"then you……"

Nishiomiri pointed to his suit.

"I know you're going to say that my clothes were chosen by my friend, and I know it's not my style, but he forced me to buy them, he didn't allow me to take them off, and even threw my original clothes away... I had to wear this to work."

This reason is getting longer and longer, and I don't know if the fog will doubt it.

With suspicion, she walked in front of her step by step, raising her hands as if to strangle him.He seemed to see the fog pinching his neck and asked him why he forgot to go home! "The collar is crooked."

She helped him tidy up, "You look good in this suit, and try to buy more clothes of this color in the future to make you look more handsome."

After speaking, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Ye Shenyue's forehead.


His girlfriend is indeed the most empathetic.

"Night God Moon!"

Nishio Jin's voice came from behind, "Where have you been these days!"

What did Nishio Jin look for for him? Saying that he doesn't often go to the cafe in Anding District, where he still works part-time, doesn't he see him?Ah, yes, he was basically in school when he went there...

Chapter 0048 Consciousness

Ye Shenyue was pulled aside by Xiwei Jin, and Xiwei Jin's expression was as if she was about to eat Ye Shenyue, "I heard that you and Dong Xiang are getting along? Don't you already have my sister, you actually..."

"Who told you, do you believe such unfounded words? Let me go."

Ye Shenyue shook off Nishiojin's hand.Ye Shenyue felt speechless and walked away, "Also, don't do anything next time."

He hates others to do something to him. In the past, he didn't dare because of his weak strength. Now, what is he afraid of?


Nishio Jin was speechless for a moment.Forget it, since he said no, then no, Ye Shenyue is unreliable, and her character is still worthy of recognition.

Amen Gangtaro was out on patrol, and stopped by the cafe of Yashenyue, ready to go in for a cup of coffee, so as to formally apologize to Yashenyue.The incident of catching the wrong person in the past has caused Yamen to see that no one can be sure that it is a ghoul. He must have this knot, otherwise he may not be able to judge correctly in the future.

When Yashen Yue saw Yamen coming, she thought he was going to handle a case in her shop, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.He walked over calmly and found that he didn't bring a toolbox. Did he just come over for a coffee?Ye Shenyue doesn't believe it.

"Mr. Yamen, may I ask you..."

Ye Shenyue couldn't ask him what his purpose was.

"Ah, I came here today to simply apologize to Mr. Yagami."

Yamen Gangtaro is CCG's investigator after all, so he can't keep his face down.

"Let's go and talk to my office."

When the two arrived at Yagami's office, Amon Gotaro asked him what he thought of ghouls.Yashenyue thought to herself, Could it be that Amen Gangtaro is here to tell his own words?It's impossible to think about it. People like Yamen seem to be too conformist and don't know how to work around. It's not known how many years of struggle for a person like him to be a search officer, but it seems that Yamen is not very old. Could it be a weapon? Have a good time?To put it bluntly, the mind is developed and the limbs are simple.He had said before that he was just here to apologize to himself, but as soon as he arrived at the office, he started by asking himself what he thought of the ghouls, does this person have any brains?

"Uh, I don't know what Mr. Yamen means?"

Yagami Yue had to check what Kotaro Amen said.

Yamen took a deep breath, "Because I trust you, I'll tell you what's in my heart. As a CCG investigator, I have to deal with a large number of ghoul cases every day, all of them indiscriminately killing humans, you know? If you were me, dealing with these cases every day would only increase the hatred for the ghouls over time, even if the ghouls did not harm your family. But man, natural compassion is at work..."

Amen paused, "Seeing the ghouls murdering humans, you will hate the ghouls, wishing they would all die. But the ghouls are not so easy to deal with, although they are evading our pursuit every day, they will never Stop killing people, that's what ghouls are, things that are inferior to beasts."

Ye Shenyue didn't know what Yamen wanted to do when she told him this. He couldn't believe Yamen's words, "Because I believe in you, I'll tell you what's in my heart."

