"Slow, before he fully recovers, let's deal with another person."

Ye Shenyue looked at the dead shemale behind her.


Goddelius licked his lips with his bloody tongue, "There is one more."

Seeing this, Nick quickly fled.

It was obviously a battle to capture the gods, but in the end it turned out to be like this.

At first, I thought that Rishi Kandai didn't come, and the three of them could still get rid of the rest of the cafe. By the way, they used force to occupy the cafe. I didn't expect that in the end, Ayato Kirishima and Jason were actually killed by Rishi Kandai and one of them. The fledgling kid solved it, and it was a no-brainer.It seems that there is some reason why this safe area is called a safe area. For example, when did the safe area take over the gods for his own use?Moreover, the strength of the fledgling boy is not under the power of God, so how should he go back to his life?

Nick didn't know, but he always felt that "One-Eyed Owl" would not let him go. "Oh, oh, what should I do?"

Chapter 0059 He Wants To Get Stronger, Keep Getting Stronger

Fangcun Gongshan and Sifang Lianshi returned to the cafe in the safe area, and the situation in front of them did not cause any reaction in Fangcun's heart.He has seen this kind of scene so many times that he has long since seen it strange.He saw Dong Xiang sitting on the ground, and her injuries were a reminder to Fangcun that the previous fight must be no small thing.

"Sifang, let me know, our cafe in the safe area will be temporarily closed."

Fangcun Gongshan took off his hat, and his face was full of preoccupations.

Just before Hoshimura Gongzen came back, although Yashinyuki and Shindai Rishi teamed up to defeat the people sent by District 11, but just as they relaxed, Ayado Kirishima and Jason escaped.Ten thousand zhangshuyi was let go by Ye Shenyue, because Ye Shenyue knew that he was a good person.Kamidai Rishi felt that there was no need to stay in the coffee shop, so he took Yagami and left first.There are only two people left in the store, Dong Xiang and Xiweijin, and Xiweijin is cleaning up the mess in the room.

Shendai Li Shi took Ye Shenyue to her house. She wanted to know how Ye Shenyue knocked Jason down before she went.After all, Jason is not a very easy character to solve, because he has fought with him before, so he is very clear about Jason's 07 weight.

"Yue, how did you beat Jason, that person is not a good person."

Shendai Lishi sat opposite Ye Shenyue and was very curious.

"It's just that he moves slowly and is just looking for opportunities."

Ye Shenyue didn't want to recall what happened before, because she felt that she could defeat Jason entirely by luck.

"You still think his movements are slow? Can you still see the inadequacies in his movements?"

Goddalen became more and more curious.

"Well. I can see the flaws in his every move. But I know that I beat him this time entirely by luck. Because of his underestimation, I have a chance to defeat him."

Ye Shenyue did not magnify the reason for her victory at all.

"you are humble."

Goddelius looked at him.

Ye Shenyue really didn't understand what Shendai Lishi was thinking. He clearly knew his own ghoul, and he had already fought, but this Shendai Lishi still acted as if nothing had happened.Could it be that she hasn't given up on her captivity?Impossible, since he has become stronger, there is no need to accept the ridiculous requirements of Shendai Li Shi.So what did she want to do, pull herself here, just to ask what happened before?

The suspicious look on his face seemed to have caught the attention of Shendai Lishi. She seemed to be able to guess what he was thinking at this moment. She leaned forward and said softly, "Don't think about it, okay? You can't guess if I do this. I mean?"

The current Kamidai Rishi desperately desires Yagami Yue to be her boyfriend. "Or have you forgotten what I said in the store?"

talk?What words?Ye Shenyue began to recall.Shendai Rishi surprised him as soon as he appeared on the stage, could it be, "My man..."

That sentence?

"Miss Li Shi, I really don't quite understand what you mean."

Ye Shenyue was playing dumb with her.

Shendai Li Shi was about to faint, but she had never confessed to a man!After all, she is also a ghoul who is easily shy, which is how she can say it. "I……"

Shendai Rishi blushed, "I just... Forget it, I don't want to say anything."

Shendai Li Shi silently turned his head and stopped talking.

"If possible, can I ask Miss Li Shi to teach me how to use Hezi skillfully? I still can't control it."

"of course can!"

Kanda Rishi is as happy as a child, as long as she can stay with Yagami, she seems to agree to anything she asks her to do.

"Then thank you Miss Li Shi, I'll go first, it's too late now."

Ye Shenyue got up and left.


Shendai Li Shi just wanted Ye Shenyue to relax his vigilance slowly and slowly. She could see that Ye Shenyue still had scruples towards her. If one day, she could truly enter Ye Shenyue's heart, then she would be very happy. You're about to get the most delicious meat in the world.

In the CCG Special Countermeasures Bureau of District 11, Suzuya Shizo leaned against the wall and played with the needle and thread tattoos on his body. The meeting in the bureau continued, and he listened casually on the surface.

"They have unabashedly launched organizational operations... The above is the relevant information about the bronze tree."

Marutesai finally finished speaking. "Although I also want to launch an attack immediately, I have to be patient now and start the action in a week. Before that, all the residents of District 11 should take refuge. I will leave this to the police, and the media to me. That's it. It's over, disband!"

Tasks are also assigned, and the meeting is finally over.

Marute came over and confronted Suzuya who was leaning against the wall, "Are you Suzuya? You are really petite. By the way, do you have a good meal? Also, are you really a man? "

With disdainful sarcasm.

"Ah, shit..."

Shinohara saw this scene, "Ah, Amaru, Suzuya has just arrived, so he must be a little tired, you can let him go."

"What, just chatting for a while."

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