Although this is a world of cannibalism, a world where anyone can be killed, but.

Since Xiwei Mist has moved, then wait for your revenge!

only.Who the hell wanted to kill Mist, is it related to Takatsuki Izumi?If it doesn't matter, then I'm afraid I can't think of other people who want to kill Nishiwei.Or maybe it's the goddess?How is it possible, she hasn't appeared for a long time, who is it... What is the reason for killing the fog.

"Hey, Tatara, how do you think Yashinyuki will react when she sees her girlfriend's death? Koizumi really wants to know."

"Crying bitterly, of course, Ganzhi."

Chapter 0069 The sudden appearance of Yamen Gangtaro

Ye Shenyue looked at Xiweiwu's corpse with a thousand thoughts.

He won't let the person who killed Nishiweiwu have a good result, he will definitely find out the truth of the matter.It's just that Nishiweiwu is so kind and never provokes any strange people. It's strange to die for no reason.It must be because of myself, right?Thinking of dying because of herself in the end, Ye Shenyue couldn't think of any other reason why she had to die.

"Let's go and ask Shendai Li Shi's situation first."

Ye Shenyue thought to herself.If it was Rise of God who killed Nishiogi, then there is only one reason, she is Yagami's girlfriend.

Will Kamidai Rishi attack Mist because he can't be his girlfriend?Ye Shenyue shook her head, "Well, I will definitely find the murderer, it's just a matter of time. Fog, I won't let you die in vain, and I will never let go of the murderer who killed you."

His hands were clenched unknowingly, and even his nails were deeply digging into the flesh, Ye Shenyue tried hard to keep herself awake.

"If it wasn't for the unclear relationship around you, how could my sister die!"

Nishio Nishiki told him.The relationship around him...even if it's messy, it's not something he can decide.If he could sort out the pile of so-called relationships, there would not be so many troubles at all.What Goddai Rise, what is Takatsuki Izumi, what is Ryoko Fueguchi... If he could have avoided it, he would have avoided it long ago, so why bother with so many things.Ye Shenyue has many things buried in her heart, and these things cannot be shared with others at all.

"Hey, Li Shi, let's go out and chat tomorrow."

He sent a text message to the goddess.

"Okay. See you at Wanshi Bookstore on Chuanping Road at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Shendai Li Shi replied to him, almost in seconds, without even the slightest hesitation in thinking.

Ye Shenyue, who went to open the store the next day, kept her usual calm, as if nothing had happened, but there was one person missing in the store and it was his girlfriend, so he had to talk first, otherwise it might cause gossip from the clerk. Not sure.

"Then, I'm going to announce some bad news, that is, my girlfriend, Nishio mist, died in my house yesterday for no apparent reason. But I've already called the police, so you don't have to worry too much."

In order to appease these small employees, he can only say that he has called the police.His overly calm demeanor has probably aroused the dissatisfaction of some female employees, right?He may say that he is a little cold-blooded or something, but who can understand the pain in his heart.

"The fog is gone, and I may not be in the store often. This cafe will be handed over to everyone. Let's work together to make this cafe better and better."

Ye Shenyue glanced at the reactions of the people around her, lowered her head, and seemed even more saddened by the death of Xiwei Mist than he was, "Don't be like this, everyone, I like seeing you smiling the most when Mizuki is still here, so everyone is positive. Are you up? Don't keep your face down."

"Store manager! Are you not sad that your girlfriend is dead? I don't see any sad expression on your face!"

An employee raised his head and looked directly at Ye Shenyue, "Every day I go out and not in the store, I'm dating other women, right! After I confessed to Wu, I didn't care about her at all, so you don't feel sad when she's gone, right? no!"

Ye Shenyue thought that there might be employees who scold him like this, but it sounded more harsh than expected in person. "Well, you can call me whatever you want, but I am your store manager after all, and I will pay your wages. Personal feelings are personal feelings, and work attitude is work attitude. I hope you will continue to work hard and give you a big red envelope for the New Year. , let's go after that, open the door to do business, and I will also investigate the cause of Wu's death, I think you promise, I will never let my girlfriend die for no reason, ok?"

