Marute was pushed away by Shinohara.

After the meeting, Amen and Shinohara sat together to check the list of people. "Is there only one third-class investigator, Suzuya?"

"Amaru will use anything that can be used, so he should have transferred him here because he judged that Suzuya Shizao could also be of use. Recommended for entry...a special case after 600 Arima."

Amen looked at Suzuya Shizao's materials and found nothing special for the time being, but he still nodded.

"Speaking of which, there is also a troublesome person on the enemy's side..."

Shinohara looked at the document and expressed concern.

"Did you say Jason?"

"Well, S-class, a troublesome character in District 13, who puts 'eating' second, a bastard sadist who kills with a playful attitude, is also one of the opponents that people don't want to fight... By the way, Yamen, you once had a relationship with Has he fought?"

"Well, with my master."

Yamen fell into memory, what is the gentleman who runs the coffee shop doing now, he has told him so many things in his heart, and he doesn't know what he will think of himself.Yamen fell into deep thought and couldn't help thinking of his adoptive father...

He was a priest, but... One day he came home and excitedly wanted to celebrate with his adoptive father that he was the first in the grade, but he pushed the door and entered his room without the approval of his adoptive father. It was him. The first time I saw ghouls eating people, it was terrifying and bloody.He was just a child at the time, and of course he was scared when he saw that kind of scene. He thought his adoptive father would kill him, but he sent him to CCG and said to him, "Good boy, I think you will treat him correctly. Humans and ghouls, right?"

Chapter 0060 Is it over?No, it's just the beginning.

The chaotic situation in District 11 has made everyone in the safe area stop, not only because they are afraid that their area will also be damaged by bronze trees, but also because... Dare to imagine the next consequences.He called all the people in the safe zone together to discuss countermeasures.

The recent actions of Ye Shenyue seem to have caught the attention of Xiweiwu, because Ye Shenyue went out a little more frequently, and she didn't even open the store door!Is this the rhythm of closing down?Xiweiwu really wanted to ask what Ye Shenyue was hiding from herself, but she was afraid that Ye Shenyue would say that she would not give him freedom, and she was tormented by her own thoughts every day.Until one day she couldn't take it anymore, she went to ask.

"Yue, please tell me what you are doing."

Xiweiwu entered Ye Shenyue's room with a strange expression, "I asked my brother, and he didn't even tell me, so please tell me what you are doing."

Nishiweiwu's expression made Ye Shenyue feel distressed, and he showed his eyes, "Do you understand now?"

Xi Weiwu took two steps back in disbelief, and there seemed to be a trace of inexplicable despair on her face.

"It turns out that I'm a ghoul, and I couldn't believe it myself when I first knew it."

Ye Shenyue is now completely accustomed to the fact that she is only a ghoul, otherwise why would he take the initiative to find Li Shi and wake him up by sucking her blood? "You don't have to worry, since I'm a ghoul, you don't have to be grumpy, right?"

"But you..."

What Nishiogi wanted to say was that he had always exuded a human breath, but now he has suddenly turned into a ghoul?Incredible too.

"But what? Do you want to say that I have always had a human breath in me, and there is no ghoul kind of breath at all? I also thought about why this happened, probably because I was too weak before I woke up. I've been hiding many things from you, I'm sorry, I apologize to you. In the future, I won't hide it from you again."

Ye Shenyue said sincerely, "I know that if I hide from you again, you will go crazy."

Indeed, the fact that Ye Shenyue did not go to the cafe every day after leaving early in the morning and returning late at night really puzzled Nishiomiu. "Can you tell me when you woke up and how did you wake up?"

"Not long ago, I bit the goddess and sucked her blood, so I woke up. I can feel my disappearing ability is slowly recovering, but not fully recovered, I still need a little time to hone myself ."

Ye Shenyue walked to Xiweiwu, "Don't worry about me, I'm stronger than before, I will protect myself well, and even protect you."

He held Nishiomiri in his arms, but he made Nishiomiri feel that she no longer knew the Yagami in front of her.

She was a little dizzy, "you let me rationalize my thoughts, I'll go to sleep first."

Xiweiwu pushed Yagami away and walked out of his room.

