The moment Ye Shenyue picked up the coffee and started drinking!Lights went out!Instead, the area he was in was actually a round platform and he was actually raised!

what's the situation!Has it turned into a showcase?The area where I was in was placed in front of many people by a large audience, and there were as many as four floors of people wearing masks onlookers!These people must be all ghouls!The stage lights are all focused on themselves after a random shot!

The host's voice sounded in his ears, "Everyone, I've kept you waiting for a long time! He is today's main dish. Today's main dish is very special meat, that's right! Everyone must have smelled the smell from him. Come on! The introducer is Mr. MM!"

Yue Shanxi came out, of course, he was wearing a mask, no one knew he was Yue Shanxi.People around started "Mr. MM, that's Mr. MM!"


"Ladies and gentlemen, although we've eaten so much meat, it's simply too rough to be served on the table. Those of you who are very picky with your tongue and tongue must have already known about it."

But Ye Shenyue saw him at a glance—Yue Shanxi, like he is now, is he going to introduce him to these hundreds of ghouls, so that those ghouls can eat him?Ye Shenyue, even if she thought about it a thousand times, would never have imagined that Yue Shanxi would come out to her like this!What about Li Shi!What about Goddelius!Could it be that she was let go of her pigeons!

Yue Shanxi began to say again, "What I am concerned about is the smell on his body."

He took out the handkerchief with Ye Shenyue's blood before and put it under his nose, sniffing hard, "He exudes a strong human fragrance."

After he finished speaking, he threw down the bloody towel and let the ghouls snatch it.

"that is true!"

"How fragrant and seductive!"

"It was amazing!"

"I can't stand it!"...

"Don't you find it interesting?"

Yue Shanxi stirred the hearts of all the ghouls present, "What does food with a beautiful and wonderful aroma taste like!"

Yue Shanxi gradually lost his mind and became crazy.

"Let's bring the thrill of smell and taste to the unknown! Come on! Let's enjoy this ultimate food!"

The voice just fell, what the hell is this salute-like thing!Could it be that in order to eat Ye Shenyue, he also prepared something like a fireworks salute to celebrate!

"Then, welcome to the disintegrator of the main course of Japanese cuisine!"

The host's voice also seemed to be excited, and the atmosphere in the field improved a lot.

The bronze door behind Ye Shenyue was pulled open...

A man with a huge body came out, the body was as thick as a pig, and even his words had a mentally retarded feeling.

He... is a disintegrator!

ps: The power of the protagonist will be restored soon, please be patient.

Chapter 0037 Who is the food!

"Hey, I ask you, Mrs. A."

"Oops, what's the matter? Mr. PG."

"Which disintegrator did you bring to the venue today?"

Mrs. A covered her face and smiled, "I brought my favorite Taro baby today."

The big man Taro with the saw is as sturdy as a Japanese sumo wrestler.He also politely greeted all the ghouls present, "Please give me some advice, sawing, sawing, sawing..."

It seems to be the chant that he played, a chant that he created in order to break down Yagami more perfectly.

Are you going to die here today?Are you still too young?Tenderness, he overestimated his own plans and underestimated Yue Shanxi's IQ.The Taro baby in front of him is not at all as cute as his name.

Ye Shenyue was extremely depressed in her heart.

"Get rid of him, you idiot!"

The surrounding ghouls became restless, thinking that the deliciousness that was about to reach their mouths would not struggle.

"I have to run away, I have to run away!"

This is the only thought in Ye Shenyue's heart now, and Shendai Li Shi has not appeared yet!

This woman... is simply unreliable!

"You have to think of a way quickly, Ye Shenyue!"

After he finished speaking, he took off his jacket, and with the advantage of his own speed, he turned around and put it on Baby Taro's head, but how long could he last?

A new round of running has begun.

"You can't run away."

Did he catch up just because he was pushing the bronze door?How can it be so fast!

"Kill him!"

Ghoul eaters are going crazy, right?It's the first time I've seen food that is so difficult to deal with that it refuses to be eaten. I really don't know what to resist. The more you resist, the older you get.

The saw waved towards Ye Shenyue for a while, and Ye Shenyue snatched it away with ease.On the contrary, this disintegrator was a bit clumsy, and he actually cut the saw on the wall for the last time and couldn't even pull it out!Take this opportunity to run away, Ye Shenyue!

"No, it doesn't work at all..."

Blindly dodging and running will only make oneself continue to consume physical strength, and the other party is not tired at all.

"Ah, Ye Shenyue, stop doing useless work, okay?"

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