"Playing? Just imagine, who is Ye Shenyueyao playing with whom?"

Shendai Lishi increased the strength of his hands, his face was close to Ye Shenyue, nose to nose, "If you dare to say one wrong thing, I will kill you!"

"You've been playing with me all the time!"

Ye Shenyue clenched her fists and took advantage of Li Shi to get close to her and hit her hard!

Li Shi didn't know that Ye Shenyue had so much power and was a little careless. She was hit by Ye Shenyue on the wall and could not move temporarily. "Hehe, that's really funny!"

Heko behind him bounced off the goddess and kept attacking Yagami.Under the fierce battle, a small bastard like Ye Shenyue was completely powerless to resist. "Since it's a ghoul, why don't you use Hezi? Ye Shenyue."

She challenged him because she knew that he was not her opponent at all.As long as Yashen Yueyue is crazy, the more power she will use to fight against her, the more she will enjoy the process of fighting Yashen Yueyue.

Ye Shenyue's flexible evasion ability is fully displayed in front of Shendai Rishi, and Shendai Rishi's Hezi cannot accurately attack Ye Shenyue.Behind him is the Hezi of the gods, and he used those pillars to try to make the hezi of the gods of the gods calamity, thus failing.But Kanda Rishi is not that stupid at all, she will just use her Heiko like a spring and stay put.If things go on like this, Ye Shenyue's physical strength will only be exhausted in vain, and Shendai Li Shi is still calm.This is the fundamental difference between an experienced person and a novice.

It's just that he's not yet a fledgling. In the previous world, who hasn't he met before?

Ye Shenyue suddenly gave up escaping, turned around and raised her fist at Shendai Lishi.Shendai Rishi thought that he wanted to pose some useless poses again, so he waited for him calmly, but who knew that Yashenyue's sudden acceleration made Shendai Rishi too late to react, and he passed under her arm with a horizontal kick!He didn't want to use his fist at all, his raised fist was an illusion, he just wanted to kick her with his leg!


Shendalee was kicked against the wall for the second time by Yashenyue, and the blood on the corner of her mouth indicated that she was injured by Yashenyue. "You... this bastard!"

She hasn't gotten serious yet, and when she does get serious, Ye Shen 817 will be dead long ago.She easily jumped off the wall, opened Hezi, and walked gracefully towards Yashenyue.

Ye Shenyue did not hide, but quietly guessed her next move.He saw it, saw Hezi's eagerness behind her.She has also made up her mind, and the people in front of her cannot be taken lightly.

"As for me, I can't stand being abused by others. When I turned on the 'Gluttony' mode, you were the first to kick me against the wall twice. I think you understand what I mean? "

The goddess Li Shi looked at him wickedly.

He saw through her actions!He definitely saw through it!It's just that he didn't have time to escape and was stabbed by Shendai Li Shi!Her son was stuck in his stomach, pinning him to the wall, unable to move. "cough--"

He vomited blood.

"Beautiful, unparalleled beauty. Lord Yeshenyue, do you know how beautiful you are when you vomit blood? I really want to use a camera to capture all your beautiful and wonderful moments."

She stepped forward, touched his face, pinched his drooping eyelids, "Yishen Yuejun, are you tired? Do you need a rest? Well, I'll take you home to rest..."

After taking back Hezi, Shendai Lishi held Ye Shenyue in his arms, "You are getting more and more interesting..."

Chapter 0047 is not captivity is the pursuit

"He's not human, he's a ghoul. He's not human, he's a ghoul..."

This sentence was read by Shendai Li Shi, she looked at Ye Shenyue lying on her bed and smiled.Smiling so morbidly and arrogantly, "This person is getting more and more interesting..."

Shindai Rishi does not like to eat ghouls, she believes that human flesh is the easiest food to swallow and the same kind of meat is the hardest food to swallow.But if Ye Shenyue is willing to be eaten by herself, then it doesn't matter.As long as that person is Ye Shenyue.But when did he start to become his own special being?

The next day, Ye Shenyue woke up and found that she was not in her own house, and she didn't know whose house she was.The instinct is to get up and run away.He lifted the quilt, only to feel a little back pain, pulled off the clothes, and all the wounds on his body were healed, and the big hole that Li Shi had penetrated was also healed.He was about to get out of bed and run away, but a voice came from the door, "Who could it be..."

