"Ah, if I said that I came here to see Hinami, wouldn't Hinami be very happy?"

Ye Shenyue pinched Hina's face and then got up and went to the bar to order something.

Fangmura Gongshan's eyes on Yashenyue have not taken off since he entered the store. Now, for Fangmura Gongshan, the man in front of him - Yashenyue, and the woman who often comes to him for coffee - Kamdai Li Shi, he has great interest.He watched Ye Shenyue walking towards him, smiled and asked him what he needed. Ye Shenyue usually ordered a latte and went back to the opposite side of Hashi. It seemed that he was not here to find him today.

"Brother Yeshen, did you really come here to find Hinako today?"

Dikou Hina asked jokingly.

"Ah, of course."

Ye Shenyue took Hina Mito's book, "Did you start reading 'Izumi' so soon? I remember that it hasn't been more than two days since you got this book. You are indeed a die-hard fan of Takatsuki Izumi."

He also mentioned Takatsuki Izumi unintentionally, but when she mentioned her, Yagami fell into the memories of two days ago...

She said his name was "the god of the moon in the dark", and it was a very interesting name.She said that she really hoped that he could become a character with the same name as him, "appearing in the dark night, through the moonlight, like a god-like character, to help more people" This woman is really special, but Ye Shenyue can't describe it. It's probably because of the feeling of "poetry and book spirit". People who can write a book like "The Egg of the Black Goat" must have a high degree of education.

"Has Brother Yeshen started to read "Fountain"? At Hashimi's level, I just find the writing to be awkward, just like the previous book."

At Hina's age, she can't actually read Taka Tsuki Izumi's books, but why did she become a Taka Tsuki Izumi fan?

"Ah, I haven't started reading yet. My brother is busy with other things recently, so I don't have time to read."

Ye Shenyue touched Hina's head and smiled at her. Her feelings for this little girl were indeed very subtle. No matter how big her worries were, they seemed to disappear when she saw this little girl.Why is this?Probably because Hina is a child, and the innocent personality that belongs to the child has affected him?

"Hina, what are you doing, are you disturbing Mr. Yagami?"

Ryoko came over and saw that his daughter and Ye Shenyue were playing and fighting, and an inexplicable sense of harmony filled his heart. It was so strange that when he saw Ye Shenyue, his whole person became strange...

"Ah, Mom, I'm chatting with Brother Yeshen, is Mom coming over?"

Hina beckoned to let Ryoko go over, and Ryoko was a little embarrassed.

Ryoko Diguchi sat next to Hinami and smiled softly at him, "Thank you, Mr. Yeshen, for coming to inform Fangcun that we were arrested that day, otherwise Hinami and I may never come back."

There was a hint of fear in her words, and it seemed that the devastation to them that day must have been cruel.

"It doesn't matter, I also happened to hear the news... um... When I heard the customers in my store talking about the news that the ghoul mother and daughter were caught by CCG, I don't know why, but your thoughts immediately popped into my mind. Shadow, I think it's probably you. Although I wasn't sure, I hurriedly reported the news to the store manager Fangcun. Fortunately, he sent someone to save you... Actually, you should thank Jin and Dong Xiang, because I didn't do anything. , after all, I'm just a human, and I don't have the ability to save you, I'm really sorry..."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head in remorse, wondering why Ye Shenyue wanted to cry so much...

Ah, doesn't that mean that Ye Shenyue already knew that the two of them were ghouls, then I... I didn't even have the strength to disguise myself, and Ryoko Fuguchi was a little sad. In front of Ye Shenyue, I didn't want to expose myself. The identity of the ghoul.

"Miss Ryoko, Miss Ryoko? What's wrong with you, haven't you fully recovered yet?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Ryoko Dikou, and couldn't help but want to care about her.At first, he thought whether he was a bit promiscuous, but later he thought about it, maybe he really had a special relationship with the two people in front of him.Caring when you should care, and avoiding when you should be avoided, after thinking about it, it's actually nothing special.

"Mr. Yagami... I don't mind that we are ghouls, and I'm just a little touched by being so enthusiastic to help our mother and daughter."

As a human being, Dikou was relieved that he didn't hate his own identity.But if he can save himself not only without hating, but also desperately to save himself, then this man is probably a special existence.

