
Ryoko was mentally prepared but never thought that Ye Shenyue would be so direct, "I..."

She herself is not sure whether he is her husband or not, and how can she confirm with him whether he is Hashi's father.She could only say something to Ye Shenyue lightly, "Let the relationship between you and Hinami confirm the answer you want."

Ryoko's words were ambiguous, and it seemed she wasn't sure if she was.That's right, her husband who disappeared for more than ten years now suddenly appears in front of her in another identity, and no one can accept this setting, but this is life, and there is no reason to resist. "Miss Ryoko isn't sure, isn't she?"

"I...I saw your Heiko yesterday, and I was surprised that it was exactly the same as the Heiko of my husband who disappeared. I believe you also know that the Heiko of the ghouls has always been unique and will not appear the same, but I... I just can't believe it. I can say as much as I want. I don't have the right to determine some things and deal with them. Therefore, I leave everything I can't do to you. You can prove to yourself the answer in your heart. I confirmed with Hinami. If you are my husband in the end, I welcome you back to me and Hinami again."

Her expression was very indifferent, surprisingly indifferent.

"it is good."

His answer will go in the direction he expects, it will, it must.He has been able to take control of his life, and soon, he will be stronger.

Compared to Dikou Ryoko's recovery speed, Mato Wu Xu seemed to be a little slow. He was lying on the bed of the CCG affiliated hospital with Yamen sitting next to him.Yamen lowered his head, thinking carefully about his stupid apprentice, it seems that he never made any contribution to him in battle.He couldn't help recalling the first time he saw Yamen back then...

Gangtaro Yamen stepped into the CCG building for the first time to report, the seniors in the room looked at him like a national treasure, he seemed a little cautious, and even his voice was unsteady, "I will distribute the countermeasures lesson today. Newcomer, my name is Gangtaro Amen, I would like to ask all of you seniors to give me more advice.”

Who would have guessed that he would be cold as soon as he spoke, and no senior would care about him.

It was only after a long time that the discussion began, "This year's newcomers are really tall."

The person who came was your general Arima, a very young special investigator.

"Yes... there are investigators such as Matt!"

At that time, Yamen faltered nervously when he saw the strongest investigator.

"I have heard about you from the teacher and the others, please advise me, Yamen."

Arima does not give prodigal sons to newcomers at all, but is very friendly.

"Okay...Okay, please give me more advice."

Everyone's first impression of Yamen: youthful.After that, Arima Gui asked Amen Gangtaro to study with Wu Xu, and he became Wu Xu's apprentice.Other investigators gave Wu Xu a special evaluation, saying that his obsession with ghouls was notoriously perverted. Although the apprentices who followed him eventually learned something, they had to be tempered by him. .

Just in the midst of everyone's discussion, Mato Wu Xu appeared and saw his future apprentice, Amon Gangtaro.Maybe he was taken aback by his appearance. At that time, he actually saw a trace of fear in Yamen's eyes, which made Zhendo Wuxu interested in this apprentice. He thought that Yamen would become his subordinate and toy in the future. In short , at least handling the case will no longer be lonely.

The first time I did a mission with him was a case about "Apple Head", and committed more than 50 murders in one year.

"Do you have any suspicious people you've locked down?"

Yamen looked at the report and asked.

"There is one."

The real household Wu Xu put down the evidence he had collected, "Muramatsu Xijiang, who happened to be at the scene on the night of the incident, is 68 years old."


Yamen was skeptical on the spot.

Mato Wu Xu smiled, and he was still a little devil, with no experience in anything, "Do you think there are no 68-year-old ghouls in the world?"

"No, it's not..."

"According to speculation, [-]% of her are apple heads, you can't go wrong."

The real household Wu Xu looked very determined, "Do you have any evidence?"

Mato Wuxu rubbed his fingers on the table, making a disgusting sound of "tickling, tickling", and his answer also made people like Yamen who value evidence a little dissatisfied. "intuition."

His expression was still calm.

"Straight... intuition?"

Yamen expressed strong suspicion.

"Sometimes you can't underestimate intuition, Yamen. I've always been confident in my intuition. Hehehehe."

Zhento Wu Xu walked out with the toolbox.

Amen Gangtaro stood on the spot, "Is this person really okay?"

He began to wonder if there was something wrong with the master who arranged for him by Arima Guishou.With a doubt in his heart, Amen Gangtaro still went out with the real household Wu Xu, but he wanted to see what extraordinary actions this "gut" person would make.

Chapter 0052 Kill all the unkind ghouls

"Hello, Ms. Muramatsu."

Zhento Wu Xu said hello to Muramatsu Xijiang in a friendly manner. This is a polite greeting, and he may not be so polite when he kills Muramatsu Xijiang next.

"The weather is really nice today. You brought a handsome guy here today."

Muramatsu Kie said with a smile.

"He is my new partner and my new apprentice. His name is Yamen."

Mato introduced her.

Yamen said hello to Muramatsu Xijiang, thinking that this gentle-looking woman is a ghoul?He couldn't believe it.

"Thank you very much. You specially sent the diagnosis certificate back to us a few days ago. You can tell whether you are a ghoul or not just by looking at the Rc cell value. Your detection value is 231. If you are a ghoul, it is impossible. That's going to be measured. We've questioned your identity, and I'm very sorry."

Zhento Wu Xu collected the medical certificate and left with Yamen.

"Since there is a medical certificate, why didn't you tell me at first!"

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