"Good morning, Lord Yeshenyue~" Shendai Lishi opened the door of Yeshenyue with a pollution-free smile, "Are you awake? Get up and brush your teeth, I have prepared a towel and toothbrush for you. The bathroom is next to this room, come and have breakfast after washing, I've already made breakfast~" What the hell is this cute wife's shape... Yesterday, the murderous "gluttonous" Li Shi died overnight. Has it returned to the image of human and animal pollution-free?It's just that her image to people today will be a little better. She is wearing a pink nightdress and a lace silk apron. She looks like a personal wife. .

"Ah, morning, Li Shi."

So, does Ye Shenyue simply accept this setting?Did he and she both pretend that what happened yesterday was a fart?The pajamas on him are men's. Could it be that Lee World... er... he doesn't want to be that much anymore. He got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and then sat quietly at the dining table to eat the breakfast made by Lee World, "Wow~" he couldn't help sighing. Voice.

"Is it hard to eat? Yue, it's my first time to cook. If there is something I don't do well, please..."

Isn't this shy look really seducing him?Ye Shenyue's weakness is pollution-free girls. "Can you please point it out?"

"No, it's delicious. Miss Li Shi's craftsmanship really makes me ashamed."

Ye Shenyue began to bury his head and eat fiercely. If the Li Shi in front of him was pretending, then he at least had to eat enough to have the strength to fight her... He finished his breakfast quickly, and Shendai Li Shi calmly Clean up.Seeing how busy Shendai Lishi was, Ye Shenyue was even a little embarrassed, this damn mentality.

"Miss Li Shi, can I go back? I have to go back to open the shop."

Ye Shenyue said to the back of Shendai Lishi.

"Okay, the new clothes are in the bathroom. I've already threw away your old clothes, because they're all covered in blood and they're not easy to wash. Yue will forgive my self-assertion."

She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him playfully, then continued to clean up.

"It's ok."

He walked into the bathroom quietly, and found that Shendai Lishi had prepared a suit for him, a light blue suit and gray trousers, a white shirt, a gray and white plaid knitted vest, and a pink bow tie?When he finished the exchange, he had to recognize the taste of Shendai Lishi.It seems that he hasn't been dressed so tenderly for a long time, and his clothes are always only in three colors of black, white and gray.

"Thank you Miss Li Shi for the clothes that fit well."

Ye Shenyue left after expressing her thanks to the gods.

Shendai Rishi is very sure what she should do next, she has to obey her heart, go after Ye Shenyue boldly, and then... eat it.

From the first time we met, I was attracted by the smell of Yagami. Although he looked like a weak human on the surface, he was a ghoul with unlimited potential.Ye Shenyue is not strong right now, she thinks it is weak for her, but she can't guarantee what Ye Shenyue will become in the future, she always feels that the future of Ye Shenyue will definitely become more and more frustrated and more courageous. powerful.And he has to become stronger, so he needs Ye Shenyue's blood even more.He is blood, a rare blood in the world, which can enhance the strength of the body, so she still needs him, and constantly strengthens herself by sucking his blood. At that time, eat him before he is not as strong as herself, otherwise, it will be too late.

"Goddale's conspiracy... it's always going on..."

Recalling the contrasting characters of Shendai Lishi, Ye Shenyue would never be deceived by her again.When, the last time is enough, there is no need to do it again and again.

If you use your weakness to deal with yourself repeatedly, then that weakness will gradually be honed by the enemy.He even had to thank God Dali Shi, without her, he would not have awakened.If it wasn't for her toying with her time and time again, she wouldn't have become so oblivious to others.

After all, there are good ghouls, but not every ghoul is good.So in the end, you still have to rely on your own eyes to distinguish and recognize this dirty world.As for Shendai Li Shi, it is better to see the tricks.

Ye Shenyue returned to her cafe, and gradually became irritated by the mysterious disappearance of Xiwei Mist. She glanced at him calmly, "Where did you get the suit and when did you buy it."

"I forgot to tell you yesterday. I drank and sang with my friends and forgot the time. I stayed at the hotel last night. I put on the clothes I bought this morning."

Ye Shenyue felt that this was a bit far-fetched, because the suit on her was not her own style at all.

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