"This... these are two completely different people!"

The small teacup slumped to the ground sent out everyone's heartfelt voice for this.

Chapter 0030 The impact of still water for a long time (2 more flowers)


Jing Shui hummed in dissatisfaction for a long time, staring at Jingu Temple with a look of contempt. He wanted to split their relationship, but now the result seems to have brought this ghost Zhanzai closer to her month.What a waste of effort!

"Shut up the water snake first, and come back to punish and destroy you later. Now, seeing the face of finally meeting with Yue will make you linger for a while."

Jinguji doesn't care whether Jing Shuijiu is happy or unhappy, she is in a good mood now.Ye Shenyue was the only one in her eyes. As for Jing Shui Jiu, she didn't even look at Jing Shui Jiu when she said this.

"That's what a disgusting guy said."

The cold-faced Loli clenched her fists slightly.It seems that he is suppressing something, such as suppressing that he wants to freeze this big-breasted woman named Jingu Temple a hundred times a hundred times.

"Then... that... bothering you... can I go?"

The weak voice of the little teacup came over. Now the little teacup is hiding in the corner. If she didn't speak, no one would find out that she was still there.

"No! You are Fu Sang Shen who can brew black tea... Well, I decided to go to your shop. Shouldn't it be more elegant to drink black tea and communicate with Yue after reunion? As for hanging people Don't go to the water snake with your face, Yue, why are you hanging out with such a small monster? This monster is just like the cat monster, it's very unpleasant, and it feels like they have stolen something important."

Jinguji bowed his head slightly, as if thinking about "what was it stolen from?"

"Cough cough... That, little teacup, come to your shop right away, lead the way, or I will kill you!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly stopped the word "chastity" that Jingshui was about to spit out when he opened his mouth for a long time. Now he can't mention the fact that his "chastity" was "taken away" by Jingshui Jiu and Feiju.

Otherwise, Jinguji Temple will definitely explode.

"I'm not called Little Teacup, they're called Lizrit 1. Charles, are you really not going to kill me? Really?"

The little teacup's tightly gripped heart finally let go. Ye Shenyue's threat was of no use at all. He didn't look like an unreasonable Ghost Killer, and he also said that he would protect her.

"I'll kill you if you talk nonsense! I won't kill you for Yue's sake. Well, let's get a suspended sentence for now."

Jingu Temple rubbed her long silver hair, her face was flat, as if making such a "probation" decision was already a big charity from her.

No, she is determined to kill all the monsters, and it is rare to let one or two go.

"That... let me ask weakly, the term of probation means... um... I understand, it will arrive soon..."

As expected, the little teacup still had a great fear of Jingu Temple from the heart, and the impression that the other party killed countless monsters in front of her with a snap of her fingers was really too deep.When I was leading the road ahead, I couldn't help but turn back.

Her life is being weighed in the hands of others.It was only when he turned his head that he met the eyes of Jingong Temple, which had gradually turned cold. The little teacup turned around in fright and ran fast. Was he really leading the way instead of running back to the nest to hide?


Jing Shui Jiu looked at Jingu Temple, which seemed like a mistress, and pouted in disdain. However, her identity was a fiancee and she was just a cook.

The chef is also very liked by the owner!

"Still water for a long time? Why didn't you follow?"

Ye Shenyue did not get lost in the rich and full peaks of Jingu Temple, but he came from the turbulent thorns along the way. Although Jingu Temple's European school's temptation and temptation are strong, he is very strong. And the name of Lolicon, how could he not notice when his Lolita is depressed?

In Jinguji's dissatisfied expression, he extended his hand to Shizusui for a long time.

"People are waiting for you to reach out and say."

Jing Shui Jiu's little white and tender palm fell into Ye Shenyue's hand, and the wine-red eyes seemed to flicker, almost blinding the purple eyes of Jingong Temple, who was silently biting her lip...

"Yue, how can you tolerate a monster with a human face sitting on your lap? Is this what you should do as a ghost killer? You didn't mean to..."

The black tea shop of the small teacup arrived soon, and the small teacup obediently went to make black tea under the order of Jingu Temple, but while waiting, Jingu Temple was uncomfortable. In her eyes, this water snake was only an inch. It's shameless to sit on her fiancé's lap shamelessly, obviously that's her position!

What's even more unforgivable is that this water demon actually gave her a smug look!

How unforgivable!

"I'm the cook appointed by the moon. It's better than your fiancée without any substance."

Jing Shui doesn't care, now sitting on Ye Shenyue's lap instead of sitting on a chair, who is closer now?Therefore, Jing Shui Jiu's mood is also much happier.

There are more things you can do, such as you can start running on Jingu Temple to find your place.

"No substance? Hehehe... I already kissed Yue when I was a child... Even now, I can do it anytime."

Jingu Temple glared at Jing Shui for a long time, stroked his slender hair, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was proud.

It's just, speaking of when I was a child, it was indeed unmatched by Jingshuijiu, but now...

"It's just a kiss... It seems that you can only go here... I said that I took everything from Yue. Have you seen him take a bath? Have you seen him naked? Well? Have you seen the way he goes to the toilet? Everyone has appreciated it."

Jing Shui touched Ye Shenyue's face for a long time, as if declaring the ownership of Ye Shenyue.

Full of impact.

Well, it is indeed very shocking, even Ye Shenyue was shocked.Jing Shuijiu had indeed seen his nakedness, but that was when she suddenly appeared to accompany him to take a bath or wipe his back. Unexpectedly, she was thinking of looking at his nakedness. It was really... impure.

As for the toilet... Jing Shui Jiu, are you really a pervert?

Ye Shenyue pondered for a long time and had no choice but to come to this conclusion.

Sure enough, every loli is not a good loli, they are always a little incomplete.

ps: ask for flowers.

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