Ye Shenyue got up and left.Leaving Shuri to slump silently.

Back at the office, Ye Shenyue took out her mobile phone, "See you at the book restaurant in Yunbat Building at [-] pm tomorrow."

Addressee: Goddaily, at his appointed place and time.

The phone vibrated quickly, "Okay."

Letter from: God Dai Li Shi.What does it feel like to throw away the phone and lean on the sofa?Excited?I haven't been so excited for a long time. When I think of going to suck the blood of the gods, I feel that I will wake up with a smile even when I sleep.The power hidden in my body, are you finally going to revive it?The weak who have been doing it for too long seems to have even begun to decay.

Ye Shenyue, you will not be reconciled, you will not be reconciled to being stepped on by others, you have always been the winner, haven't you?You always have to stand on top of all the chops, don't you?The desire for victory, Yagami Moon has also been hidden for a long time.Close your eyes and start imagining your own future infinitely—the future in which you can imagine yourself free.

The next day, Shendai Li Shi was going to appear in the book restaurant of Yunbat Building. Ye Shenyue arrived before her, "It's strange that Mr. Ye Shen came before me."

The goddess is indeed incredible. Usually, Yagami is basically the one who is late for appointments.

"No, you were late, have you forgotten? That day, I was arrested by Yue Shanxi."

Ye Shenyue put down the coffee in her hand, and glanced at Dai Lishi with her long, slanted eyes. This look was very subtle, and Ye Shenyue even saw a trace of doubt in Shen Dai Lishi's eyes.He thought he shouldn't expose himself too much, and he shouldn't act too much anyway, he rubbed his eyes calmly, "I set the alarm clock this morning so that I wouldn't be late, and I still haven't woken up and can't open my eyes."

He fooled past easily.

"You said that day... I wasn't late, I was just silently mixing in the ghouls. I was curious about how you would react when you were hunted down by the disintegrator, so I kept watching you."

Kamidai Rishi smiled cutely.

Is this hiding a knife in a smile, Ye Shenyue clicked her tongue, "Okay, I believe you. By the way, I don't know what you like to eat, so I didn't order food, just two cups of coffee."

Kamidai Rishi looked around, "Sure enough, there will be books every time we date? Although I know that our interests are the same, but this is a date after all, can we change the genre in the future?"

Goddale picked up the coffee and seemed a little tired of being the same place every time.

Because Ye Shenyue never counted going out for dinner with God Dai Lishi as a date... never... not at all...

Ye Shenyue nodded, "Well, I'll pay attention next time. Let's order."

He gave the menu to Shendai Lishi, wanting to see what Shendai Lishi would order if he ordered... But after listening to Shendai Lishi's skilled ordering voice, Ye Shenyue understood that Shendai Lishi had completely accepted it. human food.Her appearance is no different from that of a human, and the only way to tell if she is a ghoul was to see if she vomits when she eats.Now, this method can be completely rejected! "Li Shi, can you finish your meal after ordering so much?"

"Does Yue not like girls who eat too much?"

He was so close that he used "month" to call him.


He was taken aback by the intimate address of Shendai Lishi. He remembered that the first time Shendai Lishi called him "Yue" was when he met Yueshanxi. At that time, it should be because of Yueshanxi, but now... Shouldn't she really consider herself her boyfriend... "No, it's a good thing for girls to eat a lot, and Miss Li Shi won't gain weight if she eats too much."

What the hell are you talking about...


Kamidai Rishi covered his mouth and laughed, "Mr. Yagami is really interesting."

The atmosphere was well maintained, with cheerful molecules in the air.Ye Shenyue very much hopes that what happens next will go according to his plan.For example, Shendai Lishi would take the initiative to kiss her, and he could also take advantage of the situation to bite her and suck her blood, "Yue, what's the matter with you? Why are you in a daze?"

Shendai Lishi was a little lost when she saw Ye Shenyue in front of him, she waved her hand in front of him, but to no avail.Helplessly, she patted his shoulder 2.4, and Ye Shenyue woke up.

"It's okay, I'm just wondering why this dish hasn't come up yet."

In the eyes of Shendai Lishi, the way he pouted is simply showing off his cuteness, and Shendai Lishi felt a little strange in his heart.

Goddess Rishi tried to keep himself calm, and even pinched himself when necessary.The man in front of her is her food and not her object, and she cannot love her own food.

However, the more I stay with Ye Shenyue, the more strange I become... "Shendai Li Shi, can you strengthen your heart? Don't yearn for the love of other people's world, it is unreliable. Besides, people and ghouls You can't be together, don't you forget! You can't fall into the vicious circle of Ye Shenyue, you can't fall into the gentle village of a human being, your goal is to eat him, just eat him."

Chapter 0046-Awakening

Shendai Li Shiming reminded himself every time, but his heart always took a "wrong way" after lunch. The two consciously stayed in the book restaurant and read a book.In order to increase the fun, Ye Shenyue even played the game of hide and seek, scurrying between the bookshelves, and Shendai Li Shi also enjoyed it.He was looking for an opportunity, and he found it.

He grabbed the goddess, kissed it, and the two sat down against the wall.Shendai Lishi was kissed and kissed by Ye Shenyue for the second time, and his heart was suddenly "gudonggudong" and his face was astonishingly hot.

She gradually closed her eyes, intoxicated by Ye Shenyue's fierce attack, until a long time later, her tongue and head hurt.not good!He did it on purpose!But he couldn't push him away. There were so many people here, and he really underestimated Ye Shenyue... He was played by this mere human beings again and again.

But he is obviously just an ordinary human, why should he suck his own blood!

"Ah...07" Ye Shenyue stopped kissing the goddess in contentment, pushed him away, and slumped on the ground.The long pointed tongue licked around the lips, "It's beautiful and wonderful."

· "You actually!...Actually!..."

Goddale was shocked!

The head hurts like being hit hard, and the blood in the whole body seems to be flowing backwards, and it seems to be accelerating with the beating of the heart.

He seemed to be in the rush of blood, and when he opened his eyes, every part he saw was covered with blood-like colors, and he realized that he was awakened... He could feel the power coming from within the body. Recovery, the power that has been silent for hundreds of years is constantly returning!Ah, this feeling, let this pleasure keep hitting your skull!

What happened to Ye Shenyue, where did the white whites in his eyes go?Where did the black eyeballs in his eyes go?Shendai Li Shi was stunned, he turned out... was it a ghoul?Are you the same as yourself?Just haven't woken up yet?Have been living as a human being?

What a Ye Shenyue, who has been hidden for so long and is of the same kind as herself, ah, I really didn't expect it.She just watched Ye Shenyue gasping for breath, her face was full of sarcasm, she took off her glasses, her pupils were changing...

What was Shendai Lishi thinking, why did she look at herself with a playful face, Ye Shenyue looked at her hands, and there was nothing unusual.The chance to get revenge finally came, and he should have a good fight with Shendai Lishi.

He rushed out of the Yunfu Building in a hurry, and Shendai Lishi followed in his footsteps, and the two came to the dark alley, which was the best place to fight.

"Do you know what it's like to piss me off? You should know?"

Shendai Li Shi's fierce eyes stared at Ye Shenyue, and he grabbed his neck with one hand and pressed him against the wall.


Still unable to fully control her own power, Ye Shenyue was pressed against the wall by the battle-hardened God Dai Lishi at the very beginning, "I have endured you for a long time, and I don't want to be played by you anymore!"

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