"Hurry up and find Aite."

Yasuhiro and Yasuhiro slid off the rebar.

"Good. Black."

After receiving the news, Suzuya Shizo quickly rushed to Kuklia from Area 11. He picked up the newly acquired Kuyinke in his hand and quickly rushed to the ghouls who had sneaked into the important base in the lower level.He named his Kuyinke, Jason of Area 11, because it had the right amount of power for him and was shaped like a death scythe.The dexterous body rushed forward quickly, and pressed the button to make Kuyink quickly take shape. Seeing the ghoul looked down without hesitation, the splash of blood on his face only made him more excited.

"More, I just want to see more blood! Come on, ghouls!"

Jumping up and cutting off the ghouls, "This way, this way, is that so? Or?"

He saw the ghouls flying above his head ready to attack him, and he raised his Quinck and stabbed him to death before the ghouls could make a move. "You like that, don't you?"

Anjiu Hena and Anjiu Naibai are twins, commonly known as Xiaohei and Xiaobai.The two of them quickly ran towards the place where Aite's breath was wafting.When they got to the important base in the lower level, they were shocked by the sight before them, and all the ghouls were dead.They looked around for a week, and in addition to the blood, there was actually...


Blackie blurted out.

Suzaku Suzuya stood up leaning against the wall, "I want a stronger opponent, who are you."

Yasuhiro and Yasuhiro took off their masks at the same time, "Bell."

The two spoke in unison.

"No, no, I don't call the bell anymore. What's the name? The bell house is even a second-class investigator."

He stuck his tongue out to the two old friends. "Obviously, like me before, he was a candidate for a ghoul investigator at the CCG Academy. How can it be like this now... oh oh oh."

Suzaku Suzuya shook his head and sighed.

"We have long since given up our rights as human beings."

Xiao Hei looked at him, "We have no interest in the twisted world."

"That's good. Actually, I've been thinking about a question since the beginning. If one of the twins dies, what will happen to the other?"

Suzaku Suzuo wanted to kill them for a long time. From before, from becoming a CCG Academy Ghoul Investigator Prospective student, from seeing them both...

His life has been distorted for a long time. Naturally, he is not used to beautiful things. What would happen if one of the perfume twins was missing?Must be fun!


Heko behind him is ready.

"I'm the investigator now, and you guys are ghouls. Even so, it shouldn't matter if I try it? Anyway, you're not human anymore, aren't you? We're already completely opposed to each other, aren't we? Let's start!"

... They were two normal human beings at the beginning. As excellent preparatory students of the CCG Academy, what happened to make the twin sisters Yasuhiro and Yasuhiro become ghouls.Obviously, two people who worked so hard at the beginning, why did they degenerate into a ghoul and join the bronze tree!

Suzuya didn't know what to do, obviously they were classmates and teammates who fought side by side, didn't they?While talking about killing each other and thinking about improving each other, it's only been a few years, and everything has changed.Ah, you have changed too, haven't you?Became in love with needlework and tattoos, and made myself not male or female, no, everything is the fault of the ghouls, if I hadn't been... how could the world have fallen into this state.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai glanced at each other and then looked at Suzuya Shizao in front of him. On the surface, he still looked so rude, but when he was serious, he was extremely terrifying. It was not easy to deal with such a person.There is also a reason for the two of them to fall. Shizuku Kawakami was also in the CCG Academy with them. Her tragic death was the direct cause of the fall of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai.

"It's sad that people always die so easily."

"There are thousands of dead people in the world, and she is just one of them. Is there any difference between eating and playing games when someone dies?"

"Even if she dies, other people will die, right? It's not like if she dies, the others don't have to die?"

Suzuya Shizo took his quinque and rushed towards Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, "It's like having a class reunion, isn't it?"

He waved his Kuyin with ease, disregarding the affection of the year, "For me, blood is the best gift to meet."

The twins Hezi fluttered in the air, constantly dodging the attack of Suzuya Shizao, "Lin!"

"I'm calling Suzuya Shizao now, not bell anymore."

He desperately attacked the twins, "Why did you become a ghoul?"

"Shut up! You'll understand sooner or later!"

Xiaobai jumped on the rebar that was hanging in the sky, and chased Suzuya Shizao step by step.

"To actually use your power even if you change your name, CCG is really a crazy place!"

Xiao Hei jumped over Suzuya Shizao, ready to give him a fatal blow!

Chapter 0074 Temporarily Ended Kuklia

Xiao Hei's Hezi slammed directly on the Kuink made by Shizuo Suzuya, and Xiaobai took advantage of the situation to knock the Kuink made by Shizune Suzuya flying out. "What are you going to do next. Don't blame us."

"No, I should have said, please don't blame me both of you."

Suzuya Shizo quickly ran to the front, turned around, and flicked his fingers lightly.

Xiao Hei squatted on the ground, clutching his heart. "damn it."

"Little black!"

Xiaobai stopped.

"It's okay, it can heal!"

Blackie endured the pain.

Suzuya Shizao's movements were so fast that Xiaohei and Xiaobai couldn't even see when he did it.

"Can it heal?"

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