"I hope Mr. Yagami can read "Between the Rainbows" well. I believe it will have a great influence on Mr. Yagami. And if I say that this novel is a real story, would you believe it?"

Chapter 0066 Trap

Takatsuki Izumi's expression didn't look like he was joking at all, she suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared.Ye Shenyue sat there, completely ignorant of the meaning of Takatsuki Izumi's coming to find her.Is it just to ask yourself what you think of "Between the Rainbows"?No, Takatsuki Izumi is not so boring, or is she implying herself that the hero in this book is herself?It's not surprising that strange things happened to Ye Shenyue.For example, he thought he was a human, but he turned out to be a ghoul; he thought he had no relationship with this world, but he turned out to be the husband of Ryoko Fuegu, the father of Hashimi Fuegu... So he added another identity to the night god. It doesn't matter to the moon at all, just let the storm come more violently.

Sure enough, do you still have to finish reading "Between the Rainbows"?Ye Shenyue came home and finished digesting the novel "Between the Rainbows" in one night. The end of the novel reads: I stood in the endless dust, looking up at the sky where you once existed, I failed, you are not at all I can read to the place.Your drifting body fell beside me, without a trace of breath.If that counts together, let's keep our bodies together.

Is the hero of this book really dead?And the body is hidden in the heroine.If what Takatsuki Izumi said is true, and if his guess is correct, then... is Takatsuki Izumi talking about the love between himself and Takatsuki Izumi in a certain life?In a certain life, not only did he have a daughter with Ryoko Diguchi, but he also had an affair with Izumi Takatsuki?Ye Shenyue is going crazy.It's really maddening to feel the soul wearing it, so if you want to find out who you are and what you have done in a certain life, you must go to Takatsuki Izumi, right?So what kind of existence is Takatsuki Spring?

"Brother Shiyu, why did my father send me away as soon as I was born, Koizumi doesn't understand, is Koizumi really a trouble?"

Takatsuki Izumi nests in the arms of Heigong Shiyu.

"No, Koizumi's father is just to protect Koizumi. Koizumi is a special existence, so special that no one can compare to you."

The one-eyed owl was covered in bandages, and in the organization, she never showed her true colors.Everyone only knows that she is the leader of the Bronze Tree, leading the Bronze Tree to continue to grow and eliminate CCG investigators, but they don't know what her ultimate goal is.She never cares about the damage of her own members, just to eliminate CCG, she will do whatever she can.

"Ganzhi, have you gone to see that Yeshenyue?"

Duoduo spoke carefully.


Accidentally, Gao Tsukiquan was not angry, "Tatara, soon, that person will come to me. I waited for him for [-] years, and he finally came back..."

Takatsuki Izumi disappeared in front of Tatara, and went to the secret room alone, where she hid Kuromiya Shiyu's body for sixteen years, but this body can be kept as a souvenir in the future, because this body is no longer necessary to exist .His short black hair and broken bangs cover the butterfly tattoo on his forehead. The origin of his code name "Butterfly" is probably because of this.

Takatsuki Izumi knew that Kuronomiya Shigure didn't die so easily. How could a SSS-level ghoul die so easily?I haven't had time to confess to him, so he can't die yet.It's just that the person who came back now has no memory of the past, right?If that's the case, then it's good to help him reassemble the incomplete memory.If you lose once, you can't lose the second time. If you can hold it tightly, don't let it go.Everything can only be won by oneself, and soon, time will be restored to the past, right?Takatsuki Izumi touched Kuromiya Shiyu's cold face, "Shiyu, wait for me."

Ye Shenyue sat alone in the store in a daze. The sudden appearance of Takatsuki Izumi made him unable to let go for a long time. Did something happen before?Otherwise, I wouldn't fall into another time and space and then fall back again. The memory of the previous time and space can be retained, but how could the memory of the ghouls completely disappear?Could it be that your memory has been manipulated by someone? "I'm willing to make you forget all your unpleasant memories, even me, you can make you forget me...but in the end you have to come back, come back to me again..."

This is the original sentence of "Between the Rainbows". Could it be that Taka Tsuki-Izumi knew his previous memories?

He shook his head, how is it possible, when did the other one die, how did he die, and why he died, although Ye Shenyue didn't know, but it was wrong to think about the time with his knees.The current Takatsuki Izumi is only 24 years old, and he was only 8 years old when he died, that is to say [-] years ago... Did something happen [-] years ago?

Miss Ryoko should know what happened [-] years ago, why don't you ask her.Go to the safe area by yourself and find Ryoko Fieguchi.

"Sixteen years ago, what happened to me?"

