As soon as Hina Dikou saw Ye Shenyue, she rushed over and hugged him, "Did you bring a gift for Hina again?"

Dikou Hina saw Ye Shenyue carrying a bag.


Yeshenyue was taken to the upstairs room by Dikou Chushi. Yeshenyue saw the paintings placed on Chushi's table, "Shushi, did you draw all of these?"

Ye Shenyue picked up a painting with a rabbit on it, "Hey, Hina, what does this mean?"

Hina opened the bag that Ye Shenyue was carrying, and found that it was full of pinyin books, thinking that Ye Shenyue was really good to herself.She heard Ye Shenyue asking her from behind, she turned around, "Ah, that's Dad."

She walked over and picked up the painting, "This is my dad."


Ye Shenyue was sad, since it was Hina's father, why did he draw a rabbit? Could it be his code name?It seems that some ghouls have code names. For example, Shendai Lishi, her code name is "Gluttony" Yue Shanxi, and his code name is "Gourmet" "Why did Hina draw her father as a rabbit? Is this your father's code name? ?"

Dikou Hina shook his head, "My father disappeared before I was born. I have never seen what my father looked like. The photos of my father that I saw were also soaked in water and smeared. The appearance of my father is in my memory. It's been vague. I've always lived with my mother, and I've always hoped that my father would come back, but recently it has become an extravagant hope... Mom said, my father will never come back."

Ye Shenyue's heart twitched, he felt very strange, and there was a very subtle feeling in his heart.

"Do you know why Hina likes Brother Yagami so much? Because Brother Yagami can give Hina's father the feeling. Hina thinks that if his father is here, he should be as kind as Brother Yagami. I asked my mother about this feeling, My mother told me that this is just intimacy, maybe it's because Brother Ye Shen is too approachable."

Shishi said.

Ye Shenyue could feel the sadness in Hina's eyes. It must be very sad that such a young child can't see his father when he was born. He must have suffered a lot when he was a child.Ye Shenyue held Hina in her arms, "Hina is also a very kind existence to me. If I come to be Hina's father, will Hina be happy?"


It was the sound of a plate falling to the ground.

The face of Yoshiko Fueguchi appeared in the crack of the door, and she looked nervous.Ye Shenyue opened the door and held Ryoko Dikou's hand, "I'll take you down to bandage, but you're all burnt red."

Before Yoshiko Dikou could react, Ye Shenyue pulled him downstairs, "Miss Dong Xiang, please prepare me some ointment for burns and gauze."

Kirishima Dongxiang handed the thing to Yagami, and it turned out that Ryoko's hand was injured.

"Mr. Yagami, you don't have to worry so much, I'm a ghoul, I'll be fine soon. Do you believe me?"

Ryoko Diguchi raised his hand. Indeed, the part that had been scalded before was completely gone.

"Yes, I forgot when I was in a hurry..."

Ye Shenyue blamed herself for the rudeness just now, "I'm really sorry, Miss Ryoko, did my words scare you?"

He was referring to the words that he wanted to be Hashi's father, "I heard Hashi say, uh... your husband may never come... Miss Ryoko, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to say something to hurt you, just I don't know why, but I really want to protect your mother and daughter."

Ye Shenyue looked a little embarrassed, but Ryoko Fuguchi smiled, "Mr. Yagami, he is really a very gentle person, but no, I love Hashi's father very much, and Hashi can only have one father. …”

Although you really look exactly like Hina's father.The last sentence was half said and did not go on.

"Why, Mom, can't you let Brother Yeshen be my father?"

Hinami ran down just in time to hear Ryoko reject Yagami. "Hina really wants a father, I really want a father like brother Ye Shen!"

His own daughter began to be self-willed again, and Ryoko Diguchi took her into his arms, "Because Brother Yeshen is a human being, not of the same kind as us."

This is the most fundamental reason.

"actually, I……"

It turned out to be this reason, so it was easy to handle, "Miss Ryoko, look into my eyes."

He blinked and opened his own eyes, "Did you see that? Miss Ryoko, I'm not human."

Ryoko Diguchi's heart trembled violently, how could this be the case when his body was clearly a human breath but only a ghoul?Did you make a mistake in the first place? "Mr. Yegami, you...are you also a ghoul?"

Ye Shenyue withdrew her eyes and said, "It's ridiculous, at first I thought I was an ordinary human being, but the store manager Fangcun reminded me of the fact that I have ghoul power in my body. Through continuous efforts , my power is back, and I've become a real ghoul. So you don't need to worry about me being human."

Diguchi Ryoko still couldn't believe it, she lost her mind and began to talk about the situation of Hinami's father, "Hashimi's father is a very capable ghoul, and he was the strongest SSS class among ghouls at that time. It is also very special, like sections of desolate bones, each with an eye-shaped blood-brown stripe..."

Nishio Jin said that each ghoul's Hezi is unique, only similar and not the same.So can Ye Shenyue decide that the Hezi described by Ryoko Diguchi is his own Hezi?Since there are no ghouls who are the same, how can their own Heiko be the same as the husband's Heiko who disappeared?Could it be... is your guess really true?The innate intimacy with Dikou's mother and daughter can't be deceived. In fact, I should have come to a conclusion early in the morning...

Chapter 0050 No family, no affection

As a result, Ryoko Diguchi did not agree with his proposal.But Ryoko's words and his kindness to them made him wonder if he had ever been to this world, or else the power of the ghouls came from harmony.He doubted that he was Dikou Hina's father at all!

It was another rainy day. Dikou Hushi was running in the heavy rain. She didn't have an umbrella, she just kept running, with a nervous and fearful expression, "Hina?"

Ye Shenyue was walking down the street with an umbrella.

Dikou Hina ran quickly and bumped into passers-by, "It hurts, where's the wild child. Be careful walking, really!"

Ye Shenyue saw clearly that it was indeed Hina, disregarding the constant flow of cars on the road, "Ah, I'm sorry."

He quickly rushed in front of her, "Hina!"

"Big brother!"

Hinami stopped when she saw Ye Shenyue and hugged him.

"What happened, Shinji."

Ye Shenyue held Dikou Hina in her arms, and felt that 07 Hwa was shaking, and she felt a chill on her body.

"Mom... Mom she..."

Hina was so scared that she hid in Ye Shenyue's arms, and Ye Shenyue knew that something was wrong.

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