Ye Shenyue asked.

"Impossible, I've been sitting by the window and watching you pass out."

Did you just dream?In the dream, Takatsuki Izumi actually wanted to add himself to the Bronze Tree. Could it be that Takatsuki Izumi is still related to the Bronze Tree?If you want to know more, join the bronze tree... The dream is too real, making it difficult for him to distinguish whether it is a dream or reality, and he is a little tired.Ye Shenyue sighed, he really didn't want to get involved in a struggle for no reason, he felt he couldn't bear it.Probably because the previous self really left a lot of trouble and died, so the self in this life has to take on a lot of responsibilities, right?

Yagami recalls Ayutu Kirishima, the man who had to join the Bronze Tree to protect his sister.Staying in the Bronze Tree allows you to exercise more and collect more information.It would be better to stay away from her than to stay by her sister's side to protect her.I don’t seem to have anyone who needs my own protection like Ayato Kirishima, so there is no need to join the Bronze Tree, and I am very clear that I will not join any organization, so I will never join the Bronze Tree…

"Hey, Ye Shenyue, it's just a dream, why do you care so much?"

Yes, it was just a dream, why would I mind so much.

"Hey, Tatara, why didn't he come to me. I've already made it clear, why doesn't he understand?"

The one-eyed owl continued to sit on the rooftop of the high-rise building opposite Yeshenyue, "Did I say it wasn't obvious enough?"

"No, Ganzhi. In my opinion, Mr. Yegami couldn't find you, so he didn't come to you."

Duoduo replied.

"Really, Tatara. No wonder he didn't come to me. I knew there was a reason why he didn't come to me. How could he let go of Koizumi..."

The one-eyed owl smiled strangely, "I really want to put him in the bronze tree, so that I can be with him every day..."

Is it an illusion?I always feel that someone is looking at me. Ever since Takatsuki Izumi came to find me that time, this feeling has always existed, as if being watched.Ye Shenyue walked out of the store and looked up at the rooftop of the opposite tall building. The scene that appeared in her dream was obviously nothing.I've been a little nervous recently, so I'll just go to the bar to relax tonight.

"Then the fog will help me close the shop. I may not come back to 2.5 tonight. I'm so tired recently, I have to go to the bar to relax."

Although I feel sorry for her like this, there is still no way, just buy her some gifts to make up for it.Saying goodbye to Nishiogi, after kissing her forehead, he left the cafe first.

Ye Shenyue walked into a jewelry store and chose a diamond necklace. It was very simple. A beautifully cut one-carat diamond hung on a platinum chain. "Should you like such a simple design?"

Satisfied, Ye Shenyue took the gift and walked towards the bar.

"Taodora, I don't like that Xiwei fog."

The one-eyed owl leaned against the door of the jewelry store, watching Ye Shenyue go further and further away.

"I see what you mean, Ganzhi."

Tadara and the one-eyed owl go in different directions, what will Tadara do next...

Chapter 0068 The Death of West End Mist

Are you drinking too much?Ye Shenyue staggered to the bathroom, and there seemed to be a woman beside her. Who was it?I can't see clearly at all, forget it, I can't walk anyway, so let her hold it. "Thank you so much ma'am..."

Ye Shenyue was completely drunk and fell unconscious in the bar corridor.

When Ye Shenyue woke up the next day, he found that he was sleeping beside him... Takatsuki Izumi was sleeping... He couldn't remember why he was lying beside him was Takatsuki Izumi, and where is this, this is not his home Right... Could it be Takatsuki Izumi's house?No, that's not the point, the point is why Takatsuki Izumi is lying beside him!

"Are you awake?"

Takatsuki Izumi woke up, "Last night you were drunk, and I didn't know where your family lived, so I brought you to my house. As for why you are like this now... You took my hand and said, Koizumi, do not go."

You actually... say something like that?Ye Shenyue quickly got out of bed and put on her clothes, "Yesterday... I'll be responsible for what happened last night, Miss Takatsuki, don't worry."

"Responsible? What are you responsible for?"

Gao Tsukiquan also put on his clothes, "I'm not responsible for you, you can go."

Watching Yagami Yue leave, Takatsuki Izumi fell into deep thought. "Why forget me, why?"

"Qianzhi, what you ordered has been done."

Tatara suddenly appeared and reported what Takatsuki Izumi had accomplished.

"Understood, let's go."

Ye Shenyue, your so-called girlfriend is dead, let's see what you will do next.Takatsuki Izumi is ready to temporarily put aside his excessive attention to Yagami and turn to the battle with CCG.

Ye Shenyue returned to the cafe and pretended that nothing happened.Fog didn't come to work today and couldn't even get through on the phone.Could it be sick?Ye Shenyue was a little worried.I closed the store early to go home to watch Xiweiwu. When I got home, there seemed to be something strange about the door of my house.

There is a shallow footprint on the door. The people from the cleaning company can't even see it, right?Ye Shenyue wiped the stain.No, this is not a simple footprint. The footprint has penetrated into the door, leaving a deep mark that cannot be wiped off by ordinary footprints.Is something wrong?Ye Shenyue looked at the blood flowing from under the door, and he suddenly realized something.He kicked open the door of his own house with one kick, and sure enough, something happened to Xiweiwu.

It's not true, it's not true, why did Nishiomu, who was fine in the daytime yesterday, suddenly die?Who the hell killed Xiweiwu, Ye Shenyue hugged Xiweiwu's body and began to cry, "Who the hell is going to kill you!"

There was no trace of a fight in the house. Could it be that Wu did it voluntarily?Willing to be killed?This is impossible.He calmed down and called Nishio Nishiki, "Hey, Nishiki, your sister she...she...was killed..."

Nishiojin's side was completely shocked, "I told you clearly, to protect my sister well, don't bully her or I will kill you!"

Although she said it loudly, Nishio Nishiki also quickly went to Yagami's house and inquired about the situation.

"By the way, why are there no signs of fighting here? My sister is not so weak. Was she killed without even resisting?"

Nishio Jin calmed down and looked at everything around him, nothing was messed up.

"Either she was about to reach a certain level, and Wu was killed before she could react, or she was killed voluntarily. I have seen Wu's expression, you see, it doesn't look like she was frightened at all. If it is the first If it is the second type, then she will definitely be frightened, so it is the second type..."

Ye Shenyue also tried her best to keep her calm, "But I still don't want to believe that Wu she was... She was killed voluntarily."

"In the end, it's because of you. My sister's life circle is so small, and she doesn't know anyone other than the coffee shop. And she's so kind that she doesn't even want to step on an ant to death. If you think about it with your knees, you'll know it's because of you. And death, no matter what, we have to find out the truth about this matter..."

Ye Shenyue carried Xi Weiwu to the bathroom, wiped off the blood on her body, and put on clean clothes.In an instant, she returned to her usual cute appearance, as if she had fallen asleep.

Ye Shenyue froze her, ready to revive her when her strength recovered.

Because she has died many times, Ye Shenyue already has experience, like Xiwei Mist, even if her body is gone, he can still resurrect her, just.

There was an angry look on his face.

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