Amen looked angry.

"This kind of thing can be faked as much as you want. The Rc cell detector is not perfect, and it can't prove anything at all."


Amen seemed to have something to say.

"This is also a battle plan. The purpose is to let her show her feet. You can follow me to learn more about these skills, because you are just a rookie."

Mato taught Amen a lesson without mercy.

Yamen Gangtaro, who was just starting out, has not been taught such a lesson, and raised his eyebrows, but quickly calmed down, "I understand."

"By the way, Yamen, can you show me your Kuyinck? I'm curious about what Kuyinck the newcomers are getting from the General Administration."

He brought the topic back to Kuink.

"With all due respect, Senior Investigator Mato, I take this job very seriously. I hope you don't ask about things like this that have nothing to do with the content of the search!"

Amen is a jerk.

Mato smiled, but felt that this kid would not be easy to tame in the future. He was either a nerd who could only talk on paper, or he would only constantly doubt his own abilities. Mato shook his head, what should he do.

"I'm sorry."

Moreover, Amen left without shaking his head handsomely.

Amen Gangtaro constantly doubted the ability of Mato Wu Xu. After all, this was the first time he had worked with him, and he had no idea of ​​Mato Wu Xu's character and his skills and style.However, Yamen thinks that such a frivolous style is unacceptable to a serious person like him. He doesn't know what kind of cases he can handle with Zhento Wu Xu in the future, so let's give up today.What was Mabu thinking about, why is that kind of person in the General Bureau, this is Yamen's evaluation of Mabu at that time.He muttered something in his mouth, and soon, he saw the old woman before, Muramatsu Xijiang.He saw Muramatsu Xijiang walking very hard with the luggage, and Yamen helped her push the luggage without saying a word.

At that time, the real household Wu Xu silently followed behind Yamen and Muramatsu Xijiang, but he wanted to see when Muramatsu Xijiang was going to eat Yamen.He smiled strangely, trying to teach Amen, who didn't know how to respect his master, a lesson.

"If only my son could be as gentle and considerate as you are..."

Muramatsu Xijiang said regretfully, "Thank you very much."

To be suspicious of this woman, that person is really wrong. "But this luggage is really heavy, you can actually push it over by yourself. Ah..."

Amen seems to have found something, what keeps flowing out of the gap in the suitcase?Red, "Ah..."

Amen was startled.

The ghoul who was standing in front of him turned his head, the Hexian had already appeared, and Hezi, who quickly stretched out, knocked Yamen to the ground, "Don't treat me like an old woman! Little devil!"

Kie Muramatsu's flexible jumping ability is even stronger than that of Yamen. Her Heko hit Yamen violently and precisely, and Yamen can only avoid her attack by relying on the toolbox.

"Damn it! Kuyin couldn't get it out at this time!"

Yamen pressed the button hard, to no avail.Are you going to die here...


Muramatsu Xijiang stood in front of Yamen, completely swollen, showing his saliva-stained teeth, "Help people to the end, send them to the west, why don't you just let me eat them, kid."

She opened her mouth and attacked Amen, looking like she was winning.


It was the sound of the body being cut. Before Yamen had time to see clearly, Muramatsu Xijiang had already had his head cut off by someone's Kuink, and fell to the ground, dead.

"That's not good, Yamen. How can you be so careless in front of this garbage, hehehe."

Mato's unique laughter, gloomy, with an irresistible chill.


Yamen saved his life, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Master... I'm sorry, I'm still too immature."

"It doesn't matter, your immaturity is also in my plan, I have a high opinion of your enthusiasm, but remember one thing? If the enemy is in front of you, even if your hands and feet are broken Continue to fight, this is the so-called investigator."

Mato crouched down and said to Amen.


But now, Mato was lying on the bed, and Amen kept his head down.He really couldn't figure out that it was not the first time he had been attacked by a ghoul, so it was necessary to show him such a disheartened look.He opened his mouth, "Yamen, do you remember the first time you went out to work with me and was attacked by Muramatsu Xijiang? Thinking about it now, you were immature back then, so I recognized it.

You've been by my side for so long, and something similar happened before, I don't know if you still remember it.It seems to be stepping on the same pit every time. Isn't this taste particularly wonderful?Otherwise, how can you keep making mistakes.Am I overestimating you, or is your level only that much?After so many years, your enthusiasm is still very high, but I can't see your progress. I really hope that in the future battles, you can show [-] points of spirit, help the master, and kill one after another. kind.

The ghouls have no humanity, so don't think that there is still love between the ghouls, it's all fake, they're all tools of disguise!There is nothing in this world more disgusting than ghouls, they have no reason to exist in this world in the first place!Amen, I told you, it's the ghouls who twist the world, always and always! "

Zhento Wu Xu got excited as he spoke.

Yamen raised his head, "If it is, I am willing to trust the master."

Was he really shaken by the real household Wu Xu again?He had also told Ye Shenyue that the real fault was not the ghouls, right? "I would like to be an excellent investigator and kill all the unkind ghouls!"

Chapter 0053 Chaos is up, District 11

Zhendo Wu Xu was seriously injured and was temporarily suspended at home by the CCG leader, "Ah, damn it, it's better to let me die."

Looking at the ceiling, Mato was a little unwilling.


Akira Mato walked over.

Zhenhu Wu Xu does have a daughter named Zhenhu Xiao, who has sharp eyes and looks like Zhenhu Wu Xu.He used to follow Arima Guisong's team to perform tasks. He has good analysis and reasoning ability, and has a calm personality. He has summed up a classic theory that "not using honorifics can save time and improve work efficiency".

"What are you doing."

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