"Don't come here quickly! I need your help! I've been so lazy all day, and I even take my daughter out shopping during work hours. Be careful I'll fire you!"

Ye Shenyue shouted at Dikou mother and daughter.

Ryoko Diguchi had heard that someone from CCG was near here and was going to hide, but what did Ye Shenyue suddenly call to him, I couldn't hear it clearly. Shenyue half pushed into the cafe.

"People with CCG outside the door, be careful."

Ye Shenyue said softly.

It was only then that Ryoko Diguchi understood that Yashin Yue was saving them.

Since he is an employee of the Yeshenyue store, there is no need to check it out. Yamen thinks so, but Mato thinks that these two people are very problematic.

"You guys stay here first, I'll go see if the CCG people outside are gone."

Ye Shenyue sat by the window, not making it too obvious for those viewing CCG.

The reason why he reacted like that before was entirely because he saw the white-haired old man standing beside Yamen open the toolbox he was carrying with him, looking like he was about to destroy the ghouls, he knew that there must be something nearby. There are ghouls.

Ye Shenyue followed the man's gaze and saw that there was no other ghoul in front of him, but the mother and daughter of Dikou.How could this allow CCG's vain capture of this kind mother and daughter, that's why he thought of this trick.

Fortunately, the white-haired old man really closed the toolbox again, and even though he glanced at Ye Shenyue, he didn't say anything. It seems that it should be fine, right?Ye Shenyue looked at the two people outside the window, they were ready to leave.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the street here, I would have done it a long time ago, and I would have been afraid of your small coffee shop?"

The real household Wu Xuzhen was unwilling that he couldn't hunt ghouls.

"Master, are those mother and daughter really ghouls?"

Amen became suspicious again.

"Did you eat badly last time and want to eat it again?"

Mato glanced at his stupid apprentice, "Do you remember the last time the CCG building was attacked by ghouls? Although we were both absent at that time, I heard from other investigators that it was because of a ghoul mother and daughter. incident.

They managed to hunt a pair of ghoul mother and daughter, but they were rescued by two stronger ghouls.I said that the investigators in the CCG building are really not a worry-free thing. They know how to collect information on weekdays and don’t know how to strengthen their own abilities. Looking at the ghouls they have finally hunted, they can only let their companions rescue them. .

If I had been there that day, I would never have allowed such a thing to happen.In short, based on what happened last time, I think that the mother and daughter I saw today are probably the ghoul mother and daughter who were kidnapped last time. "

Mato is both complaining and reasoning, and it's clear that everything he says makes sense.


For some reason, Ye Shenyue could hear it clearly from the window. In short, the conclusion was that the old man with white hair was very dangerous, and the one named Yamen was still very tender, not mature enough to do things, and too indecisive.Could it be that he was frightened by his own interrogation and felt that any "person" looked like a "person"?Hahaha, Ye Shenyue is about to snicker.After confirming that the white-haired old man and Yamen were far away, Ye Shenyue was relieved to make it clear to Yoshiko Fueguchi.

Ye Shenyue turned around and saw Yoshiko Fukuchi, "I'm really thankful to Mr. Yagami this time. If our mother and daughter were without Mr. Yagami, I really don't know what to do. Hina, thank you Mr. Yagami quickly. This time he saved our lives again."

Dikou Ryoko pulled Dikou Hushi in front of him, and Ye Shenyue patted Hatsuhi's head, "What's there to thank, it's just a hand-in-hand effort. It shouldn't be safe in the daytime, you stay with me for a while, and at night I'll take you back again."

Ryoko held Ye Shenyue's hand and couldn't help but be grateful, strange, that subtle feeling came again...

"But Miss Ryoko? We really haven't met before? I always think you are familiar. I have had this idea more than once..."

Ye Shenyue's hand was held by Yoshiko Dikou, and a sudden electric current rushed through his brain, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Ah, I really haven't seen it before. Mr. Yagami and I only met not long ago, didn't I?"

Ryoko Diguchi put down Ye Shenyue's hand, and he seemed to have lost his temper.

Chapter 0040 How can I not eat the sandwich that Yuko specially made for me!

Mato Wu Xu turned his head and glanced at the cafe, thinking about solving the other ghouls and then solving these two!

In the evening, after explaining it clearly to Wu, Ye Shenyue put on her clothes and was ready to send the mother and daughter of Dikou back to the cafe in the safe area.It might be a little cold at night, and he also put his clothes on Ryoko Dikou, which warmed his heart.When the three arrived at the cafe, only the manager of Fangmura and Dong Xiang Kirishima were left in the shop to clean up the leftovers of the guests.Kirishima Dongxiang greeted Ryoko and Hinami as soon as they saw them coming back.Hina's face was a little ugly, and she kept holding Ye Shenyue's hand, her small body trembling uncontrollably.

"Are you here from the CCG? Are you injured? Are you staring at them?"

Dong Xiang was very worried, so as soon as she saw them, she couldn't help asking.

"They're here, but we haven't been interrogated, Dong Xiang, don't worry."

Ryoko held Dong Xiang's hand to signal her not to be more nervous than she was.

"Did Mr. Yagami help you? It looks like it should be."

Kirishima Dong Xiang glanced at Yagami who was standing behind Ryoko, and smiled gratefully at him.

"Then I'll go first, and I have to go back and close my shop."

Ye Shenyue is going to leave first.

"Please come to this cafe tomorrow, I want to thank Mr. Yegami well."

Ryoko turned around and said to Yagami.

"Okay, if I'm free tomorrow."

In his cafe, only Nishiomiri was left to do the final cleaning work. After Yagami returned to the cafe, she let Nishiomiri sit aside and rest, and just leave the rest to herself.After he finished cleaning the store and confirmed that the water, electricity, and natural gas were all closed, he closed the door with Nishi's hand and left.This kind of feeling is like old husband and wife, very natural and warm.

The next day, the business in the store was not very busy, and Ye Shenyue naturally had time to go to the cafe in the safe area.Hearing that Yagami was coming, Ryoko Fueguchi made a lot of desserts.Because I am a ghoul, I don't know the taste of human food, so I can't use cooking to thank Yagami.In desperation, I can only make some desserts, and I am not sure if Ye Shenyue likes sweets or not.

Ryoko Dikou was still busy in the kitchen, and Ye Shenyue had already arrived.Kirishima Dongxiang brought the dessert that Ryoko made by himself to Yagami, maybe Kirishima Dongxiang, who always served with facial paralysis, smiled while serving the dessert to Yagami, which caused Yuko who happened to walk in to see it , and Yuko also thought of Kirishima Dongxiang and Yagami Yue as a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Xiao Dongxiang, are you enlightened?"

Yuko looked at Kirishima Dongxiang with a wicked smile.

"What nonsense! By the way, why did you come to see me today?"

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