"Ye Shenyue, you'd better not be the kind of person I imagined, otherwise... I'll just be on fire."

Amen Gangtaro thought, "Then I'll go first, I still have something to do, so I won't disturb Mr. Yagami."

"Well, I'll go out and see Mr. Yamen."

Ye Shenyue politely sent Amen Gangtaro away. It was getting late, and he had to hurry to meet up with Kamidai Rishi.

Watching Yagami hurriedly leaving the cafe aroused Amen Gangtaro's curiosity.He followed Yashenyue all the way to the Wanshi Bookstore on Chuanping Road. It seemed like a normal meeting with friends, but Yamen always felt that meeting the girl Yashenyue was not easy.I feel like I've seen it somewhere, but I can't remember who it is.Amen Gangtaro squatted nearby watching the meeting between the two, completely forgetting that he had other things to do.

"Hey, Yamen, where are you, why haven't you come back, have you forgotten that there is a meeting to be held! The whole class is waiting for you!"

Shinohara Yukuki was dissatisfied with Yamen's late arrival, and his anger could be heard from the voice on the phone.

"Ah, it was my mistake, Mr. Shinohara, I'll come right away!"

Amen Gangtaro hung up the phone and had no choice but to leave.

Shendai Lishi looked at Ye Shenyue who lowered his head, "What's wrong, what happened? Call me out suddenly."

She could sense the subtle changes in his mood. He looked very heavy, and he didn't even take a sip of the coffee he ordered, and he had been sitting there for an hour.

"My girlfriend is dead."

Ye Shenyue raised her head and pointed it out. He looked into her eyes, trying to see some clues in her eyes.Unfortunately, he saw nothing.Her calmness and calmness were beyond his imagination, and it seemed that this matter had nothing to do with her.

"So, you suspect that I killed it?"

A stern look flashed in Shendai Lishi's eyes, "I, Shendai Lishi, never kills secretly. If I kill her, I will solve it in front of you."

She said sternly, "Also, even if I kill your girlfriend, what's the reason?"

Goddelise wanted to fish for his words.

"No, I just came to you to solve my troubles at the moment. To be honest, I can't think of who killed her. I believe you can feel it, Nishiomiu has never been a person who will provoke others. Honestly, hardworking and possibly staying in my coffee shop, never going out to cause trouble. It makes me weird that she's dead."

Ye Shenyue took a sip of coffee and suddenly found that the coffee was cold.

Shendai Lishi looked at Ye Shenyue and thought that his chance had come.Since Ye Shenyue's girlfriend died, she would have the opportunity to become his girlfriend.She really wanted to be close to Ye Shenyue and wanted to know everything about him. "Yue, if possible, can I be your girlfriend?"

Wouldn't it give Ye Shenyue a sense of frivolity if she said it herself in this situation?Hey, it's too late to regret it, I said it all, right?

Ye Shenyue was startled, he raised his head and looked into Shendai Li Shi's eyes, she didn't seem to be lying.To be her own girlfriend is nothing more than gaining her own flesh and blood.It's dangerous to keep a parasite next to you, "Miss Li Shi, don't you think it's impolite to say such a thing now? After all, she's still... still dead, isn't it?"

It would be best for him to reject Rishi God for the reason of Nishiobu, but he was very satisfied with his witty answer...

"Yes, I can wait for you until you are willing to accept me. I am willing to share happiness with you, as well as your troubles and pains, in short..."

Goddelius stopped speaking.

"I know."

Ye Shenyue nodded.He understands the goddess Rishi, and has no other purpose than wanting to eat himself. For him, she can be regarded as the purest ghoul by his side, and Ye Shenyue can completely control her.

Shendai Li Shi's character is very good, at least she will protect him and help him while sucking his blood, can the relationship between them be regarded as cooperation?Yashenyue learns the ability of ghouls from Shendai Rishi, and Shendai Rishi gets food from Yashenyue, and the two cooperate closely.It's just that he can't let Shendai Rishi get involved at the moment, although he can already be sure that Shendai Rishi is not the murderer of Nishiweiwu.

There is also a huge conspiracy around him, and he can't drag a person who hates evil like God into the water.Compared with believing in the people around him, it is more reliable to believe in Shendai Lishi, because Shendai Lishi is really a friend worth making.

At the CCG Special Countermeasure Center in District 11, Koki Shinohara was waiting for Kotaro Amon in dissatisfaction at the entrance of the conference center, "So Amen, tell me the reason why you were late on 0.8, you are never such a person."

He looked at Yamen's hurried look, "Could it be that he met a ghoul? You look so nervous."

Yamen shook his head, "I'm sorry Mr. Shinohara, I just went to see an old friend, I'm really sorry for the delay."

"It's alright, pay attention next time. In addition, the meeting is over. We don't need to stop the meeting because of your late arrival. If you have any questions, you can come to my office later."

Shinohara Yukuki left first.

"By the way, Mr. Shinohara, is there any way to more accurately distinguish between humans and ghouls?"

Amen chased after him and asked.

"No, unless you wait for your master, Zhento Wu Xu, to identify it in person, or we can only rely on the Rc cell detector."

Chapter 0071 Kuklia, Dangerous!

Ye Shenyue works in the store very seriously.It's been a long time since he's been so concerned about the coffee shop. I don't know if it's because Nishiogi died, so he can only rely on himself.He stood at the bar making coffee, and when he stopped, he went to the kitchen to clean the dishes, and took a daze by the way.

The two people who have been involved the most with him lately are Rishi Kandai and Takatsuki Izumi. Rishi Kandai can already be excluded, so the rest... Could it be that she really did it, but what was her reason?Retaliate against him because of his drunkenness?Impossible, Nishiogi died the day before that incident, maybe it would be better to talk face to face.

"Duo Duo Liang, I'm a little bored if he doesn't come to me. Why don't we go to Kuklia to play, but there are a lot of ghouls locked up there."

The one-eyed owl sat on the roof of the building opposite the Yeshenyue Cafe, swinging his feet, "Father has been locked up for a long time, he should be rescued, right?"

"Kuklia, that's a heavily guarded place, known as the CCG's most indestructible prison. If you want to play, then you must be with you, using another identity - Ai, the senior officer of the Bronze Tree. special."

Tatara looked at the one-eyed owl covered in bandages with a subtle look.Only Tatara knows the true identity of the one-eyed owl. Her name is Takatsuki Izumi, and she is also the leader of the Bronze Tree. The code-named Owl with the One-eyed, usually appears in the Bronze Tree as a senior cadre of the Bronze Tree "Aite".The title Ganzhi can only be used by Duoduoliang.

"Then you can't call me dry, you have to call me Aite. Hee hee hee."

The one-eyed owl suddenly flashed behind Tatara, "I like playing games with multiple identities the most."

"Isn't keeping a sense of mystery one of your favorite things to do..."

Tatara looked at the cafe opposite, "It's just that you don't keep the mystery of Yagami, right?"

The one-eyed owl disappeared into the air in an instant, "It disappeared so fast, maybe I went to sneak a peek at him again."

Even though he said that, it was a little spoiled.

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