"Ah...it's nothing, I just don't want to get close to him...I think he's not easy to get along with..."

Ye Shenyue didn't want to say too much about his opinion of others, because he really didn't want to pay attention to men.

"Since this is the case, then Mr. Ye Shen must not like Yueshanxi very much. So listen to my advice and stay away from Yueshanxi, because he is not a good person."

Kirishima Dongxiang reminded.

...Yishenyue only felt that the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees in an instant, and he sneezed so coldly, "Manager Fangcun, give me another cup of red bean milk tea."

After ordering, he continued to return to his original position. Although he didn't want to, but after all, the mother and daughter of Dikou were there, and even if he didn't want to be close to Yue Shanxi, he couldn't show it on the surface.

"Does Mr. Yagami really want to approach me?"

Does Yue Shanxi speak so directly every time?

"No, how is it possible, I'm not familiar with Mr. Yueshan, so I can't talk about whether I want to get close."

Ye Shenyue defended herself embarrassingly, when will this embarrassing scene stop.

Xu Shi could see Ye Shenyue's ugly face, Dikou Chu Shi took Ye Shenyue's hand and said, "Brother Ye Shen, help Chu Shi tell me about the new words in this novel, Chu Shi has a lot of words that she still can't read. Okay, let's go to the back seat, shall we?"

"Hina, how can you trouble Mr. Yagami so casually? You can ask mom to help you if you don't know anything."

Ryoko Diguchi touched Hina's head, feeling that her daughter was too naive.

"It's okay, Hina, let's go to the back seat, I'll give you a good talk."

Ye Shenyue knew that Hina was helping him, so he instantly accepted Hina's request, "Ah, Mr. Yueshan, I'm so sorry, let's talk next time."

He got up and took Hina's hand and left first.

"Hina, well done!"

He and Hinami made a "givemefive" gesture in a low voice.

"of course."

Hinami took Yagami Yue's hand out of Yue Shanxi's line of sight.

Hey, Ye Shenyue, am I already hated by you?You must not hate me, otherwise how can we get along well in the future?I still want to be your friend.Yue Shanxi felt a little aggrieved, was he hated by Ye Shenyue without doing anything?How can this be done.Yue Shanxi opened his German book, read German aloud, and comforting himself in German is also a good way.Next, how to make Ye Shenyue relax his vigilance and make him not hate him?

And... eat him!

Chapter 0033 There is a coup!

Ye Shenyue was still watching Yue Shanxi while telling Dikou Hina the new words in "Spring".This person must have been close to him on purpose, otherwise, why would he always look towards him, obviously he is already at a distance from him.After sitting for about 20 minutes, Yue Shanxi left, but before leaving, he smiled strangely at Ye Shenyue.

"Brother Yeshen, can you finally stop deserting?"

Hinami couldn't help but joke about Yagami Yue.

"Ah, did you find out?"

Ye Shenyue was slightly embarrassed, was she actually being laughed at by a little girl again?

Although Yue Shanxi has left, it seems that he still refuses to let go of the night god.Ye Shenyue's position is right by the window, and the window is behind it. Yue Shanxi left the cafe and moved towards the position where Ye Shenyue was sitting, and made a move to kill him with a gun. All this was seen by Kirishima Dong Xiang. Clearly, she knew in her heart that Ye Shenyue was attracted by Yue Shanxi, and she would definitely be attacked by Yue Shanxi in the short term.As for whether it was a simple attack or a brutal attack on her, it was unknown. She could only kindly remind Ye Shenyue how far she could escape if she encountered Yue Shanxi.

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered the day she had a date with Li Shi, and that was the first time he met Yue Shanxi.It can be seen from Li Shi's sudden change of expression that Li Shi definitely hates Yue Shanxi, that mocking expression makes Yagami Yue unforgettable... Li Shi's original words were, "The failure of the ghoul world. "

It is used to describe Yue Shanxi. Although he has not yet understood the meaning of that sentence, he believes that Yue Shanxi will definitely describe to himself what it means to be a "failure in the ghoul world."

I seem to be able to... drive away tigers.Thinking of this, the corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched up involuntarily, a clever trick, a clever trick, Ye Shenyue, how could you be so smart!

"Brother Yeshen, what's wrong with you, brother Yeshen? You look crazy?"

Dikou Hina shook Ye Shenyue's shoulder, "Did you think of someone? I see your saliva is almost drooling!"

"Ah! Is that so!"

Ye Shenyue wiped her mouth in fright, but found nothing!Damn, this little girl will die if she doesn't play for a day! "Young Shi! If you joke about your brother again, my brother doesn't like you anymore! I won't come to you in the future!"

The joke was a bit too big, Hina's face changed immediately, and it meant "raining".

"Brother Yeshen is a bad guy! Hinami will never play with Brother Yeshen again!"

Dikou Hina hurried away holding "Spring", leaving Ye Shenyue helpless.

"Hey...how could this little girl... get angry so soon..."

Ye Shenyue scratched her head, and that's it for today.

He walked to the bar to say goodbye to Kirishima Dong Xiang and Fangmura's store manager, Fangmura Gongzen patted him on the shoulder.Ye Shenyue's aura was a little weaker than it was a few days ago.He looked into Ye Shenyue's eyes, a little weird, "Mr. Ye Shen has been sucked blood by ghouls recently?"

Ye Shenyue was drenched in cold sweat, this Fangcun Gongshan is too powerful, just by looking at himself can he know that his body is different?He obediently told Fangcun Gongshan what happened before, Fangcun Gongshan also nodded thoughtfully, "Mr. Ye Shen should still focus on protecting himself, but at present, you can't protect yourself at all..."

Ye Shenyue understands what Fangcun Gongshan means, can't she hide herself if she can't be provoked?In the end, he couldn't even hide.The root of it is due to his own problems. If only he could think of a way to restore his strength earlier, he would not be "captivated" by Li Shi.

"Fortunately, your body recovered fast enough, otherwise, you should have died long ago."

Fangcun Gongshan affirmed Ye Shenyue's physical fitness, and was worried about his struggle to discover his strength.

"Well, thank the manager of Fangcun for worrying. I have already thought of a solution. Maybe I can solve Li Shi. That's all for today. I'll go first."

Watching Ye Shenyue go away, Fangcun only felt that his original decision was right. He did not mistake Ye Shenyue, and he always believed that he would have a bright future in the future.

Back at his cafe, Nishiweiwu said that he accidentally scratched his hand when he was serving the plate, a deep scratch on his finger, and bright red blood was ticking. same size.

He picked up Xiweiwu's finger and sniffed the smell of her blood, which was different, a little different.Her blood seems to have a different taste from her own. Her blood has a fishy smell, but what does your own... own blood taste like?He suddenly recalled the kiss with Li Shi, and at the moment Li Shi bit his tongue, he also sucked his own blood... It was a little sweet, not as fishy as Xiwei Mist.So, is your blood really different?So it attracted one ghoul after another to stare at him!

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