Is Ye Shenyue worthy of Yamen's trust?Before she didn't know she was a ghoul, Ye Shenyue must have been happy to hear this, but now, if he can't, he will feel guilty, even though he pretends that nothing happened on the surface.Maybe he should be more mindful, Amen Gangtaro is here to set his own words today, not to speak to himself.

"But... just in the previous case, I started to hesitate again."

Yamen seemed to be lost in memories, "That day, my master and I specifically threatened another ghoul in order to capture another ghoul. That ghoul never killed humans indiscriminately, just a guy who made weapons for ghouls— —Mr. J. Mr. J told me frankly that he had a happy family and wanted to help us catch the ghoul we wanted and let him go. We agreed. He also showed me his daughter’s painting , a family of three, happy and happy. At that time, I thought to myself, is there a good thing about ghouls? They can avoid killing humans and only eat discarded corpses to survive. Mr. J is such a person, but unfortunately his ending is not good , was killed by the ghouls we wanted to capture, without any mercy. The killings between the same kind are so bloody and brutal without any mercy, I am very contradictory. Mr. J made me believe that there are kindness in the ghouls, Another ghoul made my previous bad views of ghouls firmer. When I did things, I was more hesitant than before, and I was often absent-minded."

In fact, he didn't come to apologize, and he didn't come to talk, but just to talk to himself?Trust yourself so much?After Ye Shenyue calmly listened to his words, she was also very touched.

But he can only say, "I'm just a little human, what can I do? I don't want to be hurt by ghouls, and I don't want to be hurt by CCG people as ghouls, I just want to be an ordinary person in silence. people."

Ye Shenyue can talk like this.

"Sometimes I also envy people like Mr. Yagami, who can escape from ghouls and CCGs and be an ordinary and simple person. At least there is no trouble. Of course, Mr. Yagami can open a cafe. It’s not easy, I’ve probably been worrying about how to make money all day long, hahaha.”

Amen smiled unprepared.

Are you really thinking too much?

"The ghoul has distorted the world. It is the world that is wrong, not our CCG, nor the ghoul."

These were the last words left by Yamen.

The thoughts in Ye Shenyue's mind were spinning at a high speed, and he began to have a headache.

Is that really the case?Does a ghoul like Miss Ryoko have a reason to be killed?What about the chick?The life of Mr. J, who was just dealt with... Wasn't it taken away?Ghouls also have feelings, which are no different from humans. Why can't humans see this?Just don't understand it?

Obviously it is such a matter of course, obviously it is such a simple thing, it seems that it is only me, I can detect it and communicate it.Only you can do it... No, it's not this world that is really wrong, and there are indeed ghouls who have gone the wrong way, but not all ghouls are like that, you should... understand each other better, humans are... The ghouls are also... It's not just the ghouls that distort the world, there are also humans... It's not just the ghouls that are ferocious and perverted.There are also such things in human beings. Why do human beings always ignore their own perversion and ferocity?If at last someone had to stand up to prove it, he hoped it was himself.

Chapter 0049 Young Shi's Dad

Nishio Mist went back to her house today. She said that if she was not there, Nishio Nishiki would definitely not clean the house for a year, so she had to go home and have a look.Ye Shenyue agreed, and it was much more convenient to do things on her own when Xiweiwu was not around.For example, he was now standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, gathering strength, and the Hezi protruding from behind appeared in front of him impressively - section by section, each section had eye-like stripes, reddish-brown, very conspicuous.It swings up and down powerfully, with a whip-like structure and special sharp scales that gleam in the dark. "I believe that in time, I will be able to control Hezi well."

Before going to bed, Dikou Hina sent a text message to Yeshenyue, hoping that he could teach her pinyin tomorrow, and Yeshenyue went happily.The store opened early the next morning, and after I ordered things, I went to the library and bought a few pinyin books to take with me.

"Wow, Brother Yeshen, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

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