"Go to bed early after taking a bath, I'm too lazy to be poor with you."

Nishiomiri pushed Yagami away with her elbow.

Chapter 0044

Yue Shanxi just wanted to be a beautiful man quietly, how could he feel that the CCG people were coming?It really feels like "God is going to kill me, Yueshan learns".

"There must be ghouls here, and my Quinque is already on the move, Yamen. It's just that I don't know if it's Goddess Rise, are you ready? We're going to have a big fight again."

The newly developed Kuink in Mato's hands was shaking slightly.

Amen Gangtaro looked at his master's increasingly hunched back and felt a little distressed, but he did not relax his vigilance on any task even at such an old age. Was it really hurt by the ghouls too much back then?

"Yamen, what are you in a daze, hurry up, I noticed that the ghoul I want is nearby."

With a sly smile, "I don't know who I will meet?"

Yue Shanxi tried his best to hide his aura, so as not to be tracked by CCG people so quickly.It's just that this serious injury has not healed. If he really fights with the CCG people in the end, then he will definitely die, right? CCG people can detect his breath, and he can naturally, but his nose is a little insensitive because of the serious injury. Now, he has to start to escape...

The surroundings were surprisingly quiet, not even the chirping of insects and birds. It was very strange, very strange.The real household told Amen to be careful about himself and try to control his footsteps as much as possible. The ghouls have excellent hearing. If he finds that they are slowly approaching, then tonight's task will not be completed.Zhendo Wu Xu gradually approached Yue Shanxi, and after walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, "It's strange, why is this breath so weak, could it be that the ghoul is injured? Can't help but be happy, Zhendo Wu Xu felt more and more confident in completing the task.


Although Yue Shanxi ate his own flesh, it was not human flesh after all, so his recovery would be a little slow. In addition, he ran around instead of waiting for his recovery, which further slowed the improvement of his injury.The CCG behind him was getting closer and closer, and Yue Shan learned to speed up, not so slow.

"Yo, the ghouls seem to have noticed us, and they actually speed up. Yamen, what does he care about controlling his footsteps, let's talk about it when he catches it!"

Yamen dashed with the real household, the master experienced a lot, naturally more experienced than after all.

With a panting sound, Yue Shanxi leaned against the wall, only blaming himself for being too stupid to stay in the alley to recover from his injuries, otherwise he would never meet someone from CCG.But this CCG usually doesn't make such a big commotion. Could it be that such an active task in recent days is... Goddess Benedict!It's the goddess again!If Shendai Li Shi didn't make these murders and beat himself so miserably, then why would he need to be so cowardly!

"I found you."

Five words, every word stopped.The rising tone is full of killing intent.Mato's pace was much faster than a wounded ghoul, and it didn't take long to catch up.

How cool is the way to open the new Kuyinck!It's so cool that I have no friends!When the real door pushes the button, the kuyink pops up automatically. The long-whip cuyck looks a bit like a keel, but it's much cooler than a keel, with sharp blades on each section, each section shining red of light.Mato entered the battle mode again. If someone dared to disturb him at this time, he would definitely treat that person as a ghoul and eliminate him.That's a sign of working too seriously, to the point of insane.With a flick of Kuyink, he automatically reached out to Yue Shanxi.

"I just didn't expect to meet a 'foodie'. My original intention was to meet a 'gluttony'."

Mato watched calmly as his Quinck stabbed at Tsukiyama Xi.

Yue Shanxi fled in embarrassment with He Zi, and even took the help of the real household Wu Xu's Kuyinke.

"Yue Shanxi, are you so weak already?"

Makoto couldn't help but start laughing.

Yue Shanxi stood on the wall, his bright red eyes filled with resentment, he threw out his own Hezi and started to attack.

"As expected, you are completely different from ordinary chops."

