"Where is she?"

Hina pointed to the front, "Let's go!"

He took her hand and was about to save Ryoko Fueguchi.

"Mom, she's fighting the CCG people for me."

While running, Hina told Ye Shenyue about the situation at the time. They were just walking on the street when they met the CCG people, and the CCG people arrested them without saying a word. Hina managed to escape. , Fortunately, I happened to meet Ye Shenyue.

"Damn CCG!"

Ye Shenyue's pace quickened.He rushed over, just in time to see Yoshiko Fuguchi fighting with Wu Xu, the real household. He didn't rush to her immediately, but just stayed by the side to calm down and watch silently. "What on earth should I do to save Ryoko safely!"

Ye Shenyue is thinking.

Diguchi Ryoko squatted on the ground, behind him was the butterfly wing-shaped Heko, but it was very thick and plump, and floated regularly up and down.Hearing Ryoko Diguchi's heavy breathing, her physical strength was gradually exhausted.She looked fiercely at the real door Wu Xu, the perverted CCG investigator who murdered without blinking an eye.

Mato Wuxu looked at the female ghoul squatting on the ground with contempt, "You don't look like you're used to fighting, don't you have a Hezi and can't make good use of it. The mother gave up her life for the child, and I felt sick when I saw it! It's so funny...you ghouls, you imitate human behavior stupidly...Hey, Yamen, you can step back and leave it to me."

Mato Wu Xu put down his toolbox.

"How...how could..."

Fieguchi Ryoko was stunned when she saw the Kuink that Mato Wu Xu took out, and she shed tears in despair.

"Awesome, this look. Despair, fear, disgust... Yes, that look, come on, let me see more!"

Mato Wu Xu's face was about to twist. He looked at Ryoko Fueguchi frantically, enjoying her sense of fear and despair.

That is Mr. J's Hezi, why did he appear in the hands of real household Wu Xu, Mr. J, probably killed by him? Mr. J is such a good person, and he has been an old friend of himself for decades, and he was actually...killed by such an unconscionable person...and...and made his Hezi into a Quinque!

"I'll sympathize with you. If you have any last words, let's hear it."

Fieguchi Ryoko remained silent and lowered her head, making it impossible to see her facial expression. "What's the matter? You don't have to be polite to me."

Fieguchi Ryoko raised his face, what a crying face of despair.

"damn it!"

The real household Wu Xu was very dissatisfied with the reaction that Fukuro Ryoko gave him.

The area of ​​blood under Ryoko's body continued to expand.

"Unfortunately, the time has come..."

Mato Wu Xu said.

Fieguchi Ryoko is accumulating power, her Heko is very strong but is a guardian type of power, not suitable for attack.Originally, she was a little inferior, and she was stimulated to see her old friend Hezi being made into a quinque.Should she fight hard or accept death silently.She should take advantage of this time to think carefully.

The strength is slowly accumulating, and what Wu Xu said when she made a decision, she has no husband, no old friends, it doesn't matter.But she couldn't let Hina do not have a mother, what would Hina do if she died in the hands of real household Wu Xu today!Hina can't be self-reliant yet, and her Hina will be afraid.She stood up and quickly blocked Wu Xu's attack. Since she couldn't attack, she just kept resisting. Human energy is limited, and recovery is of course much slower than that of ghouls. produced an advantage.

This is the time, the time has come!Ye Shenyue put down Hina so that she could watch the battle with peace of mind, "I'll go save your mother now, stay here obediently, don't make a sound, and don't let the CCG people find you."

He made a "shush" to Hinami, and Dikou Hinami calmed down.He put on the mask he carried with him, covering half of his face.

"The ghouls also have feelings, and they are no different from humans. Why can't you see this? You think that all ghouls in this world are cruel and numb, only know to kill innocent humans, but don't know that humans are also brutally killing at the same time. Kind ghouls. There are no absolute things in this world, don't ignore the cruelty of some humans and the kindness of some ghouls... The ghouls and humans are just different species, what's the difference between others?"

Ye Shenyue slowly approached Zhenhu Wu Xu, and the Hezi on her body began to change with Ye Shenyue's changing mood, and his Hezi quickly flew towards Zhenhu Wu Xu without any hesitation.

When Wu Xu was attacked by two people at the same time, it was naturally too late to react, and the previous "big ambitions" had become a stain in his life at this time.He failed, he was nailed to the wall by Hezi of Ye Shenyue, "cough."

The gasp and the blood on the corners of his mouth were telling Yagami and Ryoko Fieguchi that they had won.

"You have no relatives to be so ruthless."

Ye Shenyue's terrifying eyes stared at the real household Wu Xu, who was nailed to the wall, "That's right, how can you experience the beauty of family without family love?"

Mato Wu Xu coldly looked at the ghoul Yagami Yue who was wearing a mask in front of him, and although he was extremely reluctant to admit his point of view, he still began to sneer, "No, you are wrong, I have a family, and I have a daughter. "

Ye Shenyue took out her own Hezi and brought Fiko Ryoko to meet Hina Fizou, "Let's go, go back to the cafe in the safe area, it's not safe to go out on the street in the future, please be careful."

Ye Shenyue took back her Hezi and slowly walked in the opposite direction to them.

daughter?Ha ha.

Mato Wu Xu, I really want to see what you can show to your daughter... what kind of family affection is like!

Ye Shenyue's heart welled up with emotions called anger and revenge.

Chapter 0051 Is there really no problem with this person...

His Hezi was exactly the same as his husband's Hezi, and Ryoko Diguchi sat on the bed and recalled everything that happened yesterday.It's just that they were targeted by CCG once they went out. Their luck was really "good". Fortunately, there was no danger. Although they suffered some injuries, their lives were still alive. It was all because of Ye Shenyue.The ghoul who has the exact same Heiko as his husband.From the first time I saw him, I had an inexplicable affection. I thought I was my husband back, and my daughter became more and more dependent on him.The Hezi of the ghouls are all unique, and Ye Shenyue... is actually her husband who disappeared for more than ten years!

She disguised herself and came to the cafe in Yeshenyue, where Yeshenyue was chatting with customers at the bar.She just sat there quietly and watched Ye Shenyue, sitting for an afternoon.Even the breath has changed, and the appearance is also young, will it really be her husband?

"Hey, Miss Ryoko, why didn't you come and say hello to me?"

Yagami found Ryoko Dikou.

"Ah, I just saw that you were a little busy so I didn't want to disturb you."

Ryoko Diguchi looked a little restrained.

Ye Shenyue saw that Ryoko Dikou seemed to have a lot to say, but she kept it in her heart, "I'll make you a cup of coffee, you wait."

In fact, why don't I have a lot to say to Ryoko Diguchi, whether he is Hashimi's father or her husband.You really stayed in this world before and left something behind, right?He put the coffee in front of her and sat down.Very straightforward, "Miss Ryoko, you've known me for so long, have you ever felt that my character is not good?"

Fukuchi Ryoko shook his head. "Then, I'll say something straight. Am I Hashimi's father?"

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