Ye Shen 3.6 months easily broke his hand that grabbed his collar, "You smelled wrong."

He was very calm, it didn't seem like he was lying at all, and the strength he exerted on Wanzhangshu's hand was very heavy, and Wanzhangshu's hand was quickly defeated, and there was no momentum at all.

Because, the number of ten thousand feet is just a B-level ghoul with a strong appearance but a very weak actually. He admires the gods and the world, and is even willing to sacrifice his life for the gods. "Don't you believe it?"

Ye Shenyue is not a weak stubble.

"What are you doing! Don't make trouble in the store!"

Kirishima Dongxiang slapped the table, and Wanzhang had no choice but to let go of his hand.

As soon as Wanzhangshu noticed something, his hand was pinched by the man in front of him. He lowered his head, "Are you a man? Are you Miss Li Shi's man?"

"What do you think."

Ye Shenyue looked at him calmly, without a trace of emotion.

Chapter 0055 The war is coming!

The situation in District 11 seems to be more serious than Men imagined. On the first day of reporting with Shinohara, the atmosphere in the Special Countermeasures Bureau in District 11 was so solemn that it made people feel cold. Sure enough, the atmosphere in each district was very poor. how.

Yamen glanced at the people in the conference room: Special Investigator Senno Jun and Senior Investigator Tanaka... In addition, there are Matt and other Investigators' ex-partners, Senior Investigator Hirako... As soon as I saw the reception As for his own person, Yamen seemed to be taken aback. The person who received him was actually a special investigator of Heipan.

Inferring like this, in fact, we can already understand almost the same. The problem in District 11 this time is immeasurable.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting. Ahem."

The commander cleared his throat, "I think you've all heard that the 11th district was attacked. Although the enemy temporarily occupied the branch, they were evacuated. According to the local police report, the number of survivors in the district was ……zero."

Sure enough, it was quite a serious matter. Since Yamen entered the CCG Countermeasures Bureau, he has never encountered such a serious incident of ghouls attacking investigators. It seems that he will definitely learn a lot here. 07 As for the ten thousand zhang number one, he was also frightened by the breath emanating from Ye Shenyue, and didn't wake up until the afternoon.Ye Shenyue handed him a glass of water, "I'm so sorry just now."

But you are too weak.The last sentence whispered in my heart.

Wanzhang took the water, "So, what's your name?"

"My name is Ye Shenyue."

"Ye Shenyue? It's really unbelievable, you are so strong."

Wanzhang stood up from the ground, "I believe you must know Miss Li Shi, so please tell me where Miss Li Shi is!"

Hearing him say that, Ye Shenyue remembered that she hadn't seen Shendai Lishi for two weeks, how could she forget to suck blood once a week?Or, are you afraid because you were sucked blood last time?No, she is Shendai Lishi, how could she be afraid, in short, why did Shendai Lishi not appear for so long?

"I do not know."

Ye Shenyue's expression looked very real.

"Well, I know that basically no one can know her movements. After all, she is a capricious person."

Wanzhang was obviously a little discouraged. "But, Mr. Yagami, please tell me why I can smell the smell of the gods in you?"


Could it be that he sucked the blood of the gods? "Maybe I used to eat with her often..."

Most people won't believe this far-fetched reason, but he is a fool, and he will definitely believe it!

"I see!"

He actually made an expression like he was suddenly enlightened, and sure enough, Ye Shenyue almost burst out laughing. "However, if you have a chance to see her next time, I hope you can help me tell her and ask her to escape quickly!"

Ye Shenyue was startled, what the hell was going on!

Wanzhang began to explain, "A few months ago, a ghoul group named 'Bronze Tree' captured District 11. After they surrendered our ghouls in District 11, they then targeted the CCG investigators. Those guys are very Qiang, 11% of the investigators in District [-] have been hunted and killed by them. Although I have become their subordinate now, they seem to be looking for Miss Li Shi. I don't know the reason, but it must not be a good thing... …”

"Looking for the goddess Li Shi?"

Ye Shenyue was instantly interested in this matter.

"Sooner or later, those guys will also be eyeing the 20th district. Let me give you a piece of advice. It's better for you to escape as soon as possible. Otherwise..."

Before he could finish speaking, the glass window behind him was kicked and shattered. He was kicked away by someone who suddenly entered and passed out.

"What kind of fish are you fishing here, Wanzhang?"

The person who came was actually Kirishima Ayutu. He retracted his foot, "Do you want me to beat you until you vomit blood? Ah?"

He squatted down and looked at the tens of thousands who were kneeling on the ground.


Wanzhang's voice gradually became smaller.

I only saw Kirishima Dongxiang walking towards Kirishima Ayutu, "Ayutu."

"Yo, long time no see, old lady stupid."

Ayumi Kirishima looked disdainful.

Could it be that this person is Dong Xiang's younger brother? "Could it be that his name is Kirishima Ayutu?"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but blurt out.

"That's right, you guessed it right, I'm Kirishima Dongxiang's younger brother - Kirishima Ayutthaya."

He turned around and gave Ye Shenyue a weird smile.

"Where the hell have you been! You idiot!"

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