He looked at Gao Tsukiquan with deep meaning, "I'm still looking for her murderer."

He spoke calmly, just to see Takatsuki Izumi's expression.But there was no ripple on Gao Tsukizumi's face, as if to say, "What does the death of your girlfriend have to do with me."

Her extraordinary calmness made Ye Shenyue suspicious.Obviously, she would still feel a trace of pity and sympathy when she told Shendai Lishi.Pity and sympathy are what every normal person should do, right?But Takatsuki Izumi didn't, she kept looking at Yagami with a blank expression.

"Well, that's really unfortunate news. I seem to have brought back unpleasant memories to you, Mr. Yagami."

Gao Tsukiquan saw the doubt in Ye Shenyue's eyes, and she began to explain, "Did my reaction disappoint you?"

She paused, "I'm sorry, but I've never been interested in other people's private affairs, especially emotional affairs. Maybe it's because I've written too many novels, and the delicate feelings can only be depicted with my pen. There is no longer any fluctuation in his heart.”

Is that so?Ye Shenyue nodded superficially, "I know that every writer has their own thoughts and different perceptions of emotions. It's just that I didn't say anything. Miss Takatsuki doesn't need to explain to me."

This woman is not simple, she actually saw through that he was suspicious of her!

"Well, Mr. Yegami understands."

She saw Ye Shenyue smiling at her, the suspicion in her eyes had disappeared, and it seemed that her explanation had already worked.

"I hope that Mr. Yagami will get out of the grief of his girlfriend's departure as soon as possible and return to a normal life. After all, people can't live in memory forever, can they?"

Takatsuki Izumi began to unravel him.

live in memory?It seems that Takatsuki Izumi has always lived in memory, and Yagami Yue can read so much meaning from that book "Between the Rainbows".And Taka Tsuki-Izumi also revealed to him some previous things intentionally or unintentionally, didn't he?He was grateful that she was able to free him, but she did it the wrong way.

"Is Miss Takatsuki just here for coffee today? Is there nothing else?"

Ye Shenyue asked.

"I'm going to find some materials for my new novel. Staying in the house for a long time will make me breathless, and I have to find a breakthrough point for my novel. It's not the way to be so depressed."

The two couldn't seem to find a topic to chat, Gao Tsukiquan left early for something, and Ye Shenyue continued to work after she went out to see her off.Gao Tsukiquan couldn't find any flaws in his speech, and even the reasons were eloquent.She really gives the impression that she doesn't eat the world, as if she doesn't pay attention to everything, so it's normal to give such a calm reaction to her talking about her girlfriend's death.Are you thinking too much?Takatsuki Izumi behaved normally, without any abnormality?

The death of Nishio mist reached the ears of the people in the safe area cafe, which was discovered by Yagami when she went there.He went there to see Hina, and the people there began to comfort him as soon as they came up, and even Ye Shenyue almost passed out. "It was Jin who told you, the fog is dead, isn't it?"

He is already completely familiar with the people in the safe zone, so he doesn't talk around at all. "So far I haven't been able to confirm who killed her, only a suspect."

He leaned in front of the bar, Fangcun Gongshan carefully wiped the coffee cup and listened to Ye Shenyue's words.

A figure flashed in Fangcun Gongshan's mind, and he was so shocked that he accidentally smashed a coffee cup. He pretended to calmly pick up the fragments and threw them in the trash can.Ye Shenyue turned around and saw the cold sweat on Fangcun Gongshan's forehead, feeling a little weird.

"People can't be resurrected from the dead, Mr. Ye Shen should cheer up and try to find the murderer who killed Miss Wu!"

Gujian Yuaner cheers Yeshenyue.

"Yes, Mr. Yegami has the ability to find out the truth."

Kirishima Dongxiang also stood up.

The ghouls in the safe zone are indeed more affectionate and righteous than the ghouls in other zones, and Ye Shenyue is very moved. These people should help him find the murderer of the fog together, he thought.Fangcun Gongshan patted Ye Shenyue on the shoulder and motioned him to follow him.Ye Shenyue followed Fangcun Gongshan to the corner, "Sit down, Mr. Ye Shen."

Ye Shenyue sat down, wondering what Fangcun Gongshan was going to say to herself.

"You lost your lover, I feel sorry for you, but after all, people can't be resurrected, and it is useless to grieve. The most important thing is to find the murderer who killed your lover. But I envy you very much, at least you spent time with your lover After a long happy time, even if she leaves, you still have a chance to avenge her. But I can't, I once had a very beautiful love, but it was only with humans..."

Fangcun Gongshan fell into memory, and Ye Shenyue listened patiently.

On one side, Yagami Yue listened to Yoshimura Kozen recalling his love story, while on the other side, Takatsuki Izumi had already entered another identity - Aite, a senior cadre of the Bronze Tree, who was involved in the battle to attack Kuklia.

"Qianzhi, are you here yet?"

Duoduo felt Aite's breath behind him, "Is the matter resolved?"

"You've been talking a lot lately, so much."

Aite attached to Tadara, "How is it going? How is Kuklia's situation now?"

Duoduo Liang and Aite continued to attack, killing all the useless people who ran towards them, "Soon, Kuklia will also be captured by us."

Chapter 0073 Little Black and Little White

Kuklia blocked the defensive wall, and all the small investigators were wiped out.It's just that when Kuklya just activated the defensive wall, Kirishima Ayato jumped down and used Hiroko's life to break the defensive wall, "If you don't want to be killed, run away quickly, I don't have so much time to spend with you."

Aite disappeared behind Tadara, "I'll go to another place first, you stay here."

Tatori applied indifferently to look at the investigators who were still rushing forward after another unreasonable situation. There was no other idea except sighing. Could it be that the famous Kuklia has only this ability?

"Hmph, so your initial target was Kuklia, right?"

Haisaki Fukamu pressed Quinck.His Kuyin quickly opened Yu He and wrapped Duo Liang, and was tightly wrapped by the crimson and glowing Kuyin. Soon, the color of Kuyin changed from red to black, and blood began to flow from the gap. , "Is your ability only so much? It's really useless."

Suddenly, the inner wall of Haizaki Fukamu Kuink became brittle, and cracked with a "crashing" sound.He watched as his quince was destroyed by Dodora.

"It's you who are useless."

Tatara looked down at Haisaki Fukamu, "It's still the same, it hasn't changed at all. Underestimate the enemy, stubborn."


Haisaki vomited a mouthful of blood in disbelief, "You...you bastard!"

The left chest has been penetrated, and the whole body is supported by Tatara's Heko, hanging in the air.


He threw off Haisaki Fukamu like he was throwing noodles.The investigators in front of them have long since fled, and if even the person in charge of Kuklia died, the entire Kuklia would be headless.

The whole of Kuklia fell into a dead silence, and Amen Gangtaro and Mato Akatsuki were also looking for a breakthrough.

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