That was the excitement of killing and slaughtering, Mato had not killed so much in a long time.Kuyinck is so nimble in his hands, he can hit it wherever he wants it.Even if Yue Shanxi used Hezi, he would only be beaten. "Jump again, jump again, keep jumping, you flying insect."

"Your weapon cannot be used here."

Yue Shanxi finally stopped and squatted somewhere. "If I hadn't been injured by the gods, I wouldn't be so weak!"

...... The real household Wu Xu was tricked.When he calmed down and savored what Yue Shanxi said, the scene in front of him was enough to make him regret it.The biggest weakness of the whip-style Hezi is the entanglement. When I was fighting against Yue Shanxi, I completely forgot about this. I completely forgot that he jumped like this to lure him into the bait, so that he could not use Kuyink in this narrow space. .Although he was at a disadvantage, Wu Xu, the real household, couldn't help but cursed, "Hey."

Yue Shanxi is about to start serious, even if he is seriously injured and physically exhausted.He still jumped up and rushed towards the real door Wu Xu just to use Hezi to give him a fatal blow.And he also did it. Without Kuyink's real household Wu Xu, he was like a crab without claws.The real household was slammed into the wall by Yueshan, and then fell down heavily, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his throat, and passed out.

"Master... Master!"

Yamen picked up the toolbox and was about to press the button, but Yueshan Xi took the lead and threw his toolbox dozens of meters away.

"Hmph, don't bother, go and see your master, or else, your master will die..."

Yue Shanxi left the last perfect smile for Yamen, and then slowly left the alley while covering her stomach.


Amen leaned over to Makoto.

"Go away, what are you doing, keep chasing me!"

Mato pushed open Amen, and tried to stand up against the wall himself, but failed every time, "It seems that I should also study how to deal with the ghouls without Kuyink, otherwise I will also Too weak. Come, Amen, help me up."

Mato wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.No, I seem to have heard Yue Shanxi say something before?About Goddess.He was seriously injured by Goddelius?It seems that Shendai Lishi is also around here. Damn, if even Yue Shanxi can't handle it... What will happen to Shendai Lishi? I haven't played against Shendai Lishi yet, but I can be sure that I have to deal with it first. Kuyinke refits and refits, and he can't maintain the original Hezi's shape too much, otherwise the situation will continue to appear today.

"Cough cough cough."

Sooner or later, but at this time, Yue Shanxi leaned against the wall and slowly slid down.

Chapter 0045 Awakening Prelude

"Stop chasing, leave the opportunity to continue next time, Yamen, let's withdraw first."

Zhendo Wu Xu was supported by Yamen, and he was very unwilling. He could have killed Yueshanxi, but his overconfidence and carelessness led to his failure.However, Yue Shanxi is not necessarily much better than himself, hehe, he must have fainted somewhere.

Obviously it was an unusually relaxing afternoon, and Ye Shenyue sat in her cafe with great interest, drinking coffee, listening to the little song, very comfortable.It's just that this quiet atmosphere didn't last long, and a text message from Shendai Lishi pulled him back from the silence.Tomorrow is Sunday, the date agreed with Goddess.In other words, tomorrow you can take the opportunity to suck the blood of the gods!Think a little excited.If he had dated Li Shi before, he might still have a trace of fear, but since he knew he was a ghoul, he had completely changed.Now, although he is "captive" by Lee World, he is ostensibly controlled by her, but in fact he is not.He calmly thought about Li Shi's thoughts, and kept him by her side just to obtain his precious blood. Since this blood can make the ghouls not reject human food, it should have other functions.So Li Shi couldn't eat herself, she wasn't that stupid.

"Wow, store manager, it's been a long time since I saw you in the store."

The clerk named Shuri came over and acted in front of Ye Shenyue, "I feel that it is more difficult to meet the store manager than to go to the sky."

"Shuri, you're joking again. It must be that you are not serious at work and are always deserting. I am in the store every day, but in the office."

Ye Shenyue gave her a ruffian smile, "I'll deduct 100 yuan from your salary."

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