Ye Shenyue felt that it was useless to talk too much, and it would be better to appear less in front of the employees. Perhaps his current image would reduce the enthusiasm of the employees.

"Wu is so kind, why does she just..."

"Is the manager's romantic debt?"

"That's why I said that the store manager is handsome, but... he's so handsome that he can't hold back the other women who join him!"

"Shh... be quiet!"

Ye Shenyue smiled bitterly, and let those discussions fall on deaf ears.He was sitting in the office, wondering, the CCG of the dead ghoul in the 20th district didn't come to investigate?Did they ignore it or didn't come on purpose.Since the end of the war between CCG and Bronze Tree, CCG must have lost its vitality. District 11 has become like that, and Bronze Tree should also change its base. Maybe CCG people already think that there is no need to pay too much attention to District 20? ?Obviously, the number of human deaths here has continued to increase some time ago.Are you thinking too much?Wouldn't it be better not to let the CCG know about this?If he didn't know Nishiwei Mist's death, he wouldn't be interrogated, so his ghoul identity could continue to be hidden.Thinking of CCG, is that Yamen okay?

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao came.

"Mr. Night God!"

Yamen Gangtaro passed by the 20th district and stopped by the cafe in Yashenyue. Yamen felt that he was very strange, but he was very interested in this person.I always felt that Ye Shenyue was very special, and he couldn't let him go.

Ye Shenyue heard someone calling her and walked out of the office.Ah, Amen Gangtaro, what is he doing with him, is he just chatting again?He stepped forward, "Mr. Yamen, long time no see."

"Well, since I was transferred to District 11, we really haven't had a chance to meet again. How is Mr. Yagami lately?"

Amen smiled.

Did he come to tell his own words, suddenly appeared in the 20th district, didn't he say he was transferred to the 11th district?But District 11 is not already... "Mr. Yamen, I read the news before that District 11 has been occupied by the ghouls, and the CCG people have not been able to defeat the ghouls... So you still stay in District 11?"

You can actually ask such a clumsy question, Ye Shenyue, are you used to pretending to be stupid?

"In fact, this kind of question shouldn't be told to you, but I think we have a fate, so I'll tell you, we have people in District 11 who continue to watch, the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is, the bronze tree will not understand This is the reason, so staying in District 11 is just waiting for the rabbit. Today, I just happened to pass by District 20. I thought of Mr. Yagami, so I stopped by to have a look.”

Amon Gangtaro said.

This man doesn't look like he's lying, but why is he explaining this to himself, is he trusting himself too much?Or are there other reasons. "Ah, so that's the case. As the CCG investigator, Mr. Yamen should be very busy, right?"

Ye Shenyue turned around and walked to the bar to give the instant coffee powder gift box to Yamen, "I don't have anything to give to Mr. Yamen, I'll just give this to you. It's a trivial idea, it's not a respect."

Chapter 0070 Yeshenyue, you better not be the kind of person I imagined

Amen Gangtaro is indeed here by the way, but the purpose is not very simple.After Wu Xu was injured, he reminded Yamen Yashenyue that this person is not simple, and it is best not to get too close to him.

The master's intuition has always been the most accurate, but it's just that "not simple" is not simple.Judging from the conversation with Yagami, on the surface, he is just an ordinary cafe manager, sometimes asking about ghouls.

But it can also be understood that he just pays more attention to current affairs.The news of ghouls is broadcast every day, and since he is a CCG investigator, it is normal to ask himself, and it is understandable to satisfy the curiosity about ghouls.

But if it is true as the master said, he is not simple.It looks like a cafe manager, but in reality... "Yamen, you can try the Rc cell detector, the accuracy rate is quite high."

This is what Mato said to him half-jokingly.I met Ye Shenyue because of the oolong made by the Rc cell testing center. Now it doesn't seem too much to use the Rc cell tester... But he still uses it, and the test results are still human.So does it mean that Ye Shenyue is a human being, and also a smart human being.

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