"Quiet water for a long time, wouldn't it be boring to live like this every day?"

Since Jingshui Jiu came to be a "cook", the responsibility of purchasing food has fallen on Jingshuijiu.

Jing Shui Jiu also fulfilled her role as a "cook girl" well. She went shopping obediently every day, and then she had to come to sleep with her when she went back to cook at the end of the night.

It is simply a very caring chef.

During the day, Ye Shenyue watched the still water float in the air for a long time, which was different from the usual floating for a while. She actually waited for a long time. When Ye Shenyue went to look for her after class, she said mysteriously, "There is the latest update. "Intelligence" What's the latest intel?

Ye Shenyue doesn't quite understand it, but he definitely understands, it's definitely not the way it is now... Accompanying Jing Shui to ask the price of vegetables for a long time.

Ye Shenyue didn't take the initiative to buy food. In the world of zombies, it was also made by Haruna. He was only in charge of cooking.

I never thought it would take so much trouble just to buy something.

"Xiao Jingshui is here again, today's vegetables are very good!"

"Take a little more meat, grow taller and taller..."

"Is that brother next to you?"

Not long after walking along the shopping street, a series of greetings from various vegetable owners rushed into my ears.Seeing that Jing Shui Jiu, who usually doesn't like to talk too much, slowly explained, Ye Shenyue was really surprised.

It seems, how should I put it, Jing Shui Jiu seems to enjoy this kind of life.

"Jing Shui Jiu, wouldn't this kind of life be boring?"

After walking to the corner and throwing all the things in her hand into the pocket that had already cast magic, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but ask.

"As long as you're there, it's meaningful enough to say."

Jing Shui Jiu's wine red eyes flashed, and the thin little mouth opened slightly and moved.

After hearing these words that seemed like a confession, Ye Shenyue really wanted to hug her and kiss the boss.

"This way! That's the information I want to tell you!"

Just before Ye Shenyue took action, Jing Shui Jiu pulled him and ran to another corner quickly, where there was a blaze of fire.

Not only the fire but also the noise.

Then, Ye Shenyue saw a figure, a figure that ran out in a hurry, that rather tall figure ran towards him directly, running in a hurry, just running forward, even the road Don't look at it, just bumped into him and threw himself on top of him.

"Please... please help me!"

The girl who fell had a look of horror on her face. Looking at the sea of ​​fire behind her, she only saw a figure in front of her who rushed over immediately, raised her head, and screamed nervously.

She was so scared, the girl in the corner was so, so scary!

It's like the devil has come into the world!

Fire, with a wave of your hand, is a flame, a hot flame.

"Huh? Uh... are you a small teacup?"

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, and the girl who was pounced on him now was dressed in a fitted white and blue maid outfit. The girl's face had traces of black mist, but no matter how she looked at it, she was the one who was there. A small teacup in a black tea shop.

Why is she here?

Chapter 0029 Violent fiancee (first)

"Really... it's really boring, you only have so much ability when you are united? Rubbish!"

With one hand on the hard wall, the girl slowly walked out of the sea of ​​​​fire with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

What's surprising is that just one of her actions against the wall with one hand can actually kill the ghost-like monster who opened its mouth and prepared to bite from behind.

Not only such a move, but even simpler, just snapped her fingers gently, and the magic power that erupted from all sides cut off the hands of the monster who wanted to sneak attack on her chest.

"God... Jingu Temple..."

The battle is still going on, some monsters want to escape, but the girl with long silver-white hair that grows to the calf's eyes is cold, and a huge flame suddenly erupts between her hands, as if the flames from hell, the entire trail. They were all roasted, killing all the monsters that attacked.

"The most annoying thing is water."

While the girl continued to use the flame magic, Jing Shui Jiu obediently stood in front of Ye Shenyue and supported the water escape to block the flames coming from the corner.

Although the intensity of the flame did not affect her very much, as a water demon, what she likes is water, so what she hates is water.Fire, flame or something, she didn't like it.

"Yue, see, this is the information I'm going to talk about, and the other ghost Zhanzai, the one who has been constantly searching for your news, is the one inside... Jingu Jiujiu Kecheng, that kind of nasty one. Guy, Moon, beat her."

Jing Shui looked back and looked at the incomparably elegant white-haired girl who seemed to be your eldest young lady slowly walking out of the flames, and said to Ye Shenyue.


What to say?At first glance, he saw the general appearance of the girl fighting in the sea of ​​​​fire. When Jingshui repeated her name for a long time, Ye Shenyue was really sure that the girl with long silver hair was Kyusumi Jinguji, his titular fiancee.

Want him to fight with his fiancée?

Only Shizuojiu could think of it.She must have done it on purpose. It was impossible to find out the identity of Jingong Temple, and it was impossible to find out about the marriage between Jingong Temple and the Tianhe family, and it was impossible to find out that he and Jingong Temple were unmarried couples.

"Can you let me go?"

In front of him is the still water that encourages him to fight for a long time, and in the back is the close contact of the small teacup, although he felt the panic and fear of the small teacup, but now, there is no need to hold his neck so nervously.

Fortunately, his body was strong, otherwise he would be scratched and his neck broken as a small teacup of Fu Sang Shen.

"Okay...it's scary...heh...Ale Ale...what's the ghost... I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I found the wrong person...that's it...goodbye..."

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