"Ah, that's not bad, Mr. J."

Jason put down the painting and picked up the weapon that Mr. J made for him. It looked like a wrench on the surface, "You really have a set of things, you are really good."

His fingers rubbed silently on the wrench, and the killing intent in his eyes became more obvious, "Then, with this, I can kill that woman..."

"Can... can I ask you not to come here again?"

Seeing the killing intent in Jason's eyes, Mr. J couldn't help trembling. Although Mr. J has the ability to make weapons, his own strength is very low, so he has to fear those ghouls that are higher than him.

The wrench gleamed in the sunlight, and Jason's treacherous expression was exposed by the sunlight. He kept playing with his new weapon, "So I'm so annoying."

Look at your fingers.

"I just want to live a peaceful life, please..."

Knuckles rattled, Jason felt that Mr. J had no need to live in this world, "I see."

On the surface, he pretended to leave, but he turned around after a while, "But can I ask you a question before leaving?"

Jason's face turned hideous, looking down at Mr. J, who was squatting on the ground because he picked up the painting Jason threw on the ground, "When did you become the lackey of those humans? Ah? Tell me! "


Before Mr. J could react in his mind, his body moved.A mouthful of blood was sprayed directly on the painting, and the whole body was kicked out, directly knocking a hole out of his house!His chest was penetrated by Jason, and a huge hole appeared in him. When Mr. J was kicked out of the house, when he opened his eyes, it was two humans with toolboxes.

Mato Wu Xu and Amen Gangtaro.

"Why are people from CCG here..."

Mr. J's injuries were too severe, and he passed out not long after.

"Ha, it's worth staying here, Yamen, using pawns as bait to catch villains... But this guy is a real big villain."

Zhento Wu Xu had taken Yamen to ambush near Mr. J's house a long time ago, in order to capture Jason. It seems that his judgment was correct, and Jason really appeared at Mr. J's house.

"Master, that guy is..."

It was the first time Yamen saw the brutal Jason, the S-rank ghoul who had been caught for a long time and could not be caught.

"Jason...why did the big man in District 13 hang out near District 20..."

Mato pressed the button of the toolbox, the toolbox opened automatically, and the guard of the toolbox directly became the guard of Kuyink, and Mato ignited his fighting spirit, "Just ask me about the rest!"

Kuyinke in his hand is already ready to stand by!

"S-Class...Jason from District 13!"

Like the real household, Kuyink in his hand is ready to stand by!

When Mato works, his expression is as hideous as that of ghouls. Every time he sees ghouls, he will be inexplicably excited. Kuink, who is like a sword but not a sword but a knife but not a knife, spins at a high speed, as if he is ready to kill all the ghouls. .He slashed towards Jason, and his movements were not like an old man at all, but Jason's evasion skills were not covered.


Like the cotton-hungry little girl, Mato's love for Jason is terrific, and he howls while waving his cuink.

Jason stepped back, and Yamen attacked from behind, but Jason still escaped, "You guys are pretty good."

Before he knew it, he had already stepped aside, raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Hmph, I'll play with you for two minutes."

An arrogant expression filled his face.He stepped back into the dark.

"I'm sorry, it seems that I started too lightly."

Yamen holds up his quince to apologize to Shindo.

"You don't need to worry about it, just clean him up next time."

The real household Wu Xu didn't care.

As soon as the words fell, when the two were about to enter the dark place where Jason disappeared together, Yamen was kicked away by Jason, and Jason added another kick, and Yamen went straight into the abandoned car.

Jason squatted and looked at him fiercely, "It seems that it can be easily destroyed."

Raising the weapon in his hand, he moved into Yamen.

Mato raised his leg and jumped, dodged in front of Jason, blocking his attack on Yamen, Jason 940 jumped and took three steps back.

"Are you all right, Yamen? Take a good look at your breathing, I'll go first!"

A lunge rushed up to fight with Jason, the air was filled with the sound of "pit pit", the sound of weapons colliding with me.Mixed with sparks, they are sparks generated by metal friction.

The more he killed, the faster and harder he killed, even Jason couldn't stand it.


The corners of Jason's mouth raised a subtle arc, he rushed towards the real door Wu Xu's Kuyinke, wanting to run behind him to solve him after the real door Wuxu used the Kuyinq to himself, just his purpose It has long been seen by Makoto, and Makoto's Kuink is far from easy as Jason imagined, it's like a bunch of flexible tentacles that spread out and shoot at Jason, and when it reaches his back, it becomes Surrounded Jason with sharp hooks!

But, "It's a pity, Makoto, your Kuink doesn't work."

Hiroko behind Jason bounced Mato's Kuyin off as much as possible and directly destroyed it.The whole face looked serious, "Want to sleep?"

"Don't try to succeed!"

Yamen, who was holding a big hammer like Kuink, rushed over and hit him thinking he had hit Jason, but Jason jumped from under their noses to the top of the abandoned car on the opposite side. "Time is up."

Jason looked at his watch and disappeared.

Chapter 0043 is just a small experiment

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