Suzuya Shizo looked at the twins who stopped, "Really?"

He opened his clothes, revealing his chest covered with daggers, "Sa, are you ready? Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai. Are you really in time?"

The two or four daggers between the fingers are already ready to move.

Suzuya Shizao's abilities are known to Yasuhiro and Yasuhiro, but I didn't expect that his abilities have improved so much over the years. Even without Kuink as support, he can attack very well at close range. they.At some point in time, his body had been stabbed with blood by the dagger made by Suzuya, and his speed was so fast that the naked eye couldn't see it clearly.

"Please enjoy it slowly."

His unique voice.

Every time he said a word, Xiao Hei felt that there was another knife mark on his body, and soon, the blood was about to stain the clothes.Xiaobai next to him is still fighting with him. I wonder how long she can last?His only eye was pierced by Suzuya Shizao. Judging from his vigorous appearance, he probably didn't use much physical strength.But it's almost impossible to do it myself.His dodging speed was too fast, and as soon as Heko was fully stretched out, Suzuya Shizao was already standing in front of him with a dagger. "Next, look at me?"

He grinned, and Xiao Hei could even see the needles and threads on his lips, terrifyingly interspersed with his flesh and blood.


Why did Hezi suddenly disappear from his body!With his eyes wide open and unable to speak, Xiao Hei fell straight down, his body full of daggers.

"Hey, I've already killed a lot of ghouls. I know exactly how to attack them in order to destroy them..."

Suzuya Shizo didn't turn around, he was quietly listening to the "rustling" sound of blood spurting out of Anju Heina's wound behind him, "How beautiful and beautiful? Isn't it?"

Judging from the degree of perversion in dealing with ghouls, Suzuya Shizao is not inferior to the real household Wu Xu, or even better.

"Is that it, Bell?"

Xiao Hei put his hands on the ground, constantly reflecting on himself.

"Next, I'm going to destroy the most important thing of Ghoul Yasuhina... Xiaohe, guess what it is? I believe you can definitely guess it?"

Suzuya Shizo slowly walked towards Yasukuni.

"Xiao Bai! Run away!"

Yasuhina let out one last cry.

"You bastard, it's too noisy!"

Suzaku Suzuya threw up his Quinck and slashed at Yasuhina.

"Little black! No way!"

In order to block Suzuya Shizao's attack, Yasukuni rushed forward desperately, but in the end, there would be no other answer except withering.Xiaobai's chest was deeply slashed by Suzuya Shizuo, and she fell straight from the air.

"Heina's most important thing, hehe, doesn't it feel good to see your sister fall from your face?"

Suzaku Suzuya held up his Quinck and slowly walked towards Kuro.


Blackie rushed over instantly.

"Small... black..."

Xiaobai leaned against the wall and watched her run towards him weakly.

I really wanted to hold the opponent's hand tightly, but it was of no use at all. The exhausted physical strength prevented Xiao Hei's body from recovering quickly, and Xiao Bai was slowly becoming weak.Behind him, Suzuya Shizo continued to chase and kill the two of them.In the end, how will they be?A thick sound of piercing flesh and blood echoed in his ears, and Xiao Bai slowly fell on Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, run away, leave me alone."


Anjiu Heina didn't care so much, hugged Xiaobai and left quickly.

"You're out of the limelight..."

Aite had appeared behind Suzuya Suzuo unknowingly.The attack on Kuklia has come to the end.The result of the search has been obtained, and everyone who should see it understands it. There is no need to make any other plans except retreat... Aite appears now, just because he watched a good show and his subordinates Being beaten badly and a little annoyed. "My subordinates are obviously so strong, but they turned into soft-footed shrimp when they met you. How can you compensate me?"

Shizuo Suzuya turned around, "Hehe, when did you appear? Miss Bandage."

Suzuya Shizao, who had just chased away the twins of Anju Hena and Ankuna's white twins, had not yet tasted the thrill of fighting, but now another ghoul appeared and seemed to be strong, he was naturally happy, "It's a fight. Or get killed? Miss Bandages? Or, do you want me to slowly unravel the bandages of your fascination and slowly sew the same imprint on you as mine?"

He was full of power, and compared to the battle just now, it was just a warm-up game created by Suzuya.

"I don't have time to play with you, and you are not qualified."

Art just disappeared into the air out of thin air.

"Hehe, it's really interesting, Miss Bandage."

Bronze Tree attacked Kuklia, causing great damage to Kuklia, not to mention heavy casualties, and the death of a Special Investigator Haizaki Fukame!As the warden of Kuklia, Haisaki Fukamo died tragically at the hands of the ghouls. Such a deed was specially brought out by the CCG chief.Only by constantly strengthening one's own ability can it not end up in such a tragic situation!This is his verbal warning to each Investigator 2.6.It seems that the Director-General only regarded the death of Haizaki Fukamu as a warning and did not praise it as a good example.

In the end, it was the end of Tatara's harvest, and at the last moment of leaving Kuklia, he met an "old friend"-Faji Xiangjie Zhun, a special investigator.The events of the past inadvertently returned to my mind, but this time, Tatara will not be defeated by Hoji Xiangsuke again.I have eaten enough of the previous lessons, but thanks to Fa Temple Xiangjie, my temperament is completely stable. "I don't want to fight more with you today. Tomorrow, maybe in the future, we have a chance, don't we?"

Tatarahi and red pupils looked at "old friend" Hoji Hoji with relief.

"You won't forget, your Hezi."

Dharma Temple just pressed the button to raise Kuyinke in his hand, and then took it back.

Chapter 0075 Bronze Opportunity

The Bronze Tree's fight against Kuklia did not affect the calm of the safe area at all.While Bronze Tree was aggressively attacking Kuklia, Yagami Yue was listening to Fangmura Kozen mentioning his past and the story of the human woman Yuna.

"I met a human woman 25 years ago and fell in love with her. She was Yuna."

Yoshimura Kozen took out the metal pendant hanging around his neck and opened it, "This is Yuna. She knows that I am a ghoul but is not afraid that I am still with me without hesitation, which makes me very moved. You must know that ordinary human beings Fearing and hating ghouls, let alone falling in love with a ghoul, Yuna is so special, and I like her for that. We lived happily together, and soon Yuna was pregnant. I Tell Yuna that humans and ghouls can't have children, but she doesn't believe it and insists on giving birth. Even if I tell her that this child will drain the mother's nutrition and damage the mother, the mother will be stillborn later, Yuna But I still don't believe it. In order to give birth to my child, Yuna actually ate human flesh for ten months. Later, our daughter was born. But at the same time, it was also known by the leader at the time. Yu07na was killed by him, and Later, in order to protect my daughter, I sent my daughter to District 24... After that, I never saw my daughter again, and I didn't even help her get a name..."

Ye Shenyue listened very carefully. For some reason, a figure flashed in her mind when she was just looking at the photo of Fangcun Gongshan. She always felt that Yuna looked a lot like a person, and she always wondered if she had met him before. What about Fangcun Gongshan's daughter... Obviously there are incomplete fragments in my mind, but I can't remember them...

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