Looking at Yuko's idiotic face, she understood what Yuko was thinking, "I said, I don't have that kind of relationship with him!"


Yuko leaned forward with a teasing face.

"that is……"

Kirishima Dong Xiang couldn't help blushing, and even hesitantly said, "Girls and girlfriends... Anyway, if you are talking nonsense outside, don't think about yourself!"

She "warned" Yuko.

"Ah~ when did Dong Xiang become so stingy, I also saw Dong Xiang blushing~" Yuko was really gossiping, "Okay, I understand, Dong Xiang is not in a relationship with that one called Ye Shenyue. Then can you tell me what kind of person Ye Shenyue is?"

"That...I don't know him very well, but from my point of view he is very affectionate, knowing that the other party may not regard him as a friend, but still warmly helps others to escape from difficulties. It may seem ordinary on weekdays, But when he encounters a situation, he will definitely analyze it calmly and find a solution as soon as possible. I have personally watched him become stronger step by step. In short, as a human being, he is not a bad person... He can even be regarded as a person with great potential. …”

Kirishima Dong Xiang didn't know why she was so eloquent when she described Yashinyuki, obviously she was not very familiar with him.


Yuko seems to have heard something, what is "as a human being" "Dong Xiang, why do you say, 'As a human'? Ah, Dong Xiang?"

Kirishima Dong Xiang realized that she had made a mistake. As a hidden ghoul, how could she say such a thing! "Ah, I've been reading novels recently and my mind has been short-circuited. Maybe sometimes my words will become very middle-aged. You don't mind, Yuko, just ignore it."

The secret that she is a ghoul must not be revealed to Yuko...

"Hina... Hina just wants... just wants to live with my father!"

The always-behaved Hina Dikou didn't know why she suddenly got angry at Ryoko Dikou, and after shouting at her mother, she fled upstairs.Diguchi Ryoko lowered his head with a look of disappointment and did not speak.

Ye Shenyue is always so coincidental, and every time she comes to the safe area cafe, she always encounters something unusual.For example, today, he came to send some clothes to Ryoko Dikou, because seeing Ryoko Dikou and Hina Dikou seems to be wearing so many clothes every time, it must be very sad to be left behind.

He didn't know Ryoko Diguchi's dressing style, nor what size she usually wears, so he simply bought it according to the size of Nishio fog. He bought it in the morning and delivered it as soon as it was finished.It's just that as soon as he walked into the cafe, he saw such a scene.

He put down his clothes, and Ryoko Fueguchi gave him a sad look. "This is for you, I'm going to comfort Hina, it's alright."

He followed Dikou Ryoko's footsteps up the stairs. Fortunately, there were name tags on the door, otherwise he would definitely not know which room Hina lived in.Do you really miss your father?Ye Shenyue thought about it for a while, and until now he knew Dikou's mother and daughter, it seems that he has never met Ryoko's husband, Hinami's father, and... From their words, it seems that Ryoko's husband is no longer there?

"Hina, open the door, it's me, your brother Yeshen."

Now even if Taka Tsuki-Izumi is here, I can't let Hinami open the door obediently. After trying for a long time, there is no news at all, and Yagami gave up...

Ryoko Dikou lowered his head, "It's all my fault. Now my husband is not here, so I should cheer up more."

Ye Shenyue sat opposite Fukuchi Ryoko, "Uh... Excuse me, why is Hina really angry?"

Ye Shenyue just thought that Hina, such a well-behaved child, would be angry for no reason.

"Because... Hina has never seen her father since she was born. I used to take pictures to coax her, but recently it doesn't work anymore... Hina is so big, maybe she wants to see her father too much..."

As she spoke, she choked up.

"Where is Hashi's father now?"

Ye Shenyue asked.

Ryoko Diguchi looked down at the coffee, the spiral pattern in it wave after wave, "How can I tell her that her father will never come back."

She felt that she was about to blow up all the lies she had prepared for herself. "He's a really great guy, and he's really important to me and Hinami."

After she finished speaking, she got up and rectified her mood, "It doesn't matter, I'm Hina's mother, if I can't be trusted, who will Hina be coquettish to? By the way, Mr. Yagami, thank you for giving us the gift. clothing."

Ye Shenyue watched the figure of Dikou Ryoko drifting away, "Miss Ryoko, she is really a strong person."

"Hina, open the door."

Ryoko stood at the door of Hinami.

"No, I don't want to open the door for mom!"

"Hina, you..."

"People want to see Dad! Why, why not? Mom, Mom hates the most!"

Hinami leaned against her knees and wept bitterly.

"You give me enough time, Hina! You clearly know in your heart that Dad won't come back, right?"

In the end, Ryoko Fueguchi finally spoke to his daughter in person.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I suddenly yelled at you like this... Hina really wanted to see Dad, right, but Dad, he will never come back..."

How cruel it is to break the lies that I have compiled for more than ten years with my own hands. It is already very miserable, but I still have to go through this. How did the lives of me and Hina become like this... Yoshiko Fuguchi collapsed.

Chapter 0042 Jason's Appearance

Mr. J is a well-known tool maker in the ghoul world, and most of the weapons used by the ghouls are from Mr. J.Today, it seems to be a good day, after hiding for a long time, Yakumo Daishou, nicknamed "Jason", appeared at Mr. J's house.


Mr. J didn't expect this ghoul, which is famous for torture and abuse, to suddenly appear in his home. Did he want to come and get the weapon customized by him so soon?But fortunately, he made it overnight, because he knew that Jason was a moody person, and when he was impulsive, he really wasn't sure to escape from his subordinates.

"It's really quiet here today."

Jason's surface is very casual, but the corners of his mouth are raised abnormally. Looking at Mr. J, he thinks he should know the purpose of his coming? Mr. J's desk was full of childish paintings, which were definitely not from Mr. J's hands. Jason picked up a painting and looked at it meaningfully.

"Hurry up and take this and leave."

Mr. J's tone became a little trembling again, and he took out Jason's customized weapon from under the book.

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