Ye Shenyue felt that perhaps Shendai Lishi should have been aware of his own thoughts, so he deliberately delayed his appearance.

Is this beating him?

Ye Shenyue lay on the shoulders of Shendai Li Shi, and it took a long time to wake up.

"Li... Miss Li Shi."

But what should be said still has to be said, Ye Shenyue stabilized her figure, facing the gods, "Thank you for saving me."

In front of him, Shendai Lishi had a bloody look on his face. He had just fled from the restaurant with a violent aura. In this moonlight, Shendai Lishi's eyes looked extremely terrifying. Ye Shenyue chose to shut up and waited for Shendai Lishi's body. The hostile aura gradually dissipated, and she could also restore her physical strength by the way, but it only took a full three hours to dissipate the hostility. That is, suck blood.

"Ye Shenyue, it's not for nothing to save you, shouldn't you give some indication?"

Shendai Lishi looked at Ye Shenyue in front of him. This was a good time to suck his blood. It was better to suck his blood while he was seriously injured and unable to resist.

"Slow... wait! Didn't you say you should take it once a week? How can you make me recover like this? Besides, I was injured today, and I lost too much blood. Can you bear it?"

Ye Shenyue was pampered, but it was useless to the current Shendai Lishi.


Moaning was released from his mouth, especially subtle.

Shendai Li Shi gently lay on Ye Shenyue's shoulder, "Because your neck is injured, you just let me suck blood, I don't even need to bite the cold."

There are arteries and large blood vessels in the neck. If God Dai Lishi accidentally bites off his own artery, will he still live?He pushed her away hard, "Enough!"

She wiped her mouth in a daze, the corners of her lips covered with his blood, and her blood-red tongue licked her lips without wasting a drop of blood.

"Why haven't you texted me recently?"

Goddalese sat on the side of the road with Ye Shenyue.

"Because the phone fell into the toilet a few days ago, all the phone numbers are gone."

"Give me your phone."

Ye Shenyue took out her mobile phone and gave it to Shendai Lishi.

"Okay, you have it now. Goodbye then."

Goddess Li Shifeng disappeared like the wind.Liu Ye Shenyue sat alone.

Although I don't know why Shendai Lishi took the initiative to give her mobile phone number, Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered something!That is!He forgot to bite the god Delice!Damn it, how could I have forgotten, I promised to bite her while Shendai Li Shi was biting her!

This opportunity is wasted again!Ye Shenyue has infinite annoyance, but this injury on her body... The point is how to explain it to Nishi Weiwu!Hey, I have to report every day when I get home. I didn't use it before, I'm very free, isn't it inconvenient to let Nishiomiu live in my house?Ye Shenyue began to reflect, Ye Shenyue, what kind of wind are you smoking, just because of your own reasons, you actually want the fog to leave your house?Hey, my brain must have been kicked by a donkey!

But he's really afraid of explaining... But it's now, it's better to stay home at night than to be scolded at home, so he still finds a hotel outside to stay for the night, and goes directly to the store tomorrow to open a meeting. more natural.After thinking about it, Ye Shenyue took action.When I got to the hotel, I found a room to stay, and when I was about to take a shower to clean off the stains on my body, I unexpectedly found that the flesh wounds were slowly healing. This should be a sign of the recovery of my ghoul power.

The next day, Yeshenyue opened the store early, changed into a suit in the changing room, and threw the clothes that Yueshanxi sent yesterday into the trash can.He didn't want to see Yue Shanxi again, hit him once he saw him!

Nishio Mist was the second one to appear in the store. She had a spare key that Yagami gave her in October 220, all of which were prepared to prevent Yagami from being able to open the store.She was very worried that Ye Shenyue didn't return overnight. After she hurriedly left with Yue Shanxi last afternoon, Ye Shenyue was no longer there.Who is opening the door now?Is it the month?

The light was lit in the office, and she pushed the door open without knocking, only to see Ye Shenyue sitting at the desk to check the accounts. Judging by his appearance, nothing dangerous happened yesterday, right?

"What did you do after you went out with others yesterday? Why didn't you come back all night?"

Nishizumi asked.

Ye Shenyue also knew that Xiweiwu would definitely ask him about what happened yesterday, so he had already organized the language and seemed to be waiting for Xiweiwu's question. "Yesterday, I went out to sing with my friends, and it didn't end until the early morning. I thought it was early in the morning, so I went to the hotel to open a room to play cards. It didn't end until dawn. I didn't sleep all night, and I was a little sleepy."

It's very natural here, but I don't know if Xiweiwu will believe it.


Xiweiwu came close to Yeshenyue, a faint smell of blood. "Are you hurt?"

"Ah... yes, didn't you accidentally cut your finger before leaving yesterday? Did you forget?"

Ye Shenyue deliberately raised her bandaged fingers, and Xiweiwu reluctantly stopped asking.

Chapter 0039 CCG strikes again

CCG has never given up on the investigation of the 20th district. Since that time, Zhendo Wu Xu took Yamen Gangtaro to patrol the nearby streets, and after encountering an old ghoul, Zhendo Wuxu and Yamen have confronted the 20th. The ghouls in the area are getting more and more interested.Especially when the "Gluttony" case and yesterday's "Food Feast" case, the two of them simply couldn't put down the 20th District.But the main purpose of their visit to Area 20 this time is to find "Jason", a bloodthirsty ghoul who likes to kill, kill and torture others. He likes to wear a hockey mask when slaughtering and is called "Jason" by CCG "Ah, Yamen. Since I came here, I have to deal with 'Gluttony' and 'Gourmet'. Their strength should not be underestimated. If we don't get rid of them as soon as possible, I think it will be difficult in the future." "

Zhento Wu Xu said to Yamen who was following him closely behind him, "Also, if you encounter other ghouls, you will also accept them, and use their Hezi as a quince."

Compared to handling cases, Wu Xu, the real householder, prefers to capture the ghouls and collect their Hezi as Kuyinke.


This time Amon Gangtaro decided to cooperate with his master as much as possible.

Ye Shenyue walked out of the store and stretched out, but she didn't expect to meet people from CCG. One of them he knew was Gangtaro Yamen, the person who took him to the CCG building for inspection a few months ago. Kato Kotaro also thought that Yagami was a ghoul, but this time, seeing Yagami standing in front of the cafe, Amen smiled awkwardly at him.

"What's the matter, Yamen, do you know me?"

Zhento Wu Xu looked at his apprentice a little abnormal.

"Ah, nothing, I thought he was a ghoul before, so I took him to the CCG building for inspection, and the results showed that he was not a ghoul, but a very ordinary human. I made a mistake in judgment, so it was inevitable to see him a little embarrassed. ."

Yamen told Wu Xu this matter one by one.

Mato Wuxu raised his head and looked at Ye Shenyue who was standing in front of the cafe, "Is he the one you arrested by mistake? So you don't dare to interrogate people who are suspicious now, right? You are afraid of arresting them again. Wrong person? Doing this kind of thing is timid, so what's the point of you living in this world."

Amen nodded in shame.

Mato Wu Xu glanced at Ye Shenyue, and found that a very suspicious mother and daughter were walking in front of him. When he was about to go forward to check, Ye Shenyue responded first.

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