When she got home, Ye Shenyue's face was pale, but she no longer felt drowsy.Thinking of his ghoul physique, it was normal to recover so quickly.

"Yue, you look a little bad, are you sick?"

Xiweiwu came up and touched Ye Shenyue's forehead, "I don't have a fever, what happened today?"

"No, I'm so tired. I'm going to take a bath and go to bed first. You should be early too."

Ye Shenyue leaned down and gently kissed Xi Weiwu's lips to show that he was fine and she didn't need to worry.


Nishiogi took Takatsuki Izumi's book from him, and it seemed that he really went to Takatsuki Izumi to sign it.

When Shendai Li Shi returned home, she was refreshed after drinking blood. Looking at herself in the mirror, her face seemed to be a little rosy.I thought that Ye Shenyue's blood was really a good thing, and it was a wise choice to keep him in captivity. Now it seems that there is no need to capture other humans.It is more than enough to suck the blood of Ye Shenyue once a week.

In the middle of the night, Shendai Li Shi was hungry, and she digested it a little faster.Get up, go to the kitchen, hit 07 and open the refrigerator.She used to have nothing but coffee in the fridge, now what?Raw beef, raw pork, raw poultry, vegetables and fruits are all available.Before, she didn't know why she didn't reject human food, but now she understood that everything was due to Ye Shenyue's blood.Therefore, now she doesn't need to go out to hunt for food, she can easily solve it at home.

"Ah, Ye Shenyue, I really want to see you again."

She took a bite of an apple and said quietly.

It's just that the number of times she kills has not decreased, but more.She went out to kill not to eat, but to show her growing strength.The main active area of ​​Shendalee is the 20th district. Recently, the number of sudden human deaths has exceeded the past, so it has attracted the attention of people in the "safe area" cafe, including CCG.

"Gluttony" loves to kill more than ever, but it's a big case.

In the park, Mato Wu Xu took his apprentice Gangtaro Amen on a routine patrol.

Mato Wu Xu is a white-haired old man who always hunches his back, behaves strangely, has a strong sense of things, and attaches great importance to family affection.In particular, he has a keen intuition for ghouls, is a weapon maker, and is married.Very disgusting and cruel to ghouls.In the CCG, he is indeed a respected senior and an investigator.Insane slaughter for ghouls is due to the fact that his wife died in the rear of the war many years ago.He has the strength of a quasi-special-class investigator, but he was not promoted due to his personality. He has always been a quasi-special-class investigator.

Carrying his Rc cell detector, Mato walked down the path of the park step by step. In front of him, there was an old woman packing a vegetable basket. It seemed that she had just returned from the supermarket.

"Oops, all my tomatoes have fallen off..."

The old woman said dejectedly, she was very old, and it was difficult to even bend down to pick up those tomatoes.

"Ah, then I'll help you."

Yamen always had no resistance to the old man.


The real household was so angry that he wanted to jump, didn't this stupid apprentice think things through his brain?What if the old woman in front of me is a ghoul?It would be foolish to help without bringing Kuyinke along! "Wait! Let me check!"

"Master! How could such a kind and kind old woman be a ghoul? Don't make a fuss?"

Amen complained to the real household.

Yamen Gangtaro actually scolded the real household Wu Xu for making a fuss?Zhento Wu Xu shook his head and smiled, expressing that he was speechless to his stupid apprentice.

"But I still have to test it first just in case."

Mato said softly to Amen in front of him, with his unique desolate and sharp voice.


Yamen reluctantly stepped back. After all, he was his own master, so he didn't dare to make a fool of himself.

The portable Rc cell detector has been improved by the real user. He believes that carrying the Rc cell detector with him can improve the ability to identify ghouls, which is of course much more scientific than the human eye.His improved Rc cell detector only needs to gently pass the object to be checked, and the instrument will automatically display the content of Rc cells in the object.If it makes a "beep beep" sound, then the object is a ghoul.

Unfortunately, when Mato passed by the old woman, she didn't make a "di-di-di" sound, so Amen didn't think about anything and went to the old woman to help her pick up tomatoes.

"Young man, you are such a good person."

The old woman smiled and watched Yamen help her put the tomatoes into the bag one by one, "These things are so heavy, I have to stop and rest every few steps, young man, if you have time, can you help me deliver them? How about at home? My home is not far from here."

Amen nodded, "Okay."

"Hey, stupid apprentice."

Zhento glanced at Yamen who was far away, "I hope that old lady is really a person, otherwise you won't even have one to collect the corpse for you."

Mato could never let go of his stupid apprentice and secretly followed behind him.

"Sir, you are really helpful."

The old woman spoke kindly.She walked side by side with Yamen, who helped her carry the vegetable basket. "We also have a son about your age."

Yamen smiled, "Old lady, you're welcome."

They gradually walked under the 930 overpass. The old woman followed behind Yamen. It was a little dark under the overpass. The old woman said quietly, "Sir, since you are here, can you do me a favor?"

"Ah, okay."

Amen was about to turn his head when he heard the old woman's "giggling" sneer.

"I'm a little hungry, are you willing to be my food?"

Where did the old woman come from, it's just an old ghoul.

Amen came back to his senses, and was immediately grabbed by the ghoul's neck and pressed against the wall.


He was nearly suffocating.

The old woman's appearance was completely gone, and all that was left were a pile of overturned tomatoes and a drooling ghoul that looked like she hadn't eaten for a few days.Her teeth were extremely sharp, and she gradually approached Amen Gangtaro, "Since you are so helpful, you shouldn't mind being my ration, right? Young man, I haven't eaten human flesh for days!"

The terrifying He stared at Yamen. Yamen had never been in such close contact with a ghoul.The Hezi on her body has been fully opened, and the next step is to prepare to attack!

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