Such well-known authors shouldn't be around for too long at book launches.

"Well, but I think she will wait for us, because at the last book launch, she told me that she is looking forward to our next visit. So I think she will wait for us."

Ye Shenyue doesn't know why, but she is very sure that Takatsuki Izumi will wait for him and Kamidai Rishi, until they appear, Takatsuki Izumi will stop signing.

"Oh? She told me that too. She really is a very strange person."

Kamidai Rishi got up and followed Ye Shenyue out of the cafe.

Although there were still a lot of people lining up, Takatsuki Izumi seemed to have spotted them very early.Unconsciously, Takatsuki Izumi accelerated his hand speed, and soon, Yagami Moon and Shindai Rishi appeared in front of Takatsuki Izumi.She was not wearing a mask or sunglasses.The whole face is exposed.

"Sure enough, he's a writer who looks like a high school student."

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but blurt out.He saw that the pen in Takatsuki Quan's hand stopped, raised his head, and looked at Yashinyuki with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Yagami, we meet again."

Thin, with dark green curly hair and big dark green eyes, he was wearing a yellow turtleneck sweater and a navy blue jacket.She looks surprisingly sweet, and is a pretty good-looking girl. "You really kept your promise, and you really appeared here."

She was referring to telling Ye Shenyue not to be absent from her next book launch, and he really came.

But why does Ye Shenyue always feel that something is wrong, her smile looks so cute, but she always feels that there is something hidden under her sweet smile, like, like a knife, provocatively on Ye Shenyue's heart paddling. "Well, Miss Takatsuki Izumi, long time no see."

He gave her a smile back, but grabbed the hand of Shendai Lishi behind his back.

Shendai Rishi noticed the strangeness, and his expression changed slightly, but he tried his best to remain calm. "Miss Takatsuki Izumi, do you still remember me?"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue had already done it, Shendai Li Shi stepped forward and handed over his book.

"I remember, of course I remember."

She gave her a sweet smile, without any strange feeling.

Kamidai Rishi can be sure this time that Takatsuki Izumi is... a ghoul with extremely strong strength, capable of hiding the ghoul aura on her body. "Then let's go first, Miss Takatsuki Izumi."

The two walked out of Telford Building and wandered all the way.Ye Shenyue suspected that Takatsuki Izumi was a ghoul, but he was not sure. He turned his head and asked Kamidai Rishi, "Do you think there is something wrong with Takatsuki Izumi? For example..."

"Like what?"

Shendai Rishi knew what Ye Shenyue wanted to say, and he had already taught him how to identify ghouls, and he had also learned it. "You said, what do you suspect?"

"Takatsuki Izumi is a ghoul."

Ye Shenyue still expressed her doubts.

Kamidai Rishi nodded, "Well, that's what I thought too. I told you a while ago that I suspected Takatsuki Izumi as a ghoul, but because the aura of ghouls on her body is always vague, that's why I did it. I'm not sure. Now that I drink your blood, my ability to recognize the ghoul level has improved."

"So you mean..."

The thoughts in Ye Shenyue's heart were gradually confirmed, and this feeling was very subtle. "Takatsuki Izumi is not only a ghoul, but also a very powerful ghoul, right?"

"That's right, that's it. And just now, I could feel the longing in Takatsuki Izumi's eyes when he looked at you. I think, Takatsuki Izumi is probably interested in you, and soon, you will see Takatsuki Izumi again. of."

Goddelius conjectured.

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "It's totally impossible, how could I have any intersection with Taka Tsukiquan, everything is your subjective assumption."

Ye Shenyue was a little dejected, "I'm here today, I'll go home first."

The two separated at the crossroads, and Shendai Lishi looked at the back of Ye Shenyue leaving, and his heart was full of thoughts, "It's better that I think more, Yue, you are a special existence."

The goddess disappeared into the air.

Ye Shenyue didn't go to the store, but went home directly. Previously, Takatsuki Izumi's book "Izumi" was helping Hina to finish reading it, and she also read it by the way. It was a bit esoteric, but you can still understand it after reading it twice.He opened "Between the Rainbows", probably a book about rainbows, right?He saw the wedge, "Rainbow is the existence of light refraction, something intangible and illusory, but I tried to catch the rainbow in the clouds, but it always dissipated when I was about to touch it... Is that just an illusion, A long-lasting illusion? You said that there will be a rainbow after the rain, but you never said that it will also disappear in an instant. You told me that as long as I hold the rainbow tightly in my hand, you can accompany me for a long time, I believe Yes, but you disappeared..."

Why is the seemingly simple book so strange to Yagami, he seems to have heard these words, is it because reading this wedge simply resonates with Takatsuki Izumi?No, he had clearly heard this passage, just before, a long, long time ago, he could guarantee that it was definitely not the first time he had seen this passage.But when did I hear it, how could I forget it.

"I watched you disappear between the rainbows. I wanted to hold your hand tightly, but you never gave me a chance. You said I was too young. Later, I finally found you and let you sleep beside me forever. Constantly, only I can possess you. I hide you in my heart and touch your cold body, even if you never wake up, I still feel very happy..."

So "Between the Rainbows" is a love story?Can such a young child write such a delicate love story?Ye Shenyue wiped the corners of her eyes, why did she cry?

Chapter 0062 Let me tell you the secrets hidden in your heart.

After the war between CCG and Bronze Tree, the cafe in the safe area resumed business. Kirishima Dongxiang never came out of the incident of her younger brother joining Bronze Tree. She wanted to ask clearly why Kirishima Aya would become This look!She sneaked into District 11, trying to find the stronghold of the bronze tree in District 11. She also tried her luck to see if her younger brother was here.Just as Kirishima Dongxiang was searching carefully, her body was suddenly kicked against the wall!

"Cough... You really are still here! It's obviously fallen here! What's the point of you staying here! You actually joined such an inexplicable organization!"

Kirishima Dongxiang was both hated and helpless, and she started to defend herself when she unfolded her Heko. She knew that Kirishima Ayato was going to start attacking her with his Heko again! "Wake up for me! Asshole Ayumi Kirishima!"

The younger brother in front of him has completely turned into a ghoul, completely ignoring the kinship of flesh and blood, and attacked him frantically.After so many days of repair, Hezi behind him is better than before.Unhurriedly, the bullets fired by Ayato Kirishima flew into the air.

"To actually hang out with that obscure Yeshenyue! What kind of safe area do you still live in and pretend to be humans! Can you still tell who you are! After all, we are ghouls!"

Kirishima Ayato flew over and directly beat Kirishima Dongxiang, "When you play any friendship game with humans, you can forget the fact that you are a monster, right? Is this very happy!"

In Kirishima Ayutu's eyes, her sister is as weak as a ball, and she can be kicked and lifted by him, and she is powerless to resist!He just wants to wake up his sister, don't let her indulge in the human world! "Since it's a half-hearted wing, let me pull it out for you!"

Ayano Kirishima bit her Kokuko frantically until her sister passed out completely.


Ayumi Kirishima vomited blood, "It's really hard to eat..."

He pressed Kirishima Dongxiang's head without showing any affection, "The world is judged by strength, and strength determines the quality of everything. You are too weak, so you lose. Just like dad...go to die..."

After all, it's still her own sister, Aya Kirishima can't do it at all, and it's obviously not her purpose, isn't it?He let go of his hand and let Kirishima Dongxiang breathe.He got up and was about to leave. Is this enough?


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