Xuan wiped her nose shamelessly, "Has your strength been degraded by living in an environment that is too comfortable? Dong Xiang? It's exactly the same as Dad."

Why did he insult his father, obviously our father is the best father in the world, isn't he?Kirishima Dong Xiang shouted in his heart, "Dad, he is obviously fighting for us, you don't know anything at all!"

Heyan replaced her original eyes, and the dazzling butterfly wing Heko attacked Kirishima Ayutu. Even his younger brother, no matter how friendly he was when he was a child, could not insult his father!

"The one who doesn't understand anything is you, Dong Xiang. Dad and mom are both dead, they can't protect anything, they can only be plundered. But I'm different from them, I want those trash to know, The ghouls are much higher than humans!"

After the ghoul transformation, Xuan is so terrifying that her entire face is distorted and becomes hideous, like a devil who is ready to take people's life at any time, without any emotion to say.Hiroko behind him was like tens of thousands of machine guns neatly lined up behind Ayutu Kirishima, shooting frantically at his only sister, the only relative in the world, regardless of the consequences.

The broken wings withered in an instant, and it was too late for people to see the process of her withering.

"You can't go anywhere with your wings, so just stay on the ground and crawl."

Kirishima Ayato looked at her sister Kirishima Dongxiang coldly, showing no mercy at all.

"Brother Xuandu is so handsome."

Nick is holding his nympho face, he is not only a monster, but also likes men.

Jason grabbed Ye Shenyue's neck and held it in the air, carefully sniffing the smell emanating from him, "It really looks like that person, it really reminds people of that guy."

Jason hates Shendai Lishi. He used to be a defeated general under Shendai Lishi, but since he was severely humiliated by Shendai Lishi, he has continued to strengthen himself and even joined the bronze tree.

The main purpose of his coming to 20 this time is to come to Shendai Lishi, because there is an order from above to let him take Shendai Lishi back, but since Shendai Lishi has not been found, first come to abuse this person with Shendai Lishi on his body. The ghoul of the taste is good!

"It's your fault, you have the smell of God on behalf of the world, and I can't stop!"

Jason looked at Ye Shenyue.

"You bastard, because you can't defeat the gods, so take me out as an ordinary ghoul, then I'll let you, have a good taste of my taste."

Ye Shenyue clenched her teeth, the sharp teeth pierced deeply into her lips, and her red eyes turned into hazy eyes, "The good show has just begun..."

Chapter 0057 Step on Jason! (please subscribe)

Ye Shenyue has noticed that the weapon behind Jason is a wrench.

Is it actually a wrench that humans use in their daily lives?No, it can't be that simple, if Jason is trying to destroy him with only simple tools?That's impossible, so there's only one answer. He doesn't have a wrench, and He Zi can't make a difference.

Then, "let's get rid of his weapons first!"

Ye Shenyue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and quickly glanced at Kirishima Dong Xiang, who was lying unconscious on the ground, "Dong Xiang is dead, so you can only rely on me."

"Only chopsticks act like they're not afraid of anything between battles, just to make excuses for their future failures. Ah, I did my best, and I failed only because the opponent was too strong. The same is true for you now, chopsticks, let I'll give you a treat!"

Jason raised his wrench, thinking he could get him in one move.

Where is his weakness, Ye Shenyue's mind is still quickly recalling his fighting posture.

slow!His weakness is slow!And innate arrogance and arrogance.His speed is indeed fast in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of Ye Shenyue, an evasive genius, he can still throw him to Siberia, otherwise how could he have the opportunity to penetrate his heart and penetrate under his feet. run away?

In the final analysis, it is because the ghoul's recovery ability is too strong, and the speed at which he recovers is too fast, so that their battle must be endless.It would be great if he could find his dead spot, so that he wouldn't have to waste his stamina fighting guerrilla warfare.

Jason stared at Ye Shenyue in front of him with an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He always felt that he knew him before, but he couldn't remember who he was.He is obviously a trivial little bastard, but he puts on this condescending appearance for who to see. "You bastard..."

He stood up on tiptoe and rushed towards Yeshenyue quickly, raised his wrench and hit Yeshenyue's head, unexpectedly, before he hit, Yeshenyue slipped under his eyelids and flew away. Lifting his foot above him is a blow to his forehead!Is he too underestimated?

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you today!"

Behind him, He Zi pursued Ye Shenyue's figure and continued to attack. Ye Shenyue's dexterous evasion ability was continuously improved, and it was extremely easy to jump up.

However, this kind of fast jumping will always consume physical strength, and he doesn't want to go on like this. "If I can use my Hezi a little more flexibly, I won't have to just avoid it blindly."

"Where's your Heiko? Since it's a ghoul, why don't you use Heiko?"

Jason smiled, "Didn't you stab me with Hezi before?"

Jason saw that Ye Shenyue's physical strength was exhausted. "Or, you don't know how to use Hezi flexibly at all?"

Damn, he saw through.Ye Shenyue was standing on the wall. Sure enough, the more she avoided, the more her weaknesses would be exposed?

It's just that he has discovered his weakness.

That is speed!

Ye Shenyue took the opportunity to jump over, without hesitation, she raised her hand to strike, "Boom!"

A hole was smashed into the floor, and Jason was a little absent-minded, "So fast."

It was almost invisible to the naked eye that he had disappeared.

"So fast?"

Ye Shenyue stood behind him. "What do you call fast, this is fast!"

Ye Shenyue had already grabbed his wrench at some point, and smashed it into the back of his head with all her strength.

"it hurts!"

Jason curled up, holding his head.

"That's right, so what if I can't use Hezi flexibly? It's better than me being arrogant and underestimating the enemy."

Ye Shenyue stomped on Jason's head, "Just come over and smash someone's place without saying a word, don't you look like you're very good? You said a lot at the beginning, but now it's a joke, you're very happy Is that right? With your brute force alone, you seem to be at ease in previous battles, so you still think other people are fools, right?"

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth and stepped on it hard, "Although my strength is not as strong as yours, I can still torture you to death."

"No one can beat me except for the gods!"

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