"Yue... What's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Xiweiwu looked at Yashinyue's abnormal performance, as if smelling his own blood in a daze.

"Come to my office and I'll wrap you up."

Ye Shenyue took Xi Weiwu's hand and walked into the office, took out her first aid kit, turned around and was about to bandage Xi Weiwu, but found that Xi Weiwu's finger was healed, "Ah, I forgot. You are a ghoul, the recovery ability of ghouls is very strong, I forgot..."

"Yue, have you been doing something recently? I see that you are very busy every day. Are we ghouls so good at research?"

Regarding Yashenyue's obsession with ghoul research, although Nishiomiri doesn't hold any opinion, she dislikes Yashenyue for not sacrificing her own body for research, "I don't mean to let you investigate, I just want to let you know. Pay attention to your body, I see that you have lost a lot of weight recently."

His mouth was complaining about Ye Shenyue, but his heart was extremely worried.

"I know, don't worry too much."

Ye Shenyue stepped forward and hugged Xiweiwu tightly, "Mist, you are the best."

He buried his head deeply on her shoulders, and Xiweiwu had a special scent of small daisies, which made people feel reassuring.

"You tell me not to worry every time, can I really not worry? If I fight like this? If I tell you not to worry about me, can you not worry too?"

Xiweiwu lifted Ye Shenyue's head off his shoulders and looked into his eyes, "You stare into my eyes and answer my question."

"Of course I can! I'm very good, you let me not worry about me, I certainly won't worry about you!"

Did Ye Shenyue speak without thinking?

"Simply! Ye Shenyue! You are crazy! Don't you love me!"

Nishio foggy went wild in a half-joking manner.

"Hahaha, Wu, you are so cute!"

Yagami began to knead Nishiomiri's face vigorously.

Chapter 0034 I don't know who was deceived by whom, Yue Shanxi

Drive away tigers and devour wolves.Ye Shenyue thought about it for two days, how to organize this plan?Thinking that these two people are not easy to deal with, so the more detailed the plan, the better, and the more thorough the information collected, the better.If Shindai Rishi and Tsukiyama Xiu fight, it should be very interesting, right?

With this idea in mind, Ye Shenyue took "Spring" to the park, and he was going to enjoy the sunshine of nature in the open air without anyone's interruption.I bought a cup of coffee from a small shop in the park, put a few candies in the cup, opened the book and prepared to read, ah, it was a pleasure.

"Mr. Night God."

I don't know when Yue Shanxi came to Yeshenyue's side. She actually changed her outfit today, but it was still purple. Did Yue Shanxi really love purple?He sat on the table where Ye Shenyue was, "Can I sit here?"

"Ah... Yue Shanxi, um, yes, please take a seat."

Ye Shenyue never thought that Yue Shanxi would actually appear in front of her, and, looking at him, did she want to have a long conversation with her?He couldn't make Yue Shanxi doubt himself, and he couldn't overthrow the "weak" image he had established in Yue Shanxi's mind, so he had to let Yue Shanxi sit down.

Tsukiyama said in German "Thank you very much."

Ye Shenyue spoke first, "Why did Mr. Yueshan go to Shangjing University to study?"

He felt that with Yueshan Xi's ability, he should not need to study at all, and could directly join the company.

Yue Shanxi sat opposite Ye Shenyue and became a little closer, "It's nothing, I just want to gain more knowledge."

"Then...Mr. Yueshan, why did you come here? It doesn't seem like today is the weekend. Mr. Yueshan should have a class, right?"

Ye Shenyue didn't know how she should talk to him, but for the time being, let's fool around without a word.

"If I said I came to see you...what would you think?"

Yue Shanxi held his head with one hand and smiled, making Ye Shenyue feel Alexander.


How should he answer!Ye Shenyue buried her head under the book, and her heart was always burdened with this sentence: This person is a gourmet, a troublesome person in the 20th district.

He suddenly felt what the awe-inspiring look in Kirishima Dong Xiang's "shy" expression meant.

That is disguising, disguising in front of inferior people, but resisting in the heart.

It seems that gnawing species also have troubles with gnawing species.

"You seem to be a serious book lover, Mr. Yagami. I heard this from a regular visitor to the safe zone."

Yue Shanxi looked at Ye Shenyue with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Ah, I'm nothing at all."

Compared with Kaneki Ken, compared to Dikou Hashimi, or Shendai Lishi, his desire for reading is far less than theirs.It's just that I simply like Takatsuki Izumi and her works.

"Books are really great, even if it's just a small article, you can immerse people in colorful fantasies... I think the so-called work is that when the reader's idea is closer to the author's idea, the The more deeply you can appreciate that work. Then... from the author's point of view, you can travel directly and freely in the book..."

Yue Shanxi's fingers walked towards Ye Shenyue step by step, "I often only forget what kind of existence I am when I bury my head in the world of books..."

His hand was already stretched out in front of Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue was completely immersed in Yue Shanxi's views on reading, completely unaware that Yue Shanxi's hand had been stretched out in front of her, but she was a little lost, "You really like reading..."

The seven-star ladybug appeared in Ye Shenyue's book, Yue Shanxi grabbed it and let it crawl on his arm, staring at the little ladybug, "When I feel hard and painful , I was backed up by a ton of fictional stories."

His opinion is so pertinent that Ye Shenyue is really about to fall into Yue Shanxi's thoughts.Regarding reading, Yue Shanxi is actually the same as himself!

"I'm so curious, do you also read Takatsuki Izumi's books?"

After sending the little ladybug away, Yue Shanxi resumed the movement of supporting his head with one hand.

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