So special... She looks exactly like her husband...

"Ghoul? What about the ghoul?"

Ye Shenyue smiled cheerfully, her identity as a ghoul is still being kept secret, even she is a ghoul, what's the point of hating others for being a ghoul?

Chapter 0032 Yue Shanxi is definitely approaching him on purpose!

Just as Yagami Yue and Fieguchi Ryoko were having a pleasant conversation, an uninvited guest, Tsukiyama Xi, came to the door.As in the previous day's outfit, with dazzling purple hair and a suit of the same color, he wore a red shirt with a black tie, a pair of black leather shoes, and a pair of black trousers.Yue Shanxi makes people feel very uncomfortable, but people can't tell where they are uncomfortable. In short, stay away.

Just like Kirishima Dongxiang, she hated him very much.

Yue Shanxi's target seemed to be Yeshenyue, because he looked around the entire store, and after seeing Yeshenyue, his eyes stopped, and he began to stare at him from a distance, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. "Ye Shenyue, aren't you dead yet?"

Yue Shanxi became more and more curious about Ye Shenyue's identity. He thought it was the first time and the last time he saw him, but he didn't expect to meet him again here.

Didn't God Dali Shi actually eat him?Was it accidental or intentional?If it is the former, then the goddess Rishi is too weak.No, how could Shendai Li Shi be so weak? If she could miss, then there would not be so many murders in the safe zone recently.So what kind of person is Ye Shenyue?

To be able to escape Li Shi's hand, should it be said to be a very strong human being?No, judging from Yue Shanxi's observation of Yeshenyue that day, Yeshenyue doesn't look like a very strong human at all, and it can even be said that she looks very weak.But Yue Shanxi noticed one thing, Ye Shenyue's body is very sweet, that kind of aroma of food, how long has it been since Yue Shanxi smelled the wonderful taste of "food" itself?Could it be that it was because he smelled so delicious that Li Shicai didn't eat him so quickly?Could it be... captive?

Yue Shanxi seemed to see through the thoughts of the gods at a glance.

Yue Shanxi always holds a German book in his hand, and in his world, German and distinguishing food grades occupy his entire life.He believes that knowledge can create everything, and that "food" should be graded.When he met Yeshenyue, he gave him a definition. Yeshenyue was the most delicious food that Yue Shanxi had ever seen, so he had to snatch Yeshenyue from Shendai Lishi , making him his own and not sharing it with anyone.

"Ah, it's delicious."

Yue Shanxi intoxicated and sniffed the smell of Yeshenyue in the air, "I really want to, I really want..."

He walked towards Ye Shenyue, stood in front of him, and greeted him, "Hey, the man standing beside Li Shi at that time, you don't know who I am, so let me introduce myself first, I It's called Yue Shanxi, a third-year student, majoring in German."

Yue Shanxi introduced himself to Ye Shenyue with a smile, dispelling his guard against him.

"Hello, I'm Ye Shenyue, just the manager of a small cafe."

In Ye Shenyue's eyes, this person should be a knowledgeable ghoul, otherwise, why would his clothes be so different?He smiled awkwardly at Yue Shanxi, and didn't really want to continue the conversation with him, because there was an aura about him that people didn't want to approach.

Seeing that Ye Shenyue had no special reaction to him, Yue Shanxi sat down beside Ye Shenyue, "Mr. Ye Shenyue actually runs a coffee shop? Then why did you come to this coffee shop? Could it be that? Do you want to steal some means of doing business?"

Yue Shanxi just said it casually.

The atmosphere couldn't help falling into silence, and Ye Shenyue didn't know how to answer his question.This person, really can't speak... Ye Shenyue is a little speechless to Yue Shan.And he didn't know him well, so he was already sitting beside him so familiarly?This feeling is weird.To break the deadlock, he had to get up, "I'll go get another coffee."

Walking to the front of the bar, Ye Shenyue turned around and glanced at Yue Shanxi and Dikou's mother and daughter, but found that Yue Shanxi had been watching him, and he couldn't help having a cold war.

Kirishima Dong Xiang frowned and walked to Ye Shenyue's side, "What do you think about Yue Shanxi, Mr. Ye Shen?"

She asked casually.

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