they should go home first, right?

"Ye Shenyue, can you stop being so afraid of me?"

Shendalee stood in front of Ye Shenyue, "Every time, I can always see fear in your eyes."


Yashenyue kept silent ぉ What he thought was that God's meaning was to keep him in captivity and hold him forever in his hand, but he didn't say when to eat him, which made Yashenyue uncomfortable.It's like a pig that has been raised for a long time, never knowing when the owner will kill him.However, he is not a pig, and he has not been raised for very long.The whole person seemed a little hesitant.

"If I could swear, I wish you wouldn't be so afraid of me. I'm not going to eat you all at once, and I don't plan to eat you right now."

I think you are like red wine, the longer it is, the more delicious it is.Of course she didn't say the last word.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go here today. I want to go back to rest. You should go back earlier too."

After Ye Shenyue and Shendai Li Shi said goodbye, they were about to turn around and leave. They had different paths.

"Hold on."

The goddess Rishi behind him suddenly made a voice, "Wait, I want you."


Ye Shenyue felt a panic in her heart, what is the situation, what do you mean by me, do you want to eat people now?It's not so late yet, what exactly does Goddess Lishi want to do?

He turned his head, Shendai Li Shi kneading his skirt, "I want to drink blood now, just want to have a little peace."

The finger made a gesture of "a little bit".Ye Shenyue was a little hesitant, Shendai Li Shi-style captivity is probably to suck your blood or eat a certain piece of tissue on your body at regular intervals, right?Ye Shenyue understood it now.This is more painful than fattening him and eating it all at once.

"I promise you that I will let you go after I wash a little bit, and I will not break my promise."

Goddelius assured him.

But in such a large audience, how could Shendai Li Shi want to suck his blood without being doubted?She couldn't have bitten him so bloody on the street.Is it...

By the time he fully reacted, Kamidai Rishi had already kissed his lips, and as Kamidai Rishi's sharp tongue tipped in, Ye Shenyue felt a tingling pain in his tongue.His tongue and head were bitten and bleeding, and the bloody smell diffused in his mouth, very fishy.Ye Shenyue was so uncomfortable that she closed her eyes, but this is a different scene in the eyes of outsiders...

They're kissing, and they're kissing ecstatically and enjoying it...

Finally, for a full five minutes, Yeshenyue was sucked by Li Shi about one-tenth of all his blood. He felt that the blood supply to his brain was a bit lacking, and Yeshenyue's figure was shaking.

"Yes... a little dizzy..."

Ye Shenyue just fell on the shoulders of Shendai Lishi, "Let me...let me lean on for a while...it's so uncomfortable..."

Shendai Li Shi quickly licked his lips, and quickly licked the blood on his lips.Holding Ye Shenyue in his arms, "Yue, thank you for your hard work, take a good rest for a while."

The whole person was a little drowsy, and even though he leaned on Shendai Lishi for half an hour, he still did not recover.It seems that I need to go home and make up my body.Will Goddalen continue to use this method to suck himself up in the future?

"We resumed dating a week later."

This was what Goddelius had instructed before he left.

A week later... Isn't that waiting for Yashenyue's hematopoietic stem cell work to be completed?A week later, she was able to suck fresh blood again, and she felt tired just thinking about it.In this way, sucking his blood bit by bit is simply much smarter than eating him all at once.She can eat more, and herself, can only gain more pain.Ye Shenyue, are you starting to hate yourself like this?

ps: By the way, have you seen the Dingtian family?

Chapter 0029 Yamen attacked by ghouls

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