The little teacup's face was covered in sweat. Looking at Ye Shenyue's face, she became even more nervous, like a mouse meeting a cat.

She was half-kneeling on the ground, hurriedly running away, but Ye Shenyue grabbed Bai Nen's little arm and pulled her back.

The small teacup showed a pitiful appearance, and the big blue eyes seemed to have crystal water droplets dripping out, as if bullying her was a sin.

"It's useless to be cute! It's useless to pretend to be pitiful! What are you doing in a place like this? Why don't you take the initiative to find the Jingu Temple that wants to kill all the monsters?"

"This...this...I...I just saw what seemed to be happening in the corner, and ran over out of curiosity, um...if I knew it would be like this, I...I wouldn't come! I will definitely hide far away...hiding far's so scary...that ghost slasher inside is so scary, even ghost cutthroat is so scary..."

The small teacup still had a horrified expression on her delicate face, but she was still frightened.

"Scary? Then am I scary?"

Ye Shenyue was funny, this dazed little teacup was so simple, so simple that he really wanted to bully him.

It seems that this method works!Ye Shenyue suddenly had an idea.Maybe this works...

"It's scary... um... not scary, even less scary than the ghost Zanzai inside... um, much more kind and handsome..."

Xiaochacup originally answered directly, but Ye Shenyue gave him a stern look, and quickly swallowed the word "not scary" and replaced it with the adjective "handsome".

It would be better if the word "than" was removed.Let him and Jinguji Temple be "handsome" and if he loses, he will just find a piece of tofu and hit him.

So emotional.

But now is not the time to stare at the little teacup. At this moment, Ye Shenyue showed a very kind smile, "Would you like to be killed by the ghosts?"

"Kill? Don't want's terrible...people have only lived for 100 years and people are still so young..."

The little teacup shook his head vigorously, making Ye Shenyue speechless for a while, 100 years was too short, and it turned out that talking about the age of the monster was purely a ruse, "Do you want me to save you? you?"

Yagami Yue pointed to someone who was calm in the flames.

"Think! Help me! I'm willing to do anything!"

The little teacup nodded vigorously, it was really terrifying. In just a few minutes, she saw about two dozen monsters that were very powerful in her eyes being ruthlessly killed by the ghost. .

It's so scary, I'm afraid that the next one will be her.

This is what you've been waiting for!

Ye Shenyue smiled, her teeth white and bright, "That's it." It was like a fox-like smile.More precisely, the fox who succeeded in his tricks.

The little teacup felt cold behind her, as if she had made a decision that she regretted...

in flames.

"Cut! I thought it was a caught fish... It's actually a water monster, a monster with a human face, dare you show your body!"

Just as Ye Shenyue was teasing the small teacup, Jing Shui Jiu had already rushed into the flames to face Jiu Huicheng.Although she wants Ye Shenyue to take action, she is not a water demon who doesn't understand style, and now she will make a good impression by buying time.

"Humph! Sure enough, it was said by a nasty guy."

Jing Shui pouted for a long time, the feeling of this ghost slashing to her is not ordinary, and the attitude of arrogance and indifference is really... it's really unpleasant!

"The invisible lamp pointing to hell, the hammer of brilliance in the dance of the sky... flame, just use the flame to destroy you monster! It is said that water can put out the fire, then I will see whether it is your water snake that is powerful or not. My fire is great!"

Jingu Temple raised his index finger, and there was a scorching flame beating on the index finger. Don't look at it as just a small amount. The fire of a star can start a prairie, and the hot flame can burn people to ashes.


Jing Shui Jiu's wine-red eyes were full of solemnity, as if facing a great enemy, she couldn't help but be nervous.With a light snort, he stood up with one hand, and the purest dark green water spread out in the small tender palm.


The two forces, one water and one fire, are constantly fighting each other. Jingshuijiu and Jingungji have serious faces, and the one opposite is a master.

"You're good to go!"

Ye Shenyue dropped a sentence to the small teacup, and charged directly towards Jingshuijiu and Jingujiu who were fighting.His speed was so fast that he could only feel the wind blowing past the small teacup, while Shizusuijiu and Jinguji Jiuhuicheng were in front of them, and a figure immediately appeared in front of them.

Indifferent smile, not very strong but very reliable body.


"Night God Moon!"

Jingshuijiu and Jingujiu exclaimed at the same time, with nervous expressions on their faces, they are fighting now, and Ye Shenyue suddenly came in, but was attacked by both sides at the same time!

Even now it's too late to stop!And Ye Shenyue, who stood at the center of the two powerful forces, will also be hit and fly out.

"What kind of fights are the family fighting? If you want to fight, you can fight outsiders!"

However, what is surprising is that Ye Shenyue grabbed the arms of Jingu Temple and Jing Shui Jiu one by one. At the same time, the fire attack and water escape of the two also disappeared, as if they were absorbed, and turned off the fire. Got water.

Grabbing the arms of the two of them, Ye Shenyue pulled them all in front of him and made them stand in a row shouting loudly.

It's just that when his eyes fell on Jinguji, his eyes lit up.How should I put it, the appearance of Jinguji Temple is similar to Hiiju...

With slender silver hair and bright purple eyes, this hairstyle is exactly the same as Feiju's.It's just that her forehead is still marked with a dark black crescent moon, which is different from Feiju.

However, if she changed her silver hair to night, and from a distance, if she was introduced to others as Feiju's sister, I believe there would be many people who would believe her.

At the same time that Yashenyue looked at Jinguji, Jinguji was also looking at him, turning his eyes from head to toe, from left to right, "Sure enough, the real person is much more handsome than the one in the photo... Yue , your fiancée is back now! You have returned from the UK successfully~~" Jinguji didn't care that there was still a water demon looking at her very unhappy, and flew directly into Ye Shenyue's arms, Minato's lips were full of temptation, and he kissed Ye Shenyue's neck heavily.

It seems, t cheerful t lively.There was no violence in the last second.

As if that ruthless Demon Zhanzai wasn't her.

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