Shendai Rishi nodded thoughtfully, "Yue Shanxi really can think of any kind of conspiracy. But I... have to go. Well, let the other ghouls open their eyes and take a good look. I'm a gluttonous eater, the food is not something that any cat or dog can touch! Especially those self-righteous garbage! I will go tomorrow, just tell me the location tonight. "

It seems that "Tiger" has also taken the bait.After Ye Shenyue notified the news, she said goodbye to Shendai Lishi and left first.On the way home, I went to the supermarket to buy a few boxes of fresh milk, so as not to make Nishiomiu suspect.

When she got home, Ye Shenyue took a comfortable bath and fell asleep in the constant temperature bathtub.

Nishio foggy put the things that Yashenyue bought into the refrigerator, and after two hours of watching Yashenyue, she still did not come out of the bathroom, so she had to open the door and go in.


This scream extended indefinitely, scaring Ye Shenyue alive!

"Ah! What happened!"

Ye Shenyue was also quite frightened.

Nishio mist covered his eyes, "No, no, it's nothing! I saw that it was two hours before you came out and thought you passed out in the bathroom, so I came in to take a look. Get up quickly, Soaking for too long is not good for your health.”

So Nishio Mist didn't make it clear why he was screaming...

"Mist, why are you screaming?"

Ye Shenyue this idiot is simply...


Of course, the reason why Nishio mist screamed was because he saw his naked body, didn't he even understand the reason?Still need a girl to say it? "Anyway, hurry up and get dressed and come out!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly realized that although he was soaking in the bath, he forgot to cover a towel over the important parts. This spring and light burst out... Being seen by a girl, he didn't have time to be shy, and Xiweiwu actually ran away. Well, it seems that it is still too pure.Ye Shenyue calmly took a towel to cover herself and was about to take a bath, but Xiweiwu had already come in with a bathrobe to let Ye Shenyue crawl out of the bathtub.

"Come out quickly, I'll take the dirty clothes to wash."

The red cheeks are very cute.

Such a cute girl, Yashenyue, is my favorite. She came out of the bathtub unhurriedly, put on her bathrobe, and slowly came out of the bathroom. Xiweiwu had already gone to wash her clothes, and Yashenyue could only go back. The study is planning things for tomorrow.Everything is unknown, whether tomorrow is dangerous or safe, we can only rely on God to benefit the world.

Chapter 0036 The Trap of Yueshanxi

Yue Shanxi appeared in his coffee shop, and it was still an hour before their agreed time. Could it be that Yue Shanxi was going to pick him up to go there with him?It's just that I haven't mentioned to Yue Shanxi the exact location of the coffee shop he opened. How did Yue Shanxi find out?Ah, but that's right, it's strange that someone like Yue Shanxi can't be found.Ye Shenyue was a little lost thinking about things, "Ah!"

One accidentally cut his finger.He picked up a quick towel to wipe the blood on his fingers, and was in a hurry, so he didn't notice that Yue Shanxi had walked in front of him.

"Mr. Yagami ready? Let's go? We have to go to the XX restaurant in the 20th district. Ah, your hand hurt? Are you okay?"

She suddenly found out that Ye Shenyue's finger was injured, and as a "foodie", she was naturally distressed when she saw that there were more holes in her food.

"Ah, it's okay, the small wound will heal soon. Let me throw this towel away and wait for me."

Ye Shenyue got up, and the towel in her hand was snatched away by Yue Shanxi.

"Ah, let me throw it away for you. Mr. Yagami doesn't need to change clothes or something? Should you need to prepare something?"

Yue Shanxi looked at the blood of Yeshenyue on the handkerchief, and actually had some bloodthirsty impulses...

"Ah, okay, then I'll go get ready and ask Mr. Yueshan to wait for me."

That being the case, get ready to change your clothes and go out.

Yue Shanxi walked to the bathroom, straightened his hair, and looked at the hand towel in his hand, "I'm really careless to actually make such a suspicious action."

He was referring to grabbing Yeshenyue's towel, and he didn't know if Yeshenyue would doubt himself.

"Becool, take it step by step steadily."

Yue Shanxi's hands trembled a little while holding the handkerchief tightly, "Yue Shanxi, just be patient."

He buried his entire nose on the handkerchief that was stuck with Ye Shenyue's blood, desperately smelling the wonderful smell of blood on it.

"Ah, the soft sweetness...and the mellow harmony..."

Smelling and smelling, Yue Shanxi's face became hideous, his eyes widened, bloodshot, "Ah—"

He couldn't help screaming, "The happiness of discovering new food is far superior to discovering a new planet for human beings. Ah, Mr. Savalan, you are absolutely right..."

When the two arrived at the restaurant, Ye Shenyue was coaxed by Yue Shanxi into taking a bath.

"Ah, why am I taking a shower here?"

Yagami pondered while washing.

"Mr. Yagami, this is the costume specially prepared for you by Mr. Tsukiyama."

Someone said outside the bathroom.

Ah, he remembered, Yue Shanxi said that this is the rule of this restaurant, and you must take a bath before enjoying the food.

He said thank you in the direction of the voice.

Strange, he was wearing the tuxedo that Yue Shanxi prepared for him, and surveyed the surrounding situation. There was no one in the room he was brought into by the staff! "Damn it, will Goddess Rise come to this store?"

He couldn't help but start to worry.

The door was opened, and a staff member in a maid costume and a mask walked in from the dining car, and said in a low voice, "I'll serve you coffee first, please take it slow."

After that, the staff pushed the dining cart away.

"What about Mr. Yueshan?"

Ye Shenyue asked the staff, but she left without looking back.

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