"There is a cafe called 'Anding District' here. It's a shop run by a strange ghoul. Let's go, Miss Li Shi should have gone there!"

The people from Area 11 suddenly appeared and wanted to catch the god Delixi.And not only a small team of ten thousand feet and one, but even Kirishima Aya has to come over in person.

Ayato Kirishima is the younger brother of Kirishima Dongxiang, and since his father's whereabouts are unknown, his own whereabouts are also unknown.I don't know if his purpose is to simply come here to catch Rise... or if there are other reasons.

In short, the riots in District 11 gradually spread to other districts. Soon, District 20 will be turned upside down.Someone has to stand up, can't let other ghouls destroy the stability of the safe zone?

Chapter 0054 Bronze Tree

Ye Shenyue was bored and came to the cafe in Anding District. He happened to hear that they were discussing something important. He leaned over and listened quietly.Nishio Jin saw him sneakily sitting not far away, and walked over, "What are you doing, it's closed today."

Ye Shenyue thought to herself that this meant that she was issuing an expulsion order?He didn't speak, and walked directly to Fangcun Gongshan.Fangcun Gongshan saw Ye Shenyue smiling politely without saying a word.Nishio Nishiki saw that the store manager of Fangcun didn't respond either, and continued to listen as if deflated.

The cafe in Anding District is still peaceful for the time being, because Tenzhang Shuichi hasn't started attacking the cafe, and Ayado Kirishima hasn't arrived yet.It's just that the CCG Countermeasures Bureau branch is a bit miserable, and the building is invaded by ghouls.Most of them are still training and have no idea about the ghoul attack.

"Hello, Di Lingling, this is the CCG Countermeasures Bureau."

One person received the call, and the phone was robbed after saying a word, "I'm Marute, please explain the situation!"

The situation on the other end of the phone was particularly urgent, "A ghoul group suspected of 'Bronze Tree' attacked the branch... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a tragic cry from the other end of the phone, and soon, the phone was disconnected.

"Hey! Answer quickly! What's the matter!"

Marute put down the phone, "The precinct... Has it fallen?"

The radio broadcast has been manipulated, and now the controlled machines have all failed, and the people in the CCG General Administration can only hear the voice on the radio saying, "That was the last one just now..."

"Hey, who the hell are you!"

Maru roared.

No one answered him on the radio.The one that was just destroyed was the CCG Countermeasures Division. It was famous for its armed combat. It was too much to be wiped out by a bronze tree at once...

The one-eyed owl was covered with bandages all over his body, even his head, wearing a purple cloak, a hat with ears, and a pink floral scarf around his neck.She never shows her true face, and the people in the bronze tree don't know her name. As the leader of the bronze tree, her code name is "One-Eyed Owl". "Is it over?"

The one-eyed owl asks the ghoul who just came out of the CCG precinct - Tatara.


Duoduo replied quietly.Tatara is the cadre of the Bronze Tree, who is in charge of most of the people in the Bronze Tree. He has powerful ghoul power and a flexible mind, and is the best assistant of the "one-eyed owl".Taking the bronze tree den in District 11 as a pretense, it attracted the CCG sub-bureau that had just been destroyed to fight, and the result was of course a victory.But it was nothing to him at all. "Let's go, Ganzhi."

Ganzhi is Tatara's nickname for the one-eyed owl.

Anding District Cafe.

"Then Mr. Yegami stayed here and continued to listen. I have something to do, so I will leave for the time being."

Fangcun Gongshan took off his work clothes and looked worried.

Fangcun Gongshan rushed to District 11 with Sifang Lianshi. He received news in the morning that the branch of the CCG Countermeasures Bureau in District 11 was destroyed by a bronze tree.After he arrived, the CCG building was indeed in a mess. "That's horrible."

He couldn't help but say.None of the investigators were spared. "Do you have any information about them?" Sifang Lianshi took off his mask, "Those guys are a ghoul group calling themselves 'Bronze Tree'. It's still unclear how many people there are in the group, but they are led by... the One-Eyed King. "

Fangcun Gongshan seemed to have thought of something, he adjusted his hat, "One-eyed?"

He paused, "Sifang, let's go back to the safe area, there's nothing to see here."

He left with Sifang, but he kept thinking about the One-Eyed King.

The CCG people sent additional reinforcements, which caused the business of the cafe in the safe area to become bleak. Sure enough, there are still many ghouls coming to this store.At such times, ghouls generally stay at home very cautiously and dare not go out casually.After all, there are not many really strong ghouls in the world, and generally ghouls are still very afraid of CCG.A guest finally came, but he still had a fierce look on his face, Ye Shenyue sat on the side calmly and drank coffee, not to disturb the person.

"Is the store manager here?"

The man was one in ten thousand feet. As soon as he came in, he went to find Fangcun Gongshan, followed by the three people who were sitting on the street lamp yesterday.No one around answered him, he grabbed Nishiojin's collar arrogantly, "I'll ask you if the store manager is here, tell me quickly!"

Nishio Jin was obviously scared to pee, "I'm sorry... The store manager is not here, he just went out..."

"Then where did he go!"

Wanzhang was very unhappy in his heart, his purpose was to benefit the world, and he had no interest in others...

"What's it like to be rough as soon as you come in? If you want to ask anything, you should at least order a cup of coffee!"

Kirishima Dong Xiang was not to be outdone, she had seen many people like this, and she was not afraid at all.


Although he looked like he wanted to kill Kirishima Dong Xiang, he still obeyed and ordered a cup of coffee.

"If you want to find the store manager, I can tell you."

Nishio Jin said.

"Forget it, I have something I want to ask you two too. Do you know the gods?"

Strictly speaking.God Dai Li Shi, Ye Shenyue was shocked when she heard this name, his body trembled, and it happened to be seen by thousands of feet. "My name is Wanzhangshuyi. I'm from District 11. Miss Li Shi and I are old acquaintances in District 11."

"So, why do you think Li Shi is here?"

Kirishima Dong Xiang leaned closer, "We are not familiar with Shindai Rishi at all."

"Because when Miss Leigh was leaving the 11th district, she seemed to be very interested in this store..."

He seemed to smell something, and he sniffed the surrounding air, "This is..."

He found the target, rushed to Ye Shenyue in an instant, grabbed his collar, "Why do you smell like Miss Li Shi!"

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