Chapter 0031 Angry fiancee (3 more monthly tickets)


x2.It has been a full 10 minutes since the announcement was made by Shizujiu. During the 10 minutes, Jingujiu did not speak, but just stared at Shizujiu with murderous eyes, and Shizujiu also stared back unconvinced.

The battle of sights seemed to have reached a fever pitch.

"Huh! Yue, let's talk about our experience from childhood to the present. As an unmarried couple, we need to learn more about it. Let me talk about it first..."

After all, Jingu Temple saved the country with a curve, yes, now she can't wait to lift the table and kill this water monster with a human face.But now the more important thing is to maintain the image, to maintain the image, such as the image of the noble lady.

Ladies, be a little lady.

Jinguji's topic transfer is really useful, at least Yashenyue is also frantically adding knowledge about her in her mind. As explained in the knowledge, she went to study in the UK to learn magic.

Shouldn't it be British Puritanism?

When Ye Shenyue heard the British name, she immediately reacted to a certain scientific believer, but it was impossible, this catgirl's world was independent.

"So, the color of your hair is..."

Ye Shenyue's lips moved, and he remembered that Jinguji's hair in the vague memory was night, and it was the current Hiju's hair color.

"Because I came into contact with the truth of the world, I was bitten back and turned white. Yue, you really don't like this color? Then I will use magic to change the color to the original..."

Speaking of which, the magic book at Jinguji Temple jumped up immediately, and the magic book quickly turned the pages, with a faint tendency to emit magic power.

"Actually, the white ones are also pretty, and I like them."

No, his excellent hair is clear and transparent silver hair, which makes him addicted to it.

Jinguji was sitting on his left, and Ye Shenyue's hand touched it gently, and the magic that was about to unfold immediately stopped, as if it was forcibly suppressed.

Is it also magic?

"Yue, I just wanted to ask, do you also know magic? I always feel that there are magic fluctuations in your body, but when you want to feel it more accurately, the fluctuations disappear again. Just like me and a human face just now When the water demon was fighting, you suddenly rushed out and really scared me."

"Don't mention the monster with a human face! This name is very annoying! The woman from the Jinguji family at the end of the Twelve Demons Killing~~" Before Yagami Yue could answer, Shizujiu directly interjected.It's just that the way Jingshuijiu's rage is also very speculative.

Does she really want Jinguji to change its name?Instead of trying to strengthen the contradiction between them?

"The last? The last... As expected, a water monster like you who doesn't know how to treat probation as a favor can only be completely killed! Yue, get out of the way, and I will kill this water snake directly!"

Jinguji's brows furrowed, and it was about to explode.Last but not least, since she was a child, since she inherited the Jingu family, isn't it enough that she was told that?Obviously now her strength can be ranked in the top few!

The last is past tense!


Ye Shenyue patted the table heavily, "You all be quiet!"

These two little guys are so bold, one is like this, the other is like this, they want to run against each other and want to have a big fight, is it really like he doesn't exist?

In the end, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but lose her temper!

Perhaps it was the reason for his madness. The table he slammed down turned into powder in an instant, yes, it turned into powder.

Fortunately, there is no wind now. If there is wind, it will all be blown away.

Jingshui didn't speak for a long time, and Jingu Temple didn't speak anymore, both of them were stunned by Ye Shenyue's sudden outburst.

It's just that there is still a simple-minded person on the scene.

"'s made of high-quality wood from England...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The table and the wood in the room were all made of materials from her hometown of England, and the sudden destruction would be a pain in the ass.

"But there's nothing to cry about at a table... I'll just give it back to you!"

Ye Shenyue had no choice but to cry to a girl. When a girl cried, she was so pitiful, and then when she went to comfort her, she cried louder and more tragically.

So Ye Shenyue chose the path of strangling her cry in the cradle.

It's just that his good intentions seem to have been misunderstood.

"How is it possible to recover? It's all smashed into slag... No, not even the slag is left..."

The little teacup seemed to cry, and the crystal tears were unstoppable.

"Well... if I use my magic... it still won't work, it can't be done... it's too shattered, it's almost broken down to the molecular structure."

Jinguji turned over the magic book and finally shook his head.There was nothing she could do.

"If it's a wound, it can be restored with the energy of my pure water, but it's not a wound, not even a human being. I can't do it either."

Jing Shui also shook his head for a long time, and there was nothing he could do.


The two seemed to be pouring cold water, and the little teacup cried even more sadly.

"Eh... just watch it."

It's useless to talk about it, let's use practical means now, Ye Shenyue closed his eyes slightly, looking for the power that belongs to Guangdu stagnant in his body.

The function of Guangdu is to strengthen the potential of things.

And now the fragments of the table are still there, and the power of Guangdu may really be repaired.


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