He didn't use "your husband" but directly used "I" to show that he and he was more sure that he was the husband of Ryoko Fueguchi's disappearance.Although he is already sure that he is the husband of Ryoko Fueguchi, he still has other things that he is not sure about, such as whether he has an affair with Takatsuki Izumi...

Ryoko Dikou was frightened by Ye Shenyue's serious expression. She didn't understand what Ye Shenyue wanted to ask, "What do you want to ask? I didn't understand..."

"I mean, sixteen years ago, I disappeared, why did I disappear? What kind of war, or fight?"

Ye Shenyue desperately wanted to know the answer.

"Sixteen years ago, there was the first crusade against Xiao. You went to help Fangcun's store manager, oh no, it was Xiao, who fought against CCG, and he never came back."

Ryoko Diguchi is reluctant to recall that dark past.

Ye Shenyue seems to have grasped some key point. It is not the first time to fight against Xiao Xiao, but... it's her who went to help Fangcun's store manager sixteen years ago?Is Fangcun's manager's code name Xiao?Did he die to help him?This matter is getting more and more complicated, and more and more people are involved, making Ye Shenyue unstoppable. Was it really just a simple crusade against the owl that happened sixteen years ago?what!Damn, no memory is really going to be crazy.Everything seems to revolve around you, but you have no impression of yourself, so in the end, you can only go to Takatsuki Izumi?She seems to have devised one trap after another to make herself hooked, what love, what seal of memory... If everything is a big conspiracy, then Ye Shenyue has already been involved, and there is no way to get out of it...

Chapter 0067 is just a dream

Before Ye Shenyue left the safe area, he saw Fangcun Gongshan smiling politely at him.Yoshimura Gongzen always has a smile on his face every time.The former self should have been friends with the store manager Fangcun, right?Otherwise, how could he help him.But, does the Fangcun store manager know that he is the husband of Ryoko who disappeared for [-] years?He should know, otherwise he wouldn't point out the fact that he is not a human but a ghoul.But I always feel that Fangcun Gongshan doesn't look as simple as it seems.Maybe it's time to look up the person "Owl".

Ye Shenyue returned to her cafe, and just as she was about to step into the door, she seemed to feel that there were eyes behind her.He turned to look at the top of the tall building across the road, there was a small black spot.Intuition made him rush to the opposite building, and ran up to the 20-story high-rise building in one breath. There was no one on the roof.

"Are you looking for me? Yeshenyue."

Embracing him from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist, this height is not Rishi God, nor Nishiogiri, there is only one person, Takatsuki Izumi.

Sure enough it was her.Ye Shenyue pulled her from behind to the front, "I've finished reading "Between the Rainbows", can you tell me what is the relationship between you and me. Also, you know my previous memories, right? "

"You really read it very seriously, Ye Shenyue. If you want to know more, join the Bronze Tree. If you join, I'll tell you what you want to know."

Takatsuki Izumi came out of his arms.

Why did he trust Taka Tsuki-Izumi so much, maybe she was deceiving herself.Maybe there was no love with Takatsuki Izumi from the beginning, everything was her own trap to join under the bronze tree.He turned to leave, he had decided from the beginning that he would not be involved in any organization, and he did not want to ask about any struggle between them. "Hey, Yagami, where are you going."

Takatsuki Izumi chased after him, "Don't you believe what I said?"

Ye Shenyue stopped her steps and turned her back to her, "Since I know your true purpose, I have nothing to say. I won't join the bronze tree, and I won't think about the stories in your book anymore. It's a novel, I can't get too addicted to it. I'd rather be a safe and secure coffee shop manager than join a murderous bronze tree. Even if your novel is about real people, so what, in the past What happened has already passed, why use it to relive it. Since it has been forgotten, it must be a bad thing. Goodbye, Miss Takatsuki, I will still look forward to your next novel."

"Hey, since that's the case, then I can't help but feel sorry for Mr. Yagami."

With a knock, "Yishenyue, come play with me."

After a long time, "Hey, store manager, wake up, store manager?"

Ye Shenyue was actually lying in her office?What's going on, he is clearly on the rooftop of the tall building opposite.

"Well? Shuli, why am I here..."

Ye Shenyue's brain hurts a little.

"When you came back from outside, you passed out and fell at the door of the store. We brought you back from the door."

Shuri turned around and picked up a glass of water, "Drink some water first."

"I passed out as soon as I came back from outside? How many times did I come back?"

"Once... I went out in the morning, came back two hours ago, and passed out as soon as I came back."

Shuri recalled carefully, "Anyway, that's what I remember."

"Didn't I run to the rooftop opposite?"

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