Jason was trampled by Ye Shenyue, unable to move at all, unable to resist.Does the seemingly weak look hide so much power? "who are you!"

"You said before that it is the right of the strong to act recklessly. Now I can act recklessly against you, so I have become a strong person, right? Do you admit this point of view?"

Ye Shenyue stared coldly at Jason underground.

"It's up to you? Use the tricks of the three to count the strong? Bah!"

Jason spat.

"Since you don't admit this point of view, then I..."

Hezi behind Ye Shenyue slowly stretched forward step by step, slowly wrapping around Jason's body. The eye stripes on his limbs exuded special heat, tightly wrapped and heated continuously. This was to dry Jason. Did you mean?

"You let go...you let me go!"

Is Jason begging for mercy?

"Are you begging for mercy? Begging for mercy is the right of the weak. If you admit that you are weak, then I will let you go temporarily. Today's battle will be a lesson for you to underestimate the enemy."

While speaking, he increased his strength.Jason's white suit gradually showed black marks, and even his surroundings exuded a burnt smell. "The weak can only be ruthlessly trampled on. This is what you showed me. I'm just taking you as an example of the weak to prove your point."

"You haven't told me who you are."

Jason had completely given up resistance.

"Me? I tell you, my name is..."


There was actually a fifth person who pushed the door, but the appearance of this fifth person was very funny. "He? His name is Ye Shenyue, and he's my man."

She actually said that Ye Shenyue was her man as soon as she appeared, which made the people present accept it. Although her tone was extremely gentle, and the appearance of the person who came was very sweet, she always felt that her words did not match her appearance and voice.Especially the ten thousand zhang number one, he likes that person the most.


Kirishima Ayaka was shocked, "Is it still there..."

Kamidai Rishi is a nightmare for Kirishima Ayutu, who has heard of what she has done in District 11.Once in District 11, he did not abide by the ghoul system, preyed on humans too much and was hunted down by the head of District 11, but he immediately killed everyone.This is a dangerous person, and it is also his mission. He appeared in the cafe in the safe area today to take away Shendalee!Goddess Li Shi, come today to meet you well!

Chapter 0058 Defeated Kirishima Ayato


Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, "Why did you suddenly appear here!"

"Ah, I just suddenly wanted to have a cup of coffee. I was going to your cafe. The clerk told me that you were not here, so I had to come here. I didn't expect you to be here too."

Shendai Rishi calmly looked at the situation in the store, and when she saw the ten thousand feet sitting on the ground, she instantly understood that although she didn't know these people, they were all here to catch her.After all, he once made such a big incident in District 11, and he is still a "fugitive".

"Mr. Nishio, can you make me a cup of coffee?"

Rishi smiled sweetly at Nishio Jin.Nishio Nishiki saw Li Shi's calm and composed appearance, and although she had lingering fears, she still helped her to soak it. Everyone was staring at the goddess Li Shi, not knowing what she was selling.Shendai Lishi sat on the chair calmly and had a cup of coffee, as if when everything here was air, the corner of her eyes swept to Ye Shenyue, she knew that Ye Shenyue had been watching her.

"Shendai Li Shi, come back to District 11 with me today and join the Bronze Tree!"

Ayano Kirishima explained his intention, "If you don't follow it, I'm sorry for being rude!"

It turned out that he didn't come here to take her life, but wanted her to join some bronze tree?What is a bronze tree?organize?She has always been accustomed to the freedom of Xianyun Yehe, how could she join that kind of flashy thing.She drank her coffee slowly, ignoring it at all.

Are all Kirishima Ayato's words regarded as farts?He felt that the goddess was looking down on him, and his anger was aroused by the goddess.His sudden appearance is telling others that he is angry now!

"Bitch! Can't you hear what I'm saying!"

Ayato Kirishima suddenly appeared in the ear of Rishi Kandai, and Hiroko behind him was ready to move.

"You dare to call me a bitch?"

Shendai Li Shi turned his head sharply, the whites of his eyes have long been replaced by black, and the black pupils have long been replaced by blood red, "You didn't know where I was when I came out to ride the wind and clouds! Stinky brat!"

Rishi Godai hates being scolded by others, and she is still scolded as a bitch. She can't wait to crush Kirishima Ayato to pieces!She grabbed Ayado Kirishima's neck, her nails dug deep into his neck, and blood continued to flow out of the hole, "What are you!"

"Bah! It's too much for you! Bitch, show me the reality! It's not your time anymore! Are you still living in a world where only you are!"

Ayato Kirishima kicked Kamidai Rishi's hand away, kicking Kamidai Rishi a few meters away, and the hole in his neck healed within ten seconds, "That's all you can do? It seems that you can indeed retire. God Deliciously."

He rushed forward quickly before Shendalee could stand still, and kicked her against the wall again.

"Stinky brat! With such an arrogant tone, has no one really repaired you?"

Kamidai Rishi wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and rushed behind Kirishima Ayutu with a stride, Heko sprang out from in front of him, and flowers bloomed on Kirishima Ayutu's belly, "Your Heiko can run to the front. Are you coming? If you can, would you give me a try?"

Hezi of the gods of the world took it back from his stomach, and stretched in from his back, twisting the internal organs in his body into pieces, "If you don't give up, it will be really hard."

All the organs in the body were minced, "cough cough cough."

Kirishima Ayato fell to the ground, and he was beaten like this before he even used his nirvana?He is not reconciled, very reconciled!Obviously this is not his ultimate goal, is it?

There was no strength left in his body, and he was completely swept away by the pain.He watched as his sister, Kirishima Dongxiang, was shot to pieces by his own Heiko, and she still hasn't recovered.

"Ah, sister, don't blame my brother. I still remember when my father said when I was a child, because I am like a father, I must protect my sister well. You said that I forgot, forgot my father, forgot my mother, and forgot you. , I forgot to promise my father's promise, how could it be, how could I forget it. Join the Bronze Tree and become a cadre inside, do you think I'll become a murderous villain? I'm obviously worried about you stupid sister all the time. Ah. If I can become as sluggish as you after my father disappears, who will continue to protect you. My father is gone, no one in this world is willing to protect you all the time except me. Because I want to protect you , so I can't be as content as you are, it's enough to have one person who likes peace at home, I'll solve the rest for you, what you want, I'll get it for you, and what you hate, I'll destroy it for you. I just hope that you will always hate me, otherwise, I will have no motivation to protect you again, sister."

...Ayato Kirishima thought so before fainting.It's just that no one will believe that he injured Kirishima Dongxiang just to prevent Jason from killing her.Ayato Kirishima is such a duplicitous person. He clearly misses Dong Xiang and his father very much, but he keeps it in his heart every time.It's his current status that doesn't allow him to think about his father and his sister.He also has to take revenge on CCG, so he has to become stronger. People who are content with the status quo will never make progress, so he joined the Bronze Tree after his father disappeared, and gradually became a senior cadre.Just so that one day I can destroy CCG and reunite with my sister.

Kirishima Ayato finally passed out, and even shouted the word "slut" in her mouth.

"You stinky brat! I can't wait to kill you!"

Shendai Li Shigang was about to use Hezi to completely destroy him, but Ye Shenyue stopped her.

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