Sure enough, if she told her the truth, would she not be able to accept it?Ye Shenyue seemed to regret telling her so much, but if she didn't tell her, she would be thinking blindly.There is a reason why Mist has become like this. His boyfriend suddenly changed from human to ghoul, and he kept it from her for so long, no one would be able to bear it.

In short, time will dilute everything, and it is better to let her calm down.And it seems that there are other secrets hidden in him waiting to be discovered, and he can't waste time explaining himself to others.

Ye Shenyue asked Shendai Lishi how to use Hezi flexibly. Shendai Lishi meant that Ye Shenyue would be more flexible with more training.Ye Shenyue felt very abstract about Shendai Rishi's words, saying it was equivalent to not saying it.So he could only ask her for advice on how to identify the breath of humans and ghouls.

Ye Shenyue learned this very quickly, and after a while he was able to identify who was a ghoul and who was a human.But because Ye Shenyue never eats people, he has never been able to correctly distinguish the strength of the ghoul's aura, that is to say, he has not been able to master the skills of distinguishing the ghoul's level.

"Wouldn't it be good to eat some people?"

Goddelius joked.

"No, I will never eat people."

Ye Shenyue glanced at Dai Li Shi.

The battle between CCG and Bronze Tree is still going on. Gangtaro Amen takes the Kuink, who was left to Yamen before Wu Xu left CCG, to fight. With the expectations of Zhento, Yamen fights more and more decisively. With ease, killing a few ghouls is no problem at all.

Residents in District 11 have been evacuated by the local police under the notice of CCG. Next, what awaits them is the fierce struggle between all CCG investigators and Bronze Tree. All CCG personnel were in high spirits, cooperated with the police, and waited to attack the 11th area with a total of more than 11 people.Special investigators such as Marutesai, as the on-site commander, have already found the location of the stronghold of the ghoul group Bronze Tree. CCG has assured all people in District [-] through the media that it will protect everyone's personal safety.

Tatara and the one-eyed Owl left after arranging the mission. Only Kirishima Ayutu and Nick were guarding the Bronze Tree stronghold, and even Jason disappeared.

But this didn't affect the war between Bronze Tree and CCG.The quality of the sniper team sent by the Bronze Tree is so much higher than that sent by the CCG, so that the CCG people are instantly killed every time.Marutesai watched his people get wiped out by the ghouls one by one, and almost burst into tears.If it wasn't for Suzuya Suzuo, who usually looks like a dick, he would have arrived and wiped out all the sniper teams of Bronze Tree with ease. Marutesai would definitely kill himself this time to thank the world!


Marutesai ordered that as long as the first sniper team was destroyed first, the next attack would be easy.A large number of CCG people continued to pour into the Bronze Tree stronghold, and even disguised themselves as Bronze Tree members to fight internally.Marutesai's plan has been in place for too long, and if it fails, he has no life left to see the CCG president.

In a fierce battle, Bronze Tree and CCG lost both in the end.Ye Shenyue just watched the news so quietly, and the live broadcast was extremely tragic. He didn't want CCG to win, nor did he want Bronze Tree to win.For him, it was the best outcome for them to lose both.His feeling of sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight is very subtle. District 11 gradually fell into a state of occupation, and Bronze Tree and CCG were all evacuated.Now District 11 is like a ghost town with no people at all.

It's another weekend, the sun is just right, and Shindai Rishi invited Yagami Moon to attend Takatsuki Izumi's new book launch, but is it really just a simple new book waiting for them?No one can predict what will happen next.

Chapter 0061 Between Rainbows

Rishi Shendai sat in the cafe of Telford Building, recalling the first time he met Takatsuki Izumi before, the woman's voice was so desolate, as if she could see through all the dust in the world, she was clearly a 19-year-old girl, but she A different kind of deep... Maybe I think too much?Shendai Lishi thought so, but obviously... there is a ghoul aura.

Ye Shenyue was sitting across from Shendai Li Shi. To her surprise, she didn't come to buy books early in the morning, so they could only buy books and sit in the cafe, waiting for a large crowd to pass before slowly queuing up.It's not too early now. They have been sitting from ten in the morning to three in the afternoon. There should be fewer crowds at this time, right?He looked at Li Shi who was in a daze, he really didn't know what she was thinking.

Kamidai Rishi finally came back to his senses, "Let's go, let's go to the queue, maybe Takatsuki Izumi will be gone after